The third DZJY Project Editorial Meeting was held on 15 December 2014 at The Chinese University of Hong Kong focusing on the translation and publication of the project. At the meeting, committee members revisited the supplementary guidelines in detail. The Centre for Studies of Daoist Culture and the Institute for Research in Humanities reported the progress of translation work respectively. The meeting concluded with a decision that the Chinese volumes of the Companion to Daozang jiyao would come out first.

The second DZJY Project Editorial Meeting was held on 5 April 2013 at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Based on the review work of editorial committee members and feedback from contributors in the past year, an agreement has been reached that a supplementary guideline for DZJY entries is needed for the unification of publication style. Each entry is expected to be comprised of: 1. Heading notice; 2. Main body, including general information, a summary of the content, source of the text: its edition and reprints; 3. Bibliography. In order to facilitate communication with contributors, contributors are encouraged to discuss with committee members directly on the revision of entries.

The first DZJY Editorial Meeting was held on 7 January 2012 at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. It has been agreed that all entries be managed by 3 Sub-Committees according to the language they are written. They are:
- (a) Japanese sub-committee: Kunio Mugitani, Mori Yuria, Kim Jihyun;
- (b) English sub-committee: Vincent Goossaert, Paul Katz, Elena Valussi;
- (c) Chinese sub-committee: Lai Chi Tim, Liu Xun, Wang Zongyu.
Editorial Committee members are responsible for helping collect and review the entries to guarantee their academic quality.


The meeting in November 2011 at the Kyoto University between Professor Lai Chi Tim (representing the Centre for Studies on Daoist Culture, CUHK) and Professor Kunio Mugitani, Dr. Christian Wittern (representing the DZJY Project, Kyoto University) initiated a brand-new phase of the DZJY Project. Two parties have come up with the agreement that Professor Lai Chi Tim and the Centre for Studies of Daoist Culture, CUHK will take up the management of the publication of a companion to DZJY Project in a 3-volume set each in English and Chinese. In order to strengthen the management of the publication, the two institutes have agreed to set up an Editorial Committee to ascertain the academic quality of the abstract-submissions.

•The Kyoto team is finishing the revisions of the last batch of the extra-canonical texts.

•December 10, 2009: The input of the sixth batch was finally accomplished.
•June 3, 2009, July 22, 2009: Two workshops took place at Kyoto University, Jinbun Kagaku Kenkyujo for the Japanese team in charge of revising the electronic texts and of preparing the basis for a critical edition of the extracanonical texts of the Daozang jiyao.
•April 28, 2009: Dr. Monica Esposito has presented the Daozang jiyao Project at the Beijing Academy of Social Science.
•April 2, 2009: Dr. Monica Esposito has hold a lecture on the Daozang jiyao Project at the Chinese University of Hong Kong inaugurating a new collaboration with the Center for Studies of Daoist Culture directed by Prof. Lai Chi Tim.

•The input of Daozang jiyao is finally at its last stage. The input of the sixth batch is going to be accomplished.

•October 8, 2008: The input of Daozang jiyao’s fourth batch of 20 extra-canonical texts at Academia Sinica’s Computing Centre was accomplished. The input of the fifth batch of 20 extra-canonical texts is going to begin.
July ~ September
•The Kyoto team is finishing the revisions of the second batch of 20 extra-canonical texts.
•June 25, 2008: a workshop took place at Kyoto University, Jinbun Kagaku Kenkyujo for the new Japanese team in charge of revising the electronic texts and of preparing the basis for a critical edition of the extracanonical texts of the Daozang jiyao.
•June 21, 2008: A collaboration has been inaugurated in Chengdu between the Jinbun Kagaku Kenkyujo and the Academy of Social Science. A Chinese team led by Professor Li Yuanguo will begin to punctuate the extra-canonical texts under the supervision of the Japanese team.
•The Daozang jiyao Project has received a 4-year grant from The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) under the supervision of Professor Kunio Mugitani.
•The input of Daozang jiyao’s fourth batch of 20 extra-canonical texts at Academia Sinica’s Computing Centre (ASCC ) is progressing.
•The Kyoto team is working on the revisions of the second batch of 20 extra-canonical texts.March
•Research and cataloguing work by Dr. Monica Esposito on Jiang Yuanting’s Daozang jiyao editions stored at Sichuan Provincial Library (Chengdu).
•The input of Daozang jiyao’s fourth batch of 20 extra-canonical texts at Academia Sinica’s Computing Centre (ASCC ) has begun.
•The Kyoto team is working on the revisions of the second batch of 20 extra-canonical texts.
•The input of Daozang jiyao’s third batch of 20 extra-canonical texts at Academia Sinica’s Computing Centre (ASCC ) has been achieved.

•The input of Daozang jiyao’s third batch of 20 extra-canonical texts at Academia Sinica’s Computing Centre (ASCC ) has begun.
•The Kyoto team is working on the revisions of the first batch of 20 extra-canonical texts.
•June 26, 2007: The input of Daozang jiyao’s second batch of 20 extra-canonical texts at Academia Sinica’s Computing Centre (ASCC ) has been achieved.
•June 13, 2007, Daozang jiyao Project Workshop held by Dr. Wittern about specific markup problems on the Daozang jiyao and explanations on xml editor.
•The Kyoto team is working on the revisions of the first batch of 20 extra-canonical texts.
April~ May
•The input of Daozang jiyao’s second batch of 20 extra-canonical texts at Academia Sinica’s Computing Centre (ASCC ) has begun.
February~ March
•Feb. 8, 2007, the homepage of the Daozang jiyao Project is published on internet.。
•The input of Daozang jiyao’s first 20 extra-canonical texts at Academia Sinica’s Computing Centre (ASCC ) is progressing.
•Dr. Christian Wittern has visited Academia Sinica, Institute of History and Philology from February 26 to March 28.
•Planning of the first volume edited by Monica Esposito on the extra-canonical texts is in preparation (English edition). Many scholars have already chosen the texts to be analyzed in their abstracts.

•Research and cataloguing work by Dr. Monica Esposito on the Chongkan Daozang jiyao editions at Japanese libraries (Tenri Library etc.)
•Completion of Dr. Noriko Ikehira’s revision of the preliminary catalog data.
•Completion of collaboration with Stanford University on November 16.
•Start of collaboration with Sichuan Academy of Social Science and Sichuan University.
August ~ November
•Research and cataloguing work by Dr. Monica Esposito on Jiang Yuanting’s Daozang jiyao editions stored at Tokyo, Taipei and Paris libraries.
•Revisions of catalog data on the Daozang jiyao and its variant editions by Dr. Monica Esposito with the help of Dr. Noriko Ikehira.
•Beginning of input of Daozang jiyao’s first 20 extra-canonical texts at Academia Sinica’s Computing Centre (ASCC ) with the advice of Dr. Christian Wittern.
•Final phase of the preliminary cataloguing Chongkan Daozang jiyao texts (in collaboration with Dr. Fabrizio Pregadio, Stanford University).
© 2006 Daozang jiyao Project, Updated August, 2015