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Recommended Resources of the Month


  • Critical Thinking

Book Display Period: 1 January 2017 - 28 February 2017

English Resources

The writer's Harbrace handbook, 6th Ed.

Aiming to help students thoroughly understand what arguments are, the book delineates the composition of an argument in Part One and discusses arguments about definitions, causes, value, and time periods in Part Two with writing guidance in Part Three. You will learn the different layers of arguments through recognising rhetorical elements in various contexts. Each chapter provides thought-provoking activities.

Highlights include counterargument (pp. 54), concession (pp. 56), arguments in disguise (pp. 79), summary versus analysis (pp. 88), inventing a claim (pp. 136, 268, 296), inventing support (pp. 138, 270, 299), and evaluating sources (pp. 329).

Critical reading and writing for postgraduates

The book explicates the concept of “critical” in Part One and guides you how to develop a critical analysis in Part Two, appealing to undergraduates as well as postgraduates. Part Three discusses how to craft critical literature reviews in dissertations. The critical thinking skills introduced in the book will enhance your ability to understand and write academic texts.

Highlights include critical reading (pp. 34), self-critical writing (pp. 51), tools for thinking and ways of thinking (pp. 84), knowledge claims and their key characteristics (pp. 106), and developing a critical analysis of a text (pp. 123).

Becoming a critical thinker

Covering not only academic contexts but also everyday situations, the book demonstrates critical thinking skills to students in a lively manner. A critical thinking approach W.I.S.E., which stands for Wonder, Investigate, Speculate, and Evaluate, is introduced with good thinking stories and exercises throughout the book, helping you think critically in different contexts.

Highlights include introducing the W.I.S.E approach, (pp. 26), a caution about bias (pp. 40), strategies for developing individuality (pp. 88), and thinking critically about ethical judgments (pp. 162).

The Pearson guide to critical and creative thinking

Focusing on both critical and creative thinking, the guide introduces concepts and theories in the beginning chapters and provides examples and demonstrations for applying thinking techniques and strategies in later chapters. With exercises throughout the 14 chapters, you will be able to practise your reasoning and judging skills. The book will help you understand both critical and creative thinking.

Highlights include developing critical thinking (Ch. 1), sound thinking (Ch. 6), thinking fallacies (Ch. 7), and parallel thinking and lateral thinking (Ch. 9).

The sundance reader

Featuring a number of critical essays and articles from various academic disciplines and professions, the book guides you to understand the texts by recommending reading strategies and explaining writing techniques. Taking the approach of learning through reading, you will raise your awareness towards critical thinking components in the reading process and understand the structure of and presentation techniques in critical texts.

Highlights include strategies for improving critical thinking (pp. 18), critical reading (pp. 42), reading comparison and contrast (pp. 184), reading division and classification (pp. 292), reading argument and persuasion (pp. 437).

Elements of argument: A text and reader

The elements of argument covered in the book include definitions, claims, support, warrants, and logic. Each element is elaborated with annotated essays while writing guides and exercises for analysing arguments are provided throughout the book. You will learn how to analyse issues from different perspectives and think more critically. Your writing skills in presenting arguments and critical ideas will also be enhanced.

Highlights include examining written arguments (Ch. 2), warrants: examining assumptions (Ch. 7), and logic: understanding reasoning (Ch. 10).

Chinese Resources


本書分為十一章,內容包括批判思考的基本技巧與態度、論證的元素、論點的建立及論述的品質等主題,涵蓋批判思考的各項要點。當中第六章至第七章(頁143 - 206)主要講述如何對論證作更細緻的分析,尋找別人觀點背後的隠性假設和隱性論證,以至找出論述的漏洞,無論就學術研究還是實務工作而言,都是相當有用的思辨技巧。書中另附有大量練習,讀者可藉此磨練各種技巧,從而提高個人的思辨能力。

思考的藝術 : 批判與創造思考

全書分為四篇:第一篇為「重新認識思考」(頁3 - 152),說明思考的基本策略與拓寬思考視野的方法;第二部分為「讓思考創意洋溢」(頁153 - 288),講述以創意思考方式確認問題與尋找解決方案的歷程;第三部分為「讓思考展現批判力」(頁289 - 376),說明批判思考的必要性與具體的應用示例;第四部分為「思考結果的傳達與分享」(頁377 - 427),介紹如何將思考成果轉化為具說服力的觀點。讀者如能細讀,當有助於鍛煉思考。


本書共分五篇,作者圍繞語害剖析、論證分析及謬誤剖析三大範疇,說明掌握批判思考的方法。當中第三篇至第四篇(頁63 - 166)闡述不同形式的論證準則,為希望建立理性思維的讀者提供指引;而第五篇(頁167 - 225)敘述各種常見的錯誤思維方式,分析亦見深入,有助讀者了解何謂良好的論證。書中既附有大量貼近現實生活的例子,同時又另備不同形式的練習,讀者可按需要閱覽,以提高批判思考能力。


本書共分十章,作者以生活實例結合邏輯學知識,幫助讀者掌握批判思維的概念與技巧。其中第四章主要講解歸納論證(頁103 - 144),對歸納推理的結構、統計概括及因果概括的用法等問題都有詳盡的說明。而第五章則圍繞歸納概括作討論(頁145 - 192),說明如何有效使用對照研究及類比推理等方法,以及評價相關論證可靠性的具體方式。讀者如掌握相關技巧,當能提高個人的思考能力。







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  • “Education consists mainly of what we have unlearned.”

    Mark Twain

  • “I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught.”

    Winston Churchill

  • “The purpose of learning is growth, and our minds, unlike our bodies, can continue growing as we continue to live.”

    Mortimer Adler

  • “Always walk through life as if you have something new to learn and you will.”

    Vernon Howard

  • “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”

    Benjamin Franklin

  • “Be observing constantly. Stay open minded. Be eager to learn and improve.”

    John Wooden

  • “Learning is not attained by chance. It must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence.”

    Abigail Adams

  • “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.”

    Henry Ford