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Centre for Chinese Family Studies
Cheung, A. K. L., & Choi, S. Y. P. (2016). Non-traditional wives with traditional husbands: Gender ideology and husband-to-wife physical violence in Chinese society. Violence against Women. Advance online publication. doi:10.1177/1077801216632615
Cheung, A. K. L., & Choi, S. Y. P. (2013). Economic insecurity and husband-to-wife physical assault in Hong Kong: The role of husband’s power motive. In W. J. J. Yeung & M. T. Yap (Eds.), Economic stress, human capital, and families in Asia (pp. 105–127). Dordrecht: Springer.
Cheung, Y. W., Choi, S. Y. P., & Cheung, A. K. L. (2014). Strain, self-control, and spousal violence: A study of husband-to-wife violence in Hong Kong. Violence and Victims, 29(2), 280–299.
Chiu, T. Y., & Choi, S. Y. P. (2015). Spousal violence and in-law conflict in Asia: The case of China, Taiwan and Hong Kong. In S. R. Quah (Ed.), Routledge handbook of families in Asia (pp. 318–331). London: Routledge.
Choi, S. Y. P., Cheung, A. K. L., Cheung, Y. W., & David, R. (2014). Bring the subjective back in: Resources and husband-to-wife physical assault among Chinese couples in Hong Kong. Violence against Women, 20(12), 1428–1446.
Choi, S. Y. P., & Peng, Y. (2016). Masculine compromise: Migration, family, and gender in China. Oakland, CA: University of California Press.
Choi, S. Y. P., & Peng, Y. (2015). Humanized management? Capital and migrant labour in a time of labour shortage in South China. Human Relations, 68(2), 287–304.
Fong, E., & Tong, Y. (2015). Can family financial resources buy friends? Family financial resources and friendship patterns among migrant workers in China. American Behavioral Scientist, 59(9), 1083–1099.
Helwig, C. C., To, S., Wang, Q., Liu, C., & Yang, S. (2014). Judgments and reasoning about parental discipline involving induction and psychological control in China and Canada. Child Development, 85(3), 1150–1167.
Lin, L., Huang, C., & Wang, Q. (2016). Parenting in contemporary China: The dynamics of interdependence and independence. In G. Nicolas, A. Bejarano, & D. L. Lee (Eds.), Contemporary parenting: A global perspective (pp. 59–80). New York: Routledge.
Liu, K., Wu, Q., & Liu, J. (2014). Examining the association between social health insurance participation and patients’ out-of-pocket payments in China: The role of institutional arrangement. Social Science and Medicine, 113, 95–103.
Lui, L., & Choi, S. Y. P. (2015). Not just mom and dad: The role of children in exacerbating gender inequalities in childcare. Journal of Family Issues, 36(13), 1829–1853.
Luo, R., Tamis-LeMonda, C. S., Kuchirko, Y., Ng, F. F., & Liang, E. (2014). Mother-child book-sharing and children’s storytelling skills in ethnically diverse, low-income families. Infant and Child Development, 23(4), 402–425.
Ng, F. F. Y., Pomerantz, E. M., & Deng, C. (2014). Why are Chinese mothers more controlling than American mothers? “My child is my report card.” Child Development, 85(1), 355–369.
Ng, F. F. Y., Pomerantz, E. M., & Lam, S. F. (2013). Mothers’ beliefs about children’s learning in Hong Kong and the United States: Implications for mothers’ child-based worth. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 37(5), 387–394.
Ng, F. F. Y., Tamis-LeMonda, C., Yoshikawa, H., & Sze, I. N. L. (2015). Inhibitory control in preschool predicts early math skills in first grade: Evidence from an ethnically diverse sample. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 39(2), 139–149.
Peng, Y., & Choi, S. Y. P. (2013). Mobile phone use among migrant factory workers in South China: Technologies of power and resistance. The China Quarterly, 215, 553–571.
Piotrowski, M., & Tong, Y. (2013). Straddling two geographic regions: The impact of place of origin and destination on return migration intentions in China. Population, Space and Place, 19(3), 329–349.
Pomerantz, E. M., Ng, F. F. Y., Cheung, C. S. S., & Qu, Y. (2014). Raising happy children who succeed in school: Lessons from China and the United States. Child Development Perspectives, 8(2), 71–76.
Tam, S. M., & Tong, Y. Y. (2012). Migrant women and ethnic minority women. In S. Y. P. Choi & F. M. Cheung (Eds.), Women and girls in Hong Kong: Current situations and future challenges (pp. 245–264). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Tamis-LeMonda, C. S., Sze, I. N. L., Ng, F. F. Y., Kahana-Kalman, R., & Yoshikawa, H. (2013). Maternal teaching during play with four-year-olds: Variation by ethnicity and family resources. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 59(3), 361–398.
Ting, K. F. (2014). Continuities and changes: Five decades of marital experiences in Hong Kong. In D. S. Davis & S. L. Friedman (Eds.), Wives, husbands, and lovers: Marriage and sexuality in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and urban China (pp. 147–164). Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
Ting, K. F. (2014). The changing pattern of marital satisfaction in Hong Kong. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 45(1), 113–126.
Tong, Y. (2013). Acculturation, gender disparity, and the sexual behavior of Asian American youth. Journal of Sex Research, 50(6), 560–573.
Tong, Y., Luo, W., & Piotrowski, M. (2015). The association between parental migration and childhood illness in rural China. European Journal of Population, 31, 561–586.
Wu, Q. (2014). Effects of social capital in multiple contexts on the psychosocial adjustment of Chinese migrant children. Youth and Society. Advance online publication. doi:10.1177/0044118X14530133
Wu, Q., & Chow, J. C. C. (2013). Social service utilization, sense of community, family functioning and the mental health of new immigrant women in Hong Kong. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 10(5), 1735–1746.
Wu, Q., Lu, D., & Kang, M. (2015). Social capital and the mental health of children in rural China with different experiences of parental migration. Social Science and Medicine, 132, 270–277.
Wu, Q., Tsang, B., & Ming, H. (2014). Social capital, family support, resilience and educational outcomes of Chinese migrant children. British Journal of Social Work, 44(3), 636–656.
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