Name: Aafra Major(s): Physics Area(s) of Support: Name: Alex Major(s): Computer Science Area(s) of Support: Oral Presentation, Group Discussion, Social English Name: Zibei Major(s): MA in TranslationArea(s) of Support: Oral Presentation, Social English, IELTS Name: Aru Major(s): EconomicsArea(s) of Support: Name: Charlotte Major(s): Law Area(s) of Support: Academic Writing, Oral Presentation, Social English, Job Application/Graduate School Application Name: CoCo Major(s): JD Area(s) of Support: TOEFL and Speaking Name: Gavin Major(s): Quantitative finance and risk management Area(s) of Support: Oral Presentation, Group Discussion, Social English, Interview Skills, Job Application/Graduate School Application, TOEFL Name: Gina Major(s): Anthropology Area(s) of Support: Writing, Reading & Speaking Name: GriseldaMajor(s): Translation English Area(s) of Support: Writing & Speaking Name: Hao Major(s): EnglishArea(s) of Support: Academic Writing, Oral Presentation, Group Discussion, Social English, IELTS Name: Hedy Major(s): MA in Intercultural StudiesArea(s) of Support: Academic Writing, Oral Presentation, Social English, Others Name: Jamie Major(s): EnglishArea(s) of Support: Name: Jannice Major(s): Integrated Bachelor of Business AdministrationArea(s) of Support: Speaking, Speech, Presentation & Listening Name: Jason Major(s): MPhil in Eng (Applied English Linguistics)Area(s) of Support: Speaking & Writing Name: Jenny Law Major(s): Sociology Area(s) of Support: Academic Writing, Oral Presentation, Social English, Interview Skills, IELTS Name: Jenny Yuen Major(s): EnglishArea(s) of Support: Academic Writing, Oral Presentation, Group Discussion, Social English, Interview Skills, Job Application/Graduate School Application, IELTS Name: Jessica Yang Major(s): MA in Translation Area(s) of Support: Academic Writing, Oral Presentation, Public Exams, Creative Writing Name: Jessica YiMajor(s): Statistics Area(s) of Support: Academic Writing, Oral Presentation, TOEFL Name: Joy Major(s): Economics Area(s) of Support: Speaking, Writing, TOEFL & Vocabulary Name: Katherine Major(s): English Area(s) of Support: Speaking, Writing, TOEFL & Vocabulary Name: Katie Major(s): LLB Area(s) of Support: Speaking, Writing &Vocabulary Name: Kelly Major(s): Psychology Area(s) of Support: Speaking, Writing, Reading & IELTS Name: Kitty Major(s): Food and nutritional science Area(s) of Support: Academic Writing, Oral Presentation, Group Discussion Name: Kristen Major(s): Integrated Bachelor of Business Administration Area(s) of Support: Reading, Speaking, Writing & TOEFL Name: Laura Major(s): Integrated Bachelor of Business Administration Area(s) of Support: Academic Writing, Oral Presentation, Group Discussion, Social English, Interview Skills, IELTS Name: Maleah Major(s): Linguistics Area(s) of Support: Academic Writing, Oral Presentation, Social English, Interview Skills Name: Miaoxin Major(s): MA in Translation Area(s) of Support: Academic Writing Name: Moldir Major(s): Biomedical Engineering Area(s) of Support: Speaking, Writing, IELTS & Vocabulary Name: Nicolette Major(s): Psychology Area(s) of Support: Academic Writing, Oral Presentation, Group Discussion, Interview Skills, Job Application/Graduate School Application, IELTS Name: Peony Major(s): BBA-JD Area(s) of Support: Reading, Writing, Listening & Speaking Name: Queenie Major(s): English Area(s) of Support: Academic Writing, Oral Presentation, Group Discussion, Social English Name: Rishita Major(s): Economics Area(s) of Support: Academic Writing, Oral Presentation, Group Discussion, Interview Skills, Social English Name: Rosy Major(s): English Area(s) of Support: Academic Writing, Oral Presentation, Social English Name: Ryan Major(s): Environmental Science Area(s) of Support: Group Discussion, Social English, Interview Skills, Job Application/Graduate School Application Name: Seohyun Major(s): Economics Area(s) of Support: Academic Writing, Oral Presentation, Group Discussion, Interview Skills, Job Application/Graduate School Application, TOEFL Name: Steven Major(s): BBA-JD Area(s) of Support: Writing, Speaking, Grammar & Job Application Name: Ted Major(s): Psychology Area(s) of Support: Academic Writing, Oral Presentation, Social English, IELTS Name: Yang Major(s): Molecular Biotechnology Area(s) of Support: Speaking & Writing Name: Yesul Major(s): Integrated Bachelor of Business Administration Area(s) of Support: Academic Writing, Social English, Job Application/Graduate School Application, IELTS Name: Ching Major(s): Biomedical Engineering Area(s) of Support: Oral Presentation, Group Discussion, Social English, IELTS Name: Hoi Yu Major(s): English Studies and English Language Education Area(s) of Support: Writing & Reading Name: Coming soon Major(s): Area(s) of Support: Name: Matthew Major(s): LLB Area(s) of Support: Speaking, Writing & Vocabulary Name: Osanna Major(s): Mathematics and Mathematics Education Area(s) of Support: Writing & Reading Name: Yoyo Major(s): Sociology Area(s) of Support: Name: Yumi Major(s): Research Medicine Area(s) of Support: Speaking, Writing & Vocabulary Name: Abigail Major(s): Insurance, Financial and Actuarial Analysis Area(s) of Support: Oral Presentation, Group Discussion, Social English, Interview Skills Name: FabrÃcio Major(s): PhD in English Area(s) of Support: Oral Presentation, Group Discussion, Social English, Job Application/Graduate School Application Name: Hanzalah Major(s): Computer Engineering Area(s) of Support: Academic Writing, IELTS, Grammar Name: Jonathan Major(s): MPhil in Ethnomusicology Area(s) of Support: Oral Presentation, Group Discussion, Social English, Interview Skills Name: Justin Major(s): Integrated Bachelor of Business Administration Area(s) of Support: Academic Writing, Oral Presentation, Group Discussion Name: Kei Major(s): Physics Area(s) of Support: Oral Presentation, Group Discussion, Social English, Interview Skills Name: Noel Major(s): Electronic Engineering Area(s) of Support: Academic Writing, Oral Presentation, Social English, IELTS, TOEFL Name: Tina Major(s): Law Area(s) of Support: Oral Presentation, Social English, Interview Skills