耆萃匯系列 ― 種出有機與健康分享會
Network of Ageing Well for All (NAWA): "Planting organic and health" sharing session |
日期 Date | 2018年4月27日 (星期五) 27th April, 2018 (Friday) |
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時間 Time | 上午10時至12時 10:00am to 12:00 noon |
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地點 Venue | 香港中文大學 The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
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活動內容 Details |
What is organic and semi-organic products
Introduce the importance of organic planting to environment and the human body
How to plant organic products such as vegetables and herbs at home
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對象 Target | 公眾人士 Public |
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費用 Fee | 免費 Free of charge |
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報名方法 Enrollment method |
Registration: Please register at this webpage
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSenzgQM4kMT qwnr8rkVHBUpaYH_rp8Vvq_qDuyPhg8sJflrwg/viewform
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截止報名日期 Enrollment deadline | 2018年4月13日(星期五) 13th April, 2018 (Friday) |
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查詢 Enquiry | 致電3943 9399 或電郵Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它
Tel: 3943 9399 Email: Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它 |
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Network of Ageing Well for All (NAWA) self-learning series: Physical and mental well-being |
日期 Date | 2018年6月15日 (星期五) 15th June, 2018 (Friday) |
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時間 Time | 下午2時半至4時半 2:30p.m. to 4:30 p.m. |
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地點 Venue | 香港中文大學康本國際學術園3樓 I-LOUNGE i-lounge, 3/F, Yasumoto International Academic Park, CUHK |
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對象 Target | 耆萃匯朋友及中大學生 NAWA members and CUHK students |
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費用 Fee | 每位$50 $50 per person |
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名額 Quota | 30 |
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報名方法 Enrollment method |
Registration: Please register at this webpage
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSevgExDwy8657 wn3AJJJXUWu6NgSTQPqWYppc5R8U7WRzYW1Q/viewform/
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查詢 Enquiry | 致電3943 9399 或電郵Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它
Tel: 3943 9399 Email: Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它 |
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備註 Remarks | 1.
Please wear light clothing and sports shoes.
2. 費用將於活動當日收取, 每位參加者將獲一盆自行製作的水苔球。
The fee will be paid on the day of the event. Each participant will have a
self-made Moss ball.
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其他活動 Other activities in Hong Kong
「防衰老 齊起動」
Frailty Screening & Anti-frailty Educational Talk |
日期 Date |
2018年4月25日 (星期三) 25 April, 2018 (Wednesday) |
2018年5月9日 (星期三) 9 May, 2018 (Wednesday) |
2018年5月23日 (星期三) 23 May, 2018 (Wednesday) |
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時間 Time |
(A)下午2時至4時 2:00p.m. to 4:00p.m. (B)下午3時至5時 3:00p.m. to 5:00p.m. |
(A)下午2時至4時 2:00p.m. to 4:00p.m. (B)下午3時至5時 3:00p.m. to 5:00p.m. |
(A)下午2時至4時 2:00p.m. to 4:00p.m. (B)下午3時至5時 3:00p.m. to 5:00p.m. |
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地點 Venue |
(A) Yasumoto Int'l Acad Park 201 康本國際學術園201課室
(B) Yasumoto Int'l Acad Park LT6 康本國際學術園LT6演講廳 |
(A) Esther Lee Bldg 401 利黃瑤壁樓401課室
(B) Esther Lee Bldg LT4 利黃瑤壁樓LT4演講廳 |
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對象 Target |
50歲或以上香港居民 50 or above Hong Kong residents |
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名額 Quota |
(A)50人 (B)50人 (A)50 people (B)50 people |
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報名方法 Enrollment method |
1. 請登入以下網址報名 Please register at following website
2. 歡迎致電賽馬會流金匯3763 1000登記 Please contact Jockey Club CADENZA Hub at 3763 1000 |
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截止報名日期 Enrollment deadline |
2018年4月20日 (星期五) 20 April, 2018 (Friday) |
2018年5月4日 (星期五) 4 May, 2018 (Friday) |
2018年5月18日 (星期五) 18 May, 2018 (Friday) |
查詢 Enquiry |
賽馬會流金匯3763 1000
3763 1000 (Jockey Club CADENZA Hub) |
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美國 - 香港2018會議:跨越時間和環境的老齡化
U.S.-Hong Kong 2018 Conference: Aging across Time and Contexts |
日期 Date | 2018年5月19 - 20日 (星期六、日)
19th & 20th May (Saturday and Sunday) 2018 |
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時間 Time | 全日 Full Day |
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地點 Venue | 香港中文大學利黃瑤璧樓:講廳1、2、3 Esther Lee Building, Lecture Theatres 1, 2, & 3 The Chinese University of Hong Kong
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對象 Target | 公眾 Public |
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名額 Quota | 200 |
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費用 Fee | 請見以下網頁
Please refer to the following webpage http://agingconference2018.psy.cuhk.edu.hk/registration-fee/
Fees are waived for conference volunteers. Please call or email to enquire.
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報名方法 Enrollment method |
Register online
截止報名日期 Enrollment deadline |
網上報名截止:2018年 5月 1日 (星期二)
Online Registration Deadline: 1st May 2018
實地報名: 5月 19、20日
On-Site Registration: 19th & 20th May
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語言 Language | 英語
English |
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查詢 Enquiry | 3943-4168
Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它 |
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老年學資訊 Geriatric information
How to be an Age-friendly Business? |
在商店林立的香港,要建構一個長者及年齡友善的城市,商店的參與當然是重要的一環。為讓商戶更理解長者的需要,英國AGE UK 於2017年出版了一本有關長者及年齡友善商店的刊物---"Age-friendly business: Valuing and including older consumers in supermarkets and service companies",鼓勵超級市場及服務公司融入及關注年長人士的需要。當中更提供一系列的"TOP TIPS"建議讓商店作為參考以提昇長者友善程度﹕
In Hong Kong, the involvement of the business to build up the Hong Kong to become age-friendly city is very important. In 2017, the AGE UK had published a publication about Age-friendly business, called "Age-friendly Business: Valuing and including older consumers in supermarkets and service companies", to encourage businesses, supermarket and service companies to concern and have better understanding the needs of the older customers. It also offers a series of "TOP TIPS" suggestions for shops as a reference to enhance the age-friendliness of the business.
Age-friendly business TOP TIPS 長者及年齡友善商戶貼士
Toilets and seats
Provide appropriate toilets and seating, essential facilities that give some people the confidence to go shopping at all.
Online 上網
Ensure websites are well-designed and useable for everyone, and provide a non-frustrating delivery service. 提供送貨服務,並確保網站的設計方便不同人士使用。
Paying 付款
Support people who cannot use self-service channels, and provide dementia-friendly checkouts. 為未能使用自助模式的人士提供支援,並設立認知障礙友善櫃位。
Telephone 電話
Ensure call handlers speak clearly and at the right pace, with patience and respect, and reduce the use of telephone menus.
Don't ignore 勿忽略
Do not ignore older shoppers or make assumptions about what they want to buy or what help they need. 勿忽略年長僱客。
Point out 指示
Support older people to navigate stores, being on hand to show them where items are and designing a safe environment. 為年長顧客作導航,並設計一個舒適及安全的環境讓長者購物。
Service 服務
Provide excellent customer service, including polite, helpful, patient and 'human' staff who don't spout jargon. 提供良好的顧客服務,包括友善及耐心等。
資料來源 Source
Age UK 2017, Age-friendly business: Valuing and including older consumers in supermarkets and service companies.
Senior Citizen Cards special offers in Hong Kong
Hong Kong residents aged 65 or above can apply for Senior Citizen Cards from the Social Welfare Department. They can enjoy special discounts at designated outlets with the Senior Citizen Cards. Besides the outlets, there are concession in public utilities, banking, Chinese medicine, clinic, continuing education, dental clinic, entertainment, and rehabilitative equipment, restaurant, shopping, tourism etc. For details, please visit: