
Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology,
Faculty of Medicine,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Programme Director:
Professor LAW, Sheung Wai
Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology,
Faculty of Medicine,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Deputy Programme Directors:
Professor CHEUNG, Wing Hoi Louis (Geriatric Orthopaedics Stream)
Professor ONG, Tim-yun Michael (Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation Stream)

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Admission Requirement

All applicants must fulfill the general qualifications for admission and the English Language Proficiency Requirement prescribed by the Graduate School.

Master of Science Programme:

Medical Graduates from an approved programme or university (e.g. Orthopaedic Surgeons, Higher Trainees Physicians, Higher Trainees Rehabilitation Specialists, Geriatricians, Family Physicians, General Practitioners etc); OR
Non-medical Graduates with a recognized health care related degree. (i.e. Allied Health Professional Degree programmes, or streams related to Allied Health Professional Training, such as Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Prosthetists and Orthotists, Registered Nurses, Podiatrists, Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners, Social Workers etc.); OR
Graduates of the Postgraduate Diploma in Musculoskeletal Medicine and Rehabilitation with satisfactory performance; and
Applicants may be required to attend an interview as part of the admission process; and
Past academic record, work experience, references and language abilities will be considered in the admission decision.
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Course Fee (Sep 2022 admission)

Master of Science Programme (Full time):
HK$174,000, payable in three equal installments during Admission, in Term 2 and in Term 3 (HK$58,000 per installment)

Master of Science Programme (Part time):
HK$174,000, payable in six equal installments, during Admission, in Term 2 & Term 3 of Year 1, and in Term 1, Term 2 & Term 3 of Year 2 (HK$29,000 per installment)

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Schedule and Venue

Lectures and Tutorials:
Weekday evenings at 6:30pm - 9:30pm

Workshops, Symposia & Fieldworks:
Friday night, and Saturday and/or Sunday in full day/half day

Subject to arrangement with supervisor

*Note: Modules might contains lectures and other components. Year plan will be announced in late July.
The venue would mainly be at Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin, N.T.

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Mode and Duration of Study

Full-time study:
Normally for one year, with a maximum study period of three years; or

Part-time study:
Normally for two years, with a maximum study period of four years.

*Note: Continuation fee will be charged for studies over the normative period.

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Programme Structure

There are 3 categories of modules, including core modules, streaming modules, and elective modules. Students are required to select the streaming modules and the elective modules in their own interests and study plan according to the designated schedules.
Course contents are delivered through lectures, workshops, interactive case presentation and discussion, study tour, clinical attachment, prescribed self-study reading and multi-media video.
There are three terms in each academic year, starting from September to July (Specially arranged lectures might be held in August between year 1 & 2 for the part-time study mode).
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Course Information (2021/22)

Credit Units Required:
To be eligible for the award, a student shall complete:-
25 credit units in two-year for the Part-time study mode, or
25 credit units in one-year for the Full-time study mode

Module Selection Criteria:
Part-time students are required to complete 12 credit units of Core modules in year 1, and to confirm their selection of Stream in Term 2 of year 1. In year 2, they are required to complete a Project of 3 credit units, at least 8 credit units of Streaming modules, and not more than 2 credit units from the Elective modules;

Full-time students are required to confirm their stream in the Orientation in August, and to complete 12 credit units of Core modules, a Project of 3 credit units, at least 8 credit units of Streaming modules, and not more than 2 credit units from the Elective modules in 1 year

 Core Modules  Elective Modules
MRGO5101 Principles, Current Diagnosis & Management for Musculoskeletal Disorders, Aging and Degeneration
MRGO5102 Pain Management and Psychosocial Aspects of Rehabilitation
MRGO5103 Geriatric Orthopaedics – Rehabilitative Management of Common Musculoskeletal Problem
MRGO5104 Research Methodology & Biostatistics
MRGO5201 Guided Case Studies – Geriatric Orthopaedics or Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation
MRGO6401 Project
MRGO6301 Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation: Musculoskeletal Ultrasound
MRGO6302 Musculoskeletal Conference/Workshop (Occupational Rehabilitation)
MRGO6303 Musculoskeletal Conference/Workshop (Osteoporosis and Sarcopenia)
MRGO6304 Musculoskeletal Conference/Workshop (Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation)
MRGO6305 Musculoskeletal Conference/Workshop (Integrated Medicine)
MRGO6306(w.e.f. 2022/23) Robotic Rehabilitation
MRGO6307(w.e.f. 2022/23) Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation: Occupational Rehabilitation
 Streaming Modules
(Geriatric Orthopaedics Stream)
 Streaming Modules
(Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation Stream)
MRGO6101 Clinical Case Management of Geriatric Orthopaedics
MRGO6102 Evidence Based Practice in Orthopaedic Geriatrics
MRGO6103 Surgical Management and peri-operative care
MRGO6104 Geriatric Care and Clinical Management of Musculoskeletal System
MRGO6201 Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation: Disability Management
MRGO6202 Rehabilitation Technology in Orthopedics: Spinal Cord Injuries, Amputation
MRGO6203 Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation: Special Problems and Management Issues

Core Modules


(time table 2021/22)

Principles, Current Diagnosis & Management for Musculoskeletal Disorders, Aging and Degeneration
(4 credit units)
Brief course description:
An introduction to the current techniques and technologies for diagnosis of musculoskeletal disorders and the principles of management, with coverage over non-operative means, alternative medicine, and also principles of surgical intervention especially for arthritis and aged problems.


(time table 2021/22)

Pain Management and Psychosocial Aspects of Rehabilitation
(2 credit units)
Brief course description:
Pain in particular chronic pain of the musculoskeletal system is closely linked to psychosocial consequences of disability and proper management is the key to rehabilitation. The new arrangement will provide a holistic approach, and enables participants to explore more deeply the psychosocial issues that arise from musculoskeletal impairments and disabilities and to prepare them for further studies in health counseling or behaviour therapy. In addition the causes, nature and types of musculoskeletal pain are discussed, and introduction to management including the psychosocial interventions, medications, interventional treatments and alternative treatments including Chinese medicine.


(time table 2021/22)

Geriatric Orthopaedics – Rehabilitative Management of Common Musculoskeletal Problem
(2 credit units)
Brief course description:
Pain in particular chronic pain of the musculoskeletal system is closely linked to psychosocial consequences of disability and proper management is the key to rehabilitation. The new arrangement will provide a holistic approach, and enables participants to explore more deeply the psychosocial issues that arise from musculoskeletal impairments and disabilities and to prepare them for further studies in health counseling or behaviour therapy. In addition the causes, nature and types of musculoskeletal pain are discussed, and introduction to management including the psychosocial interventions, medications, interventional treatments and alternative treatments including Chinese medicine.


(time table 2021/22)

Research Methodology & Biostatistics
(1 credit unit)
Brief course description:
This course aims to provide basic knowledge of Biostatistics and Research Methodology.


(time table 2020/21)
(will be updated)

Guided Case Studies – Geriatric Orthopaedics or Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation
(3 credit units)
Brief course description:
In this course participants will have opportunity to present and discuss management of rehabilitation problems with interdisciplinary/ multidisciplinary approaches.

(Guideline 2021/22)

(3 credit units)
Brief course description:
This course will require students to conduct (1) a review of a clinical problem in rehabilitation and write up a dissertation, or (2) a project of literature review on a particular topic in an area of interest within the field of elderly orthopaedics. A case study, instead of literature review, in the field of geriatric orthopaedics is also acceptable. Students have to write up a report on the literature review or case study. The review or project will be done under the supervision of a faculty member.

Elective Modules


(time table 2020/21)
(will be updated)

Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation: Musculoskeletal Ultrasound
(2 credit units)
Brief course description:
This course aims to provide basic knowledge of Musculoskeletal Ultrasound and the application.
Musculoskeletal Conference/Workshop (Occupational Rehabilitation)
(1 credit unit)
Brief course description:
This module enables students to participate in musculoskeletal conferences and workshops to expand their perspectives and understanding in Occupation rehabilitation issues.
(Enrolment to this module will be subject to prior approval by the Programme Director)
Musculoskeletal Conference/Workshop (Osteoporosis and Sarcopenia)
(1 credit unit)
Brief course description:
This module enables students to participate in musculoskeletal conferences and workshops to expand their perspectives and understanding in Osteoporosis and Sarcopenia issues.
(Enrolment to this module will be subject to prior approval by the Programme Director)
Musculoskeletal Conference/Workshop (Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation)
(1 credit unit)
Brief course description:
This module enables students to participate in musculoskeletal conferences and workshops to expand their perspectives and understanding in musculoskeletal medicine and rehabilitation issues.
(Enrolment to this module will be subject to prior approval by the Programme Director)
Musculoskeletal Conference/Workshop (Integrated Medicine)
(1 credit unit)
Brief course description:
This module enables students to participate in musculoskeletal conferences and workshops to expand their perspectives and understanding in integrated medicine issues.
(Enrolment to this module will be subject to prior approval by the Programme Director)
Robotic Rehabilitation
(2 credit units) (available in 2022/23)
Brief course description:
Introduction of Robotic Rehabilitation for Neuroplasticity Rehabilitation and therapeutic application of exoskeleton for rehabilitation
Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation: Occupational Rehabilitation
(2 credit units) (available in 2022/23)
Brief course description:
This is an introduction to principles of occupational orthopaedics and vocational rehabilitation; emergency management of work site injuries; assessment of work capacity and impairment; medico-legal issues of work injuries, Return to work programmes and barriers.

Streaming Modules (Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation)


(time table 2021/22)

Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation: Disability Management
(3 credit units)
Brief course description:
This is an introduction to the spectrum of musculoskeletal disorders and Rehabilitation issues related to Principle of occupational orthopaedics, background, medicolegal aspects and psychosocial aspect of occupational orthopaedics; Impairment, disability and social standing: assessment and function; Management of specific medical and musculoskeletal problems; Chronic medical condition, Women, children and elderly, musculoskeletal, cognitive impaired patient; Occupation assessment and the work environment; Assessment of work capacity and impairment; Return to work programmes and barriers.


(time table 2021/22)

Rehabilitation Technology in Orthopaedics: Spinal Cord Injuries, Amputation
(3 credit units)
Brief course description:
Rehabilitation technology is fast developing and finds the most applications in spinal cord injury and amputation for musculoskeletal disorders. Combining the previously independent courses into a single course provides a better integrated delivery of information and application.


(time table 2021/22)

Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation: Special Problems & Management Issues
(2 credit units)
Brief course description:
Assessment and rehabilitation requirements for different body regions will be covered systemically, highlighting their special requirements. This would include rehabilitation for tendon and nerve injuries in the upper extremities, rehabilitation of ligamental injuries in the lower limbs (especially related to sports injuries), and back rehabilitation. Special issues will cover rehabilitation for joint replacement, major and multiple fractures (e.g. pelvic fractures)

Streaming Modules (Geriatric Orthopaedics)


(time table 2021/22)

Clinical Case Management of Geriatric Orthopaedics
(1 credit unit)

Brief course description:
Fundamental and common clinical knowledge and management of orthopaedics in elderly and geri-orthopaedic co-management, including epidemiology, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, sarcopenia and related problems, including their clinical presentations, barrier management and prognosis.


(time table 2021/22)

Evidence Based Practice in Orthopaedic Geriatrics
(2 credit units)

Brief course description:
This course aims at develop the professional knowledge and skill of students in providing comprehensive care for common geriatric orthopaedic conditions (degenerative disease, fracture and spinal problems) and to effectively manage the common geriatric syndromes (such as delirium, incontinence, and malnutrition) among this disease cohort. The course also develops the students’ ability to apply evidence-based care models for fall prevention and end-of-life care promotion


(time table 2021/22)

Surgical Management and peri-operative care
(2 credit units)
Brief course description:
Introduction to surgical treatments to various degenerative orthopaedic conditions such as total joint replacement, fragility fracture fixation and spinal surgery.


(time table 2021/22)

Geriatric Care and Clinical Management of Musculoskeletal System
(3 credit unit)

Brief course description:
Introduce the geriatric care of musculoskeletal system including assessment of the functional, cognitive, and affective status of older patients, and evaluating their needs for better management. Common medical diseases will also be deliberated with case studies specifically in metabolic bone and joint diseases.
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Unit Exemption

According to the school regulations, students taken related course in other recognized tertiary institutions may apply for course exemption for not more than 50% of the credit units required to complete the programme. In this case, students can apply exemption up to 12 credit units. Our programme will consider the contents, result, and other criteria for the approval.

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Graduation Requirements

All students must have a minimum of 75% attendance at each course, and meet all course assessments before they can apply to sit for the final examination. They are required to pass the final examination or any supplementary assessment before they can graduate;
Completed 25 credit units, with GPA over 2.0;
Fulfilled the Graduation Criteria of the Graduate School of The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
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Application Procedure

1. a.
For Online application, please fill-in the online application from from the website of The Graduate School Office (GSO), The Chinese University of Hong Kong:
b. Please select "Faculty of Medicine", and the Programme "Musculoskeletal Medicine, Rehabilitation and Geriatric Orthopaedics" to the online form. Fill in all the necessary information, and you might pay the application fee online. Please print a copy of your application for your own reference.
c. You might see more information of application from the website of GSO: Please note that you must acquired the English Proficiency requirement and you must submit the required documents as mentioned in the captioned website.
d. You might upload the scanned copies of documents to the website, and you might invite the referees online. However, you MUST submit the TRUE hardcopy of your Transcript and English Proficiency Test result.
The application deadline for MSc MRGO (Full time) is 29 April 2022, and for MSc MRGO (Part time) is 30 May 2022. Further details on the programmes can be obtained from
Applicants are strongly advised to review the application procedure carefully. Please prepare the required ORIGINAL TRUE COPIES few weeks in advance. Your Transcripts or English Proficiency Test Results might take several weeks to reach our office. Late submission of documents might be rejected.

All necessary documents should reach the:

Orthopaedic Learning Centre, Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology
Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
1st Floor, Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics (North Wing)
Prince of Wales Hospital
Shatin, New Territories
Hong Kong SAR

(Attn: Mr. Joe Ng)

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MSc in Musculoskeletal Medicine, Rehabilitation and Geriatric Orthopaedics
Orthopaedic Learning Centre, Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology
Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
1st Floor, Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinics, North Wing
Prince of Wales Hospital
Shatin, New Territories
Hong Kong SAR

Programme Secretary: Mr. Joe Ng

Tel :

(852) 2637 8472

Fax :

(852) 2647 7432

E-mail :

Website :

Graduate School, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
7th Floor, Yasumoto International Academic Park,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
Shatin, New Territories
Hong Kong SAR

Tel :

(852) 3943 8976 / 3943 8977

Fax :

(852) 2603 5779

Website :

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