Teachings' and Students' Awards Presentation Ceremony 2021 |
Date: 1/3/2021
Congratulations!! Dr. WONG Wing Yee, Clara is awarded the MBChB Alumni Teaching Awards in the Teachings' and Students' Awards Presentation Ceremony on 27 February 2021.

CUHK Distinguished Medical Alumni Award 2020 |
The 40th Annual Congress of Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (HKOA) Awards, 31 Oct - 1 Nov, 2020 |
Date: 16/11/2020
The 40th Annual Congress of Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (HKOA) Awards, 31 Oct - 1 Nov, 2020:
AR Hodgson Award: - Prof. ONG Tim-yun, Michael
"Persistent quadriceps muscle atrophy after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction was associated with defective exercise-induced changes in myokines"
Orthopaedic Basic Science Award: - Prof. WONG Man-yeung, Ronald
"Does Sarcopenia Affect Osteoporotic Fracture Healing? Myostatin as a Target to Enhance Repair"
The Best Paper Award for Associate Member: - Mr. Xuan HE
"Magnesium alloy wire facilitates bone tendon integration in bone tunnel after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in rabbits"
Prof. WONG Man-yeung, Ronald won the Prof. KS Leung Award for Best paper of Trauma Chapter. Dr. Jonathan NG won the Dr. Vincent Chan Trophy in the AJR Chapter. Dr. MAK Chu-kay, Michael won the Best paper award of Paediatric Chapter. Dr. Jojo LAI won the Best paper award of Foot and Ankle Chapter. Prof. ONG Tim-yun, Michael, Ms. Xin HE and Ms. CHAN Sum-yu, Jessica also won the Gold, Silver and Bronze awards of the Best paper in the Sports Chapter. Congratulations!!
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10th Anniversary of Centre for Translational Medicine Research and Development |
Date: 17/1/2020
Congratulations to Centre for Translational Medicine Research and Development!! Here is a special video for sharing.

The 39th Annual Congress of Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (HKOA) Awards, 2-3 Nov, 2019 |
Date: 5/11/2019
The 39th Annual Congress of Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (HKOA) Awards, 2-3 Nov, 2019:
Arthur Yau Award: - Dr. Henry PANG
"Using Ultrasound for Screening Scoliosis to Reduce Unnecessary Radiographic Radiation: A Prospective Diagnostic Accuracy Study on 442 Schoolchildren from the Scoliosis Screening Program in Hong Kong"
Orthopaedic Basic Science Award: - Prof. WONG Man-yeung, Ronald
"Enhancing Osteoporotic Metaphyseal Fracture Healing with Low-Magnitude High-Frequency Vibration - Profound Roles of Osteocytes in Responding to Mechanical Stimulation"
The Best Paper Award for Associate Member: - Ms. CHIM Yu Ning, Avice
"Low-Magnitude High-Frequency Vibration Modulates Macrophage Polarization and Restores Inflammatory Response in Osteoporotic Fracture Healing in Rat Model"
The Best Poster Award: - Prof. CHOW Kwoon-ho, Simon
"Low-magnitude High-frequency Vibration Treatment Attenuates Age-related Neuromuscular Junction Degeneration"
Prof. WONG Man-yeung, Ronald won the Best paper award of Trauma Chapter. Dr. CHUI Chun-sing, Elvis won the Dr. Yeung Sai-Hung Trophy in the AJR Chapter. Dr. Henry PANG won the Best paper award of Paediatric Chapter. Dr. LO Chun-kwong and Prof. ONG Tim-yun, Michael also won the Gold and Silver awards of the Best paper in the Sports Chapter. Congratulations!!
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Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Best Original Research Competition for Trainees 2018 Award |
Date: 10/12/2018
Congratulations!! Prof. WONG Man-yeung, Ronald is awarded the Gold Medal in the HKAM Best Original Research Competition for Trainees 2018 on 7 Dec 2018 (Fri). Here are some of the happy moments for sharing.
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The 38th Annual Congress of Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (HKOA) Awards, 3-4 Nov, 2018 |
Date: 9/11/2018
The 38th Annual Congress of Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (HKOA) Awards, 3-4 Nov, 2018:
Orthopaedic Basic Science Award: - Prof. WONG Man-yeung, Ronald
The Best Paper Award for Associate Member: - Ms. Chim Yu Ning, Avice
The Best Poster Award: - Dr. HUNG Lik-hang, Alec
Dr. KY Chung won the Dr. David Fang Trophy and Dr. Dennis Wong won the Dr. Vincent Chan Trophy in the AJR Chapter. Prof. TP Lam won the Best paper award of Paediatric Chapter. Dr. HUANG Wenhan, Prof. LEONG Hio-teng, Annie and Prof. Michael Ong also won the Gold, Silver & Bronze awards of the Best paper in the Sports Chapter. Congratulations!!
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The 11th Congress of Chinese Association of Orthopaedoc Surgeons (2018) |
Date: 17/5/2018
Our colleagues participated in the 11th Congress of Chinese Association of Orthopaedoc Surgeons (2018) in Hangzhou on 11-12 May 2018. Dr. Ronald Wong won the Best paper award in the CAOS-HKCOS award paper sessions. Congratulations! Here are some of the happy moments for sharing. [ More ]
HA Convention Award Ceremony 2018 |
Date: 11/5/2018
Congratulations!! NTEC Replantation Team awarded the 2018 Outstanding Staff and Teams Award in the HA Convention 2018 on 9 May 2018 (Thu). Dr. SW Law won the Best Oral Presentation Award and the Best Poster Display Award. Here are some of the highlights.
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Journal of Orthopaedic Translation (JOT) has been indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) |
Date: 6/2/2018
We are proud to announce that our resident journal, Journal of Orthopaedic Translation (JOT), has been indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded and it will receive its first impact factor in June 2018. The Editor-in-Chief is Prof. Qin, Professor in the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology; he launched this journal in 2013 and he has worked tirelessly over the years to establish it in the field of orthopaedics, not just in the scientific community, but also in the clinical community. We look forward to seeing what JOT has to offer with this new platform that will truly help to expand JOT across the globe. [ More ]
The 37th Annual Congress of Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (HKOA) Awards, 4-5 Nov, 2017 |
Date: 10/11/2017
The 37th Annual Congress of Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (HKOA) Awards, 4-5 Nov, 2017:
Orthopaedic Basic Science Award: - Dr. WONG Man-yeung, Ronald
"Key Determinants of Effective Therapeutic Control of Curve Progression with Calcium and Vitamin D Supplementation in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis — A Randomised Double-blind Placebo-controlled Trial"
The Best Poster Award: - Prof. LAM Tsz-ping
"Oestrogen Receptor Expression in Primary Osteoblasts is not Enhanced in Vitro by Vibrational Stimulation without Oestrogen Supplement"
Dr. Ellis Wong won the Vincent Chan's trophy of AJR Chapter Best Paper. Dr. Michael Ong and Prof. KM Mok also won the Gold & Silver awards of the Best paper in the Sports Chapter. Congratulations!!
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The Awardee of 2017 Hong Kong Humanity Award - Dr Law Sheung-wai |
Date: 9/10/2017
Hong Kong Humanity Award 2017, 7 Oct, 2017:
The Awardee of the Hong Kong Humanity Award 2017: - Dr Law Sheung-wai
An orthopedic surgeon, travelled to the mainland China every week to offer clinical consultations and rehabilitative treatments, in the ensuing five months of Sichuan earthquake in 2008; still visiting Chengdu every half a year currently, to follow up on the rehabilitation progress of his medical service recipients.
The 30th Annual Congress of the Hong Kong Society for Surgery of the Hand, 25-26 Mar, 2017 |
Date: 27/3/2017
Congratulation! Dr. Michael Mak has won the Best Paper Award at the 30th Annual Congress of the Hong Kong Society for Surgery of the Hand held on 25-26 Mar, 2017:
Best Paper Award: - Dr. Michael Mak
“Neurovascular Island Flap for Pulp and Nail Augmentation in Thumb Duplication Reconstruction- a Novel Treatment with Long Term Follow up of 7.9 years”
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The 36th Annual Congress of Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (HKOA) Awards, 5-6 Nov, 2016 |
Date: 8/11/2015
The 36th Annual Congress of Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (HKOA) Awards, 5-6 Nov, 2016:
Arthur Yau Award: - Prof. LAM Tsz-ping
“Key Determinants of Effective Therapeutic Control of Curve Progression with Calcium and Vitamin D Supplementation in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis — A Randomised Double-blind Placebo-controlled Trial”
The Best Paper Award for Associate Member: - Prof. Louis WH Cheung
“Influence of Sarcopenia on Osteoporotic Fracture Healing in Senescence-accelerated Mouse Model”
Orthopaedic Basic Science Award: - Prof. Kevin KW Ho
“Comparing Oral Administration and Intra-articular Delivery of Quercetin with a Thermogel in an Osteoarthritic Rat Model”
The Best Poster Award: - Prof. Simon KH Chau
“Oestrogen Receptor Expression in Primary Osteoblasts is not Enhanced in Vitro by Vibrational Stimulation without Oestrogen Supplement”
Prof. LAM Tsz-ping won the Best Paper in the Paediatrics Chapter. Dr. TC Wong and Dr. Michael Ong also won the Silver & Bronze awards of the Best paper in the Sports Chapter. Congratulations!!
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The 51st Annual Meeting & Course of Scoliosis Research Society (SRS), 21-24 Sep, 2016 |
Date: 30/9/2016
Congratulation! Prof. TP Lam has won the Russell A. Hibbs Clinical Research Award at the 51st Annual Meeting & Course of Scoliosis Research Society (SRS) held on 21-24 Sep, 2016 in Prague, Czech Republic:
Russell A. Hibbs Clinical Research Award: - Prof. TP Lam
“Preventing Curve Progression in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS) with Calcium and Vitamin D Supplementation - A Randomized Double-blinded Placebo-controlled Trial”
Tsz Ping Lam, MD; Benjamin Hon Kei Yip, PhD; Elisa MS Tam, PhD; Gene Chi Wai Man, PhD; Wayne Lee, PhD; Kwong Man Lee; Fiona Wai Ping Yu, MPH; Yong Qiu, MD; Bobby Kin Wah Ng, MD; Jack C.Y. Cheng, MD
[ Photo ] [ More ]
2016 International Combined Meeting of Orthopaedic Research Societies (ICORS), 21-25 Sep, 2016 |
Date: 29/9/2016
Congratulation! Our department staff and students have got 10 awards in the 2016-ICORS held on 21-25 Sep, 2016 in Xian:
Best Paper Recognition Awards: - Prof. Lee Yuk-wai, Wayne
“Phase I clinical trial of intra-articular injection of autologous mesenchymal stem cells for the treatment of wrist chondral defect”
Best Paper Recognition Awards: - Prof. ZHANG Jinfang
“H19 promotes tenogenic differentiation by functioning as a competing endogenous RNA”
Best Paper Recognition Awards: - Dr. TIAN Li
“A Novel Bioactive and Degradable Magnesium Screw with Polymer Coating Developed for Osteoporotic Fracture Fixation”
Best Paper Recognition Awards: - Dr. WANG Jiali
“Biodegradable magnesium interference screws accelerate mineralization of fibrous tissue at the tendon-bone insertion in anterior cruciate ligment recostruction model of rabbit”
Best Paper Recognition Awards: - Dr. XU Jiankun, Jerry
“Tendon-derived stem cell sheet enhance the repair of injured rotator cuff”
Best Paper Recognition Awards: - Dr. CHEN Bing
“Stand up and sit down assistance provided by CUHK-EXO exoskeleton”
Best Paper Recognition Awards: - Dr. FENG Lu
“LincRNA-Y modulates osteogenic differentiation via Wnt/β-catanin pathway”
Best Paper Awards: - Dr. HUANG Le
“Development of a novel bone-targeting delivery system carrying osteopromotive phytomolecule(s) for prevention of estrogen depletion induced osteoporosis
Best Paper Awards: - Dr. LIU Yang
“Anti-infective and osteogenic efficacy of a 3D-printed PLGA/HA scaffold grafted with quaternised chitosan”
Best Poster Awards: - Dr. TONG Wenxue
“Introducing Wnt16 Attenuates The Severity of Osteoarthritis” [ More ]
Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America (POSNA) Annual Meeting 2016, 27-30 Apr, 2016 |
Date: 30/4/2016
Congratulation! Prof. TP Lam has won the Dennis R. Wenger Clinical Scientific Paper Award at the Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America (POSNA) Annual Meeting 2016 held on 27-30 Apr, 2016 in Indianapolis:
Dennis R. Wenger Clinical Scientific Paper Award: - Prof. TP Lam
"Preventing Curve Progression with Calcium and Vitamin D Supplementation in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS) - A Randomized Double-blinded Placebo-controlled Trial"
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The Chinese University of Hong Kong 78th Congregation for the Conferment of Degrees |
Date: 19/11/2015
At the Congregation, Professor Sung officiated at the installation of four outstanding professors as the Choh-Ming Li Professors. They have been recognized for their remarkable performance in teaching and research and their outstanding contributions to the Faculty and University. Established in 2013, this professorship was named after the late Dr. Choh-Ming Li, a distinguished scholar and the founding Vice-Chancellor of CUHK who laid the solid foundation of the University in its early years. Prof. Cheng Chun-yiu Jack was honored with Choh-Ming Li Professor of Orthopaedics and Traumatology. [ More ]
The 35th Annual Congress of Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (HKOA) Awards, 6-8 Nov, 2015 |
Date: 11/11/2015
The 35th Annual Congress of Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (HKOA) Awards, 6-8 Nov, 2015:
AR Hodgson Award: - Prof. LAM Tsz-ping
“Improving Low Bone Mass in Girls with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Using Calcium and Vitamin D Supplementation — A Randomised Double-blinded Placebo-controlled Trial”
The Best Poster Award: - Dr. HUNG Lik-hang, Alec
“Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis–specific Hand Bone Age Atlas — A Cross-sectional Study of Bone Maturity Level from 986 X-ray Films Using a New Simplified Thumb Staging System”
Prof. LAM Tsz-ping won the Best Paper in the Paediatrics Section. Dr. Michael Ong and Dr. Patrick Yung also won the Best Paper in the Sports Chapter. Congratulations!!
First-Class award in Natural Sciences at the 2014 Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Awards (Science and Technology) |
Date: 7/4/2015
Prof. Gang Li receives a first-class award in Natural Sciences at the 2014 Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Awards (Science and Technology). Congratulate to Prof. Gang Li! [ More ]
Best Paper Award at the HKSSH Annual Congress 2015 |
Date: 24/3/2015
Congratulation! Dr. Clara Wong has won on the Best Paper Award at the HKSSH Annual Congress 2015.
Second-Class award of 2013 Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Awards, Ministry of Education of China (MoE) |
Date: 24/2/2014
It is our pleasure to inform that Prof. Cheng Chun-yiu, Jack and Prof. Qin Ling are awarded the Second-Class award of 2013 Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Awards, Ministry of Education of China (MoE). [ More ]
The 33rd Annual Congress of Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (HKOA) Awards, 23-24 Nov, 2013 |
Date: 23/11/2013
The 33rd Annual Congress of Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (HKOA) Awards, 23-24 Nov, 2013:
AR Hodgson Award: - Dr. LAM Tsz-ping “Utilizing the Accelerometer of Your Mobile Phone for Quantitative Measurement of Spinal Motion - A Reliability and Validity Study”
Orthopaedic Basic Science Award: - Dr. LAM Tsz-ping “Serum Vitamin D Level can Affect the Treatment Outcome of Whole-body Vibration (WBV) for Osteopenia in Girls with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS)”
The Best Clinical Paper Award for Asso. Member: - Dr. GUO Jing “Follow-up Report on the Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial on SpineCor versus Rigid Brace for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis According to the Scoliosis Research Society Standardized Criteria” [ More ]
Dr. Yvonne Lau won the 32nd Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association Annual Congress Best Poster Award |
Date: 1/12/2012
Dr. Yvonne Lau won the 32nd Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association Annual Congress Best Poster Award with the title " Orientation and Osteoarthritis of the Lumbar Facet Joints: Association with Degenerative Disc Disease". Dr. Alex Chan also won the Best Paper in the Sports Chapter. Congratulate to Yvonne and Alex!! [ More ]
Professor Shekhar Madhukar Kumta Awarded 2012 UGC Award for Teaching Excellence |
Date: 6/9/2012
Prof. Shekhar Madhukar Kumta, Assistant Dean (Education), Faculty of Medicine, and Professor in the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology is presented with a 2012 UGC Award for Teaching Excellence by the University Grants Committee (UGC), in recognition of his outstanding teaching performance and achievements. [ More ]
The 31st Annual Congress of Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (HKOA) Awards, 19-20 Nov, 2011 |
Date: 19/12/2011
The 31st Annual Congress of Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (HKOA) Awards, 19-20 Nov, 2011:
AR Hodgson Award: - Dr. LAU Yan-on, Yvonne
“Risk factors of adjacent segment degeneration after instrumented lumbar/ lumbosacral spine fusion with pedicle screw instrumentation”
The Best Clinical Paper Award for Asso. Member: - Prof. LUI Po-yee, Pauline
“Alendronate Promoted Early Tendon Graft to Bone Tunnel Healing in ACL Reconstruction by Reducing Peri-tunnel Bone”
The Best Basic Science Paper Award for Asso. Member: - Prof. LI Gang
“The effects of systemic administration of allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells in bone repair”
Best Poster: - Dr. HO Po-yan
“The effect of foot orthosis on foot position and plantar pressure distribution for Hallux Valgus Patients” [ More ]
Awards winning |
Date: 6/10/2011
It is happy to announce that Prof. Zhang Ge, Ph.D student Boris Guo and Zhang Baoting have won awards from ASBMR. Congratulations to all of them!
Here are some information:
Prof. Zhang Ge:
To congratulate him for winning The 2011 Young Investigator Award and topic of his work is "A delivery system specifically approaching bone formation surfaces to facilitate translating RNAi-based anabolic therapy".
Boris Guo:
To congratulate him for winning The 2011 Young Investigator Award and topic of his work is "Therapeutic RNAi targeting CKIP-1 for promoting bone formation in an aged rat model of postmenopausal osteoporosisy".
Zhang Baoting:
To congratulate her for winning The 2011 President's Poster Competition Award and topic of her work is "Icaritin experts beneficial effect on skeletal muscle independent of estrogen receptor pathway in rats with established osteoporosis induced by ovariectomy".
The 30th Annual Congress of Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (HKOA) Awards, 27-28 Nov, 2010 |
Date: 27/11/2010
Our department staff and students have got 3 awards in the 30th HKOA held on 27-28 Nov, 2010 in Hong Kong:
Arthur Yau Award: - Lau SW, Wong WY, Tse WL, Ho PC. "Arthroscopic Anatomic Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex Reconstruction with Palmaris Longus Graft".
The Best Basic Science Paper Award for Asso. Member: - LI, Gang, SONG Chao, LI Chaoyang, Huazhu KE. "Systemic Treatment with Sclerostin Antibody Significantly Accelerated Fracture Healing in a Mouse Femoral Osteotomy Model: A Time-Course Study".
Best Poster: - Chan YY, Yung PSH, Fong DTP, Chan KM. "Ankle sprain identification using ankle inversion velocity".
Annual Staff Awards |
Date: 23/3/2010
In this year's departmental annual dinner, we have presented “Annual Staff Awards” to three colleagues in recognition of their special achievements in 2009:
Mr. TSANG Pak-leung Patrick (ITAV) To congratulate him for being awarded the Exemplary Service Award of the Chinese University. As we all know a lot of people were nominated for this award, and to be recognized and awarded was as an invaluable experience for Patrick and the Department as well.
Professor ZHANG Ge To congratulate him for being awarded the 5th中國葯學發展獎的「康辰骨質疏鬆醫葯研究獎」 Outstanding Young Scholar Award. The award is organized by the Chinese Ministry of Health, and was presented grandly in Beijing. Congratulations.
Professor FONG Tik-pui, Daniel To congratulate him on his appointment as FISBS (Fellow of International Sports Biomechanics Society). There are only 20 Fellows in the Society in the past 20 years. This award is not easy to come by. Incidentally, two of the Fellows are our "alumni" (both are graduate students of Professor KM Chan). [ More ]
The 29th Annual Congress of Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (HKOA) Awards, 28-29 Nov, 2009 |
Date: 28/11/2009
Best Poster: - Hung LK, Mok TY, Fu SC, Qin L, Lui PPY, Chan KM.
"Characterization of Angiogenesis in Tendon Healing by 3-D Doppler Ultrasound Imaging"
Arthur Yau Award: - Chow CS, Ho PC, Tse WL, HS Cheng, LK Hung.
"Free Gracilis Muscle transfer in patients with severe brachial plexus injury to restore prehensile hand function: Using the brachialis branch of the Musculocutaneous nerve as the donor nerve"
Best Paper Award for Sports Medicine Chapter: - Ho EPY, Lam MH, Chung MML, Fong DTP, Law BKY, Yung PSH, Chan KM.
"Comparison of two surgical techniques of posterolateral corner reconstruction of the knee, evaluated by image-free navigation system"
CORS-COA conference award in Xiamen, China |
Date: 19/11/2009
WANG Xinluan was awarded Excellent Poster Award at Xiamen CORS-COA conference, 19 Nov, 2009. [ More ]
Ten Outstanding Young Persons 2009 |
Date: 8/10/2009
It is great news that Dr. YUNG Sui-hung,Patrick is elected as one of the Ten Outstanding Young Persons 2009. [ More ]
Fellow of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore |
Date: 6/8/2009
Prof. LK Hung being presented Certificate of Fellow of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore, by Master of Academy, Prof. Fock Kwong Ming on Aug 6, 2009. [ More ]
Vice-Chancellor's Exemplary Teaching Award and Young Research Award |
Date: 1/6/2009
It is our pleasure to inform that Prof. SM Kumta and Prof. Daniel Fong are awarded the Vice-Chancellor's Exemplary Teaching Award and Young Research Award 2008 respectively. The award presentation ceremony by Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Vice-Chancellor of the Univerisity, was held on 1 June 2009. The receipents had been subjected to a stringent process or review and assessment and they were some of the most respected teachers on campus and the most rigorous researchers in their fields. [ More ]