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Earth System Science Programme
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From 2016, JUPAS applicants could become a ESSC student at CUHK through one of the following two paths:

  • Earth System Science Programme (Atmospheric Science/Geophysics)
    (JUPAS Code: JS 4633)
    Specific Requirements Other Additional Requirement/ Remarks
    Core Subjects Elective Subjects
    English Chinese Maths Liberal Studies Elective Subject 1* Elective Subject 2#
    4 3 4 2 4 3 Bonus points would be offered to the 3rd elective subject in Category A.
  • * One of the following subjects: Physics, Mathematics (Module 1 or 2), Chemistry, Geography, Combined Science
    # One of the following subjects: Physics, Mathematics (Module 1 or 2), Chemistry, Geography, Combined Science, Integrated Science, Biology



  • Science – Broad-based Admission Scheme under the Faculty of Science
    (JUPAS Code: JS 4601)
  • Admission Requirements
  • Major Declaration

FAQ of Undergraduate Admission for JUPAS Applicants 




Admission Requirements for non-JUPAS Applicants


Admission Talk (JUPAS)


Teaching Activities


Programme Details

Global environmental change, air and water pollution, natural hazards, energy resources, and nuclear waste disposal are all critical issues of public concern. In recent decades, the scientific community has realised that tackling these complex scientific issues requires a fundamental understanding of both the dynamics of the Earth as an interrelated system comprising the atmosphere, biosphere, geosphere and hydrosphere and the human impacts on that system. Such an understanding hinges on scientific research that integrates traditional disciplines such as geology, meteorology and oceanography. It also requires the development of a curriculum designed to educate and prepare a new generation of students in the interdisciplinary framework of Earth System Science (ESSC).

Earth System Science (Atmospheric Science/Geophysics) in particular targets at students who want to pursue in-depth studies in either Atmospheric Science or Geophysics, by providing them training in the basics of and quantitative tools useful to these subdiscplines in Earth System Science. This programme prepares students well for careers in academic or applied research in these fields. Under this programme, students will have early exposure in their curriculum of some of the scientific issues, including the latest research topics, about the Earth System. It also provides opportunities for students to gain valuable quantitative and analytical skills, and build their research and career capacities, via activities such as laboratory work, numerical modelling and programming experience, seminars, workshops and research projects. Further corroborating these are exchange opportunities to overseas universities, summer research and internships in the Hong Kong Observatory and geotechnical firms. Advanced undergraduate/graduate level courses in numerical methods, statistics, geophysics, atmospheric dynamics and chemistry are also available. Upon graduation, students can pursue postgraduate studies in Atmospheric Science or Geophysics; they are also well prepared for jobs in government and industries, including but not limited to geotechnical survey and engineering, meteorological service, as well as climate, energy and environmental consulting.


Academic Counselling for New Students (2020 Entry) – 25 August 2020


Course Planning presented by Miss Tiffany Pang & Mr. Dickson Wong, ESSC-Year 3

Major Programme

There are two streams of specialization: the stream of Atmospheric Science (YATM_N) and the stream of Geophysics (YGEO_N).  A student’s selected stream will be printed on his/her transcript.  All students are under Earth System Science unless they apply at their final year of attendance to specialize in the stream of Atmospheric Science or the stream of Geophysics and select the relevant courses as prescribed in the Study Schemes.

Minor Programme

Students are required to complete 18 units of courses. Please refer to the Study Schemes for details.

To get the most current programme information for your curriculum, please refer to the "Browse Program Information" section in CUSIS.
How to Browse your Program Information in MyCUHK (for full-time undergraduates only)

ESSC Courses:
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Year 1 - 2

Introductory Courses

  • ESSC1000 Exploring the Earth System Field Trip

    The course provides an interdisciplinary platform for students to navigate the Earth System Science curriculum. Natural phenomena associated with the atmosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere, cryosphere, and biosphere will be described, and concepts related to their dynamics and anthropogenic impacts will be introduced. The connection with global environmental change, natural hazards and the water-energy-food nexus will be highlighted. In addition to attending lectures, students will undertake visits to Museum of Climate Change and a geological field trip.

1 E E E
  • ESSC2010 Solid Earth Dynamics Field Trip

    This course presents an integrated introduction to the solid earth system stressing the geological, chemical, physical, and biological interactions among the lithosphere, hydrosphere and cryosphere. The course applies basic scientific and mathematical concepts to explain the history and behaviour of the solid earth system. Geophysical and geochemical techniques for probing the interior of the earth are reviewed. Plate tectonics is introduced as a unifying theme to understand geodynamic processes. The course includes discussions of topics that are relevant to society, resources and sustainability, such as the physical and chemical basis of natural hazards (earthquakes, tsunami, landslides) and their mitigation, and the impact of geological processes on the global environment.

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  • ESSC2020 Climate System Dynamics

    This course presents an integrated introduction to the climate system, stressing the dynamics of the atmosphere and its physical and chemical interactions with the hydrosphere, biosphere and geosphere. The course applies basic scientific and mathematical principles to explain the history, current state and future projection of weather and climate, natural hazards (e.g., typhoons, floods), and global climate change in the context of natural variability and anthropogenic influence. Topics include Earth’s energy balance, climate feedback, convection and clouds, general circulation of the atmosphere and ocean, biogeochemistry and global carbon cycle, roles of vegetation and ecosystems, and historical and future climate change. Student taking this course are expected to have taken PHYS1111, CHEM1070 and MATH1010 or equivalent.

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  • ESSC2110 Geoscience Field Study Field Trip

    ESSC2110 is a fundamental field-based course introducing elementary concepts of past Earth’s processes and environmental changes. It also covers important aspects of plate tectonics, different rock types, geological deformation, geomorphology and environmental changes, natural hazards and human impacts. The principal goal of this course is to let students understand how the present geological records and landforms reveal the past tectonic movements and affect the human urban planning. Students are trained to observe, describe and discuss field features, with the help of field tools (e.g. compasses-clinometer and GPS receiver). Basic skills of field techniques, interpreting geologic maps and making field notes are introduced to assist students acquiring field data and discuss possible geologic processes. A field report from each group is required to summarize the field study logically. Field locations of this course may change from year to year. All students are welcome, but priority will be given to students who have taken ESSC1000.

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  • ESSC2120 Integrated Geoscience Field Study Field Trip

    Field study of current landform and geological features is the key to reveal past Earth’s processes and environmental changes. This also provides data for further studies on natural hazards. ESSC2120 is a fundamental level, field-based course of the Earth System Science Programme. It covers important aspects of atmospheric sciences, plate tectonics, volcanoes, deformation structures, sedimentology, coastal features, earthquakes and associated present-day infrastructures. The principal goal of this course is to let students study major atmospheric sciences, geological features and understand how tectonic movement and atmospheric phenomenon contributes to the current different landforms, disasters and urban planning. Students are trained to observe, describe and discuss field features. Basic skills of using field tools (e.g. compasses-clinometer), studying geologic maps and making field notes are introduced to help students acquire field data and analyze possible atmospheric phenomenon and geologic processes. A field report is required to summarize the field study logically. The field location and term of offer of this course may change from year to year. Due to limited quota, priority will be given to students who have taken ESSC2010 and will enroll in ESSC3110.

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  • ESSC2130 Fundamental Geoscience FieldworkField Trip

    Field study of current landform and geological features is the key to reveal past Earth’s processes and environmental changes. This also provides data for further studies on natural hazards. ESSC2130 is a fundamental level, field-based course of the Earth System Science Programme. It covers important aspects of atmospheric sciences, plate tectonics, volcanoes, deformation structures, sedimentology, coastal features, earthquakes and associated present-day infrastructures. The principal goal of this course is to let students study major atmospheric sciences, geological features and understand how tectonic movement and atmospheric phenomenon contribute to the current different landforms, disasters and urban planning. Students are trained to observe, describe and discuss field features. Basic skills of using field tools (e.g. compasses-clinometer), studying geologic maps and making field notes are introduced to help students acquire field data and analyze possible atmospheric phenomenon and geologic processes. A field report is required to summarize the field study logically. The field location and term of offer of this course may change from year to year. Due to limited quota, priority will be given to students who have taken ESSC2010 and passed the pre-enrolment quiz.

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  • ESSC2600 Biosphere, Climate and the Environment

    This course introduces basic concepts of the biosphere with a focus on its relationships with the Earth system and global environmental change. Topics include: ecosystem ecology; global biogeochemical cycles, climate and the roles of different life forms; evolution of life throughout Earth history; human perturbations of carbon and nutrient cycles; impacts of agriculture and deforestation; ocean acidification and eutrophication; responses and evolution of terrestrial and marine ecosystems and biodiversity under global climate change. Students are recommended to take ESSC2600 and MBTE2010 simultaneously.

1 E E E
  • ESSC2800 Introduction to Environmental Engineering

    This is a multidisciplinary course introducing the fundamental physical, chemical and biological principles necessary for understanding the natural and built environments, with an emphasis on reliable water and food supplies, pollution mitigation, waste management, energy resources, climate change, and sustainable development. Examples of engineering solutions to tackle some of these resource and environmental issues are presented. Field trips are included to illustrate interesting case studies. Topics include: conservation principles for mass, energy and momentum in the environmental systems; basic environmental chemistry, hydrology and ecology; risk assessment; and basic principles of water resource engineering, solid waste treatment, noise pollution, air pollution control, climate change adaptation and mitigation, and the interplay between energy consumption and the environment.

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Year 2 - 4

Intermediate-Level Courses

  • ESSC3100 Structural Geology Field Trip

    This course is an important part of the core Earth System Sciences Curriculum. It introduces the processes and products of rock deformation in three dimensions, ranging from micro- (micron) to macro- (kilometer) scales. It discusses geometries and mechanism of faults, folds, structural features of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks, and superposed deformations and introduces regional deformational history and tectonics. Structural geology in the field of resource exploration (petroleum and mineral deposits) is also introduced. Class lectures are supplemented by lab exercise and demonstrations as well as field trips to local or overseas outcrops.

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  • ESSC3120 Physics of the Earth

    This course focuses on the concepts of the physics of the Earth to understand how the solid Earth works. Since 1960s, plate tectonics has been developed to explain observations on Earth such as mountain building, occurrence of earthquakes and volcanoes, as well as deposition of natural resources. The discovery of plate tectonics requires understanding of geophysical methods, which will be covered in this course. The topics covered include the Earth’s gravitational and magnetic fields, earthquake seismology, internal structure of the Earth, thermal and electrical properties, as well as geodynamics. Methods of geophysical survey will also be introduced.

3 E E R
  • ESSC3200 Atmospheric Dynamics

    This course introduces observations of and physical principles governing the circulation of the Earth’s atmosphere in relation to weather and climate. The topics covered include atmospheric composition and structure, convection, fundamentals of atmospheric motions. and the basic principles for weather and climate modeling. Physical principles covered include basic conservation laws, balanced flows, atmospheric thermodynamics, circulation and vorticity, atmospheric waves, and theories for various weather systems.

3 E R E
  • ESSC3220 Atmospheric Chemistry

    This course introduces the physical and chemical processes determining the composition for the atmosphere and its implications for climate, ecosystems, air pollution and human welfare. Topics covered include atmospheric structure, atmospheric chemistry models, atmospheric transport, chemical kinetics, stratospheric and tropospheric chemistry, chemistry of aerosols, biogeochemical cycles, as well as critical environmental issues including stratospheric ozone depletion, acid rain, photochemical smog, and climate change.

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  • ESSC3300 Ocean and Climate

    This course describes the physical characteristics of the ocean, the observed mean ocean circulation, and explains the latter’s governing dynamical principles. Related biological and chemical processes are introduced. Climate and climate variability, as well as the role played by the ocean are also described. Topics include wind-driven circulation, thermohaline circulation, inertial motions and tides, El Niño-Southern Oscillation, and the roles of the ocean in climate and climate variability.

3 E R E
  • ESSC3320 Hydrogeology

    This course introduces the physical and chemical principles of hydrogeology. Concepts of surface and groundwater hydrology, as well as quantitative modelling of groundwater flow and contaminant transport are covered. Special topics on the coupling of hydrologic and geologic processes will also be addressed, with examples from tectonics, petroleum geology, geothermics, and global change.

3 E E E
  • ESSC3600 Ecosystems and Climate

    This course introduces the physical, chemical and biological principles governing the functioning of terrestrial and marine ecosystems, and their roles in shaping the Earth’s climatic and geological environments. Topics include: basic hydrology and surface energy balance; energy, momentum, water and chemical exchange between ecosystems and the atmosphere; cycling of water, carbon and other nutrients in soil, vegetation and ocean; survival strategies of different life forms (especially plants and microorganisms); ecosystem structures and functions; landscapes, disturbances and ecosystem dynamics; human perturbations of biogeochemical cycles via pollution, greenhouse gas emissions and land use; responses and evolution of terrestrial and marine ecosystems under global climate change. This course serves as a comprehensive introduction to ecological climatology, biogeochemistry and ecosystem ecology, and requires basic mathematical operations. This version of the course includes an integrated set of computer laboratory sessions.

3 E E E
  • ESSC3601 Principles of Ecosystems and Climate

    This course introduces the physical, chemical and biological principles governing the functioning of terrestrial and marine ecosystems, and their roles in shaping the Earth’s climatic and geological environments. Topics include: basic hydrology and surface energy balance; energy, momentum, water and chemical exchange between ecosystems and the atmosphere; cycling of water, carbon and other nutrients in soil, vegetation and ocean; survival strategies of different life forms (especially plants and microorganisms); ecosystem structures and functions; landscapes, disturbances and ecosystem dynamics; human perturbations of biogeochemical cycles via pollution, greenhouse gas emissions and land use; responses and evolution of terrestrial and marine ecosystems under global climate change. This course serves as a comprehensive introduction to ecological climatology, biogeochemistry and ecosystem ecology, and requires basic mathematical operations. This course is the same as and meets with ESSC3600, except without the integrated computer laboratory sessions and exercises.

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  • ESSC3800 Global Environmental Change

    This course includes the science behind the global warming issue, how the public views the issue and the critical thinking needed to analyze the evidence seen in the media/articles from the point of view of scientists. The world energy use, which is considered to be the cause of global warming, and the impacts are discussed in the course. In this course, students will learn about the radiation budgets/balance in the atmosphere, possible climate forcings that can upset the energy balance, how the earth’s global average temperature is measured, why global warming is described as “the biggest hoax” in human history, observations from the ocean and cryosphere and popular environmental issues/arguments discussed in the mainstream media. Newest observations from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report are included throughout the course.

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  • ESSC3900 Internship

    This course aims to let students apply their Earth System Science knowledge in, and gain hands-on experience from workplace. Students are expected to gain practical experience from various internship opportunities such as CUHK units, government or private companies. The internship can be held through local fieldwork, guided tours, workshops or other related tasks, depending on the requests from different units. Students are required to serve at least 320 hours during the internship and will be evaluated based upon biweekly progress reports, final written report, presentation and the evaluation from the supervisor(s)/course coordinator (subject to their supervisors). Advisory: For year 2 or above Earth System Science major students. Note: Allowance may vary each year for the internships depending on the needs of students.

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Year 3-4

Upper-Level Courses

  • ESSC3010 Continuum Mechanics

    This course presents the fundamentals of continuum mechanics illustrated with earth system science applications. Background materials on matrices, vectors and differential operators are first reviewed. The following topics will be covered: tensors and their properties; stress and strain; constitutive equations for Hookean elastic solid and Newtonian viscous fluid; mechanical properties and rheology of geomaterials; Eulerian and Lagrangian kinematics; momentum equations for fluids in a rotating frame; vorticity and divergence; geostrophic balance; boundary layer dynamics; applications in geomechanics, seismology, atmospheric dynamics, and oceanography.

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  • ESSC3110 Geoscience Field Course Field Trip

    Understanding of Earth processes and environmental changes over geological time is highly dependent upon the experience and capabilities gained through doing fieldwork. ESSC3110 is an intermediate level course of the Earth System Science Programme. It covers important aspects of field geology, including sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic petrology, tectonics, geophysics and surficial processes. The principal goal of this course is to train students to recognize different lithological units and their geometries in three dimensions, and understand the related tectonic environment and formation mechanism. Class lectures introduce basic skills of reading and interpreting geological maps, using geological equipment (i.e. Compass-clinometer, GPS receiver), and producing field notes and reports. Field projects include field observation and description, techniques of field data acquisition and analysis, sample collection, and geological map compilation. Field projects also focus on surficial processes (relatively occurring on short geological time scale), which are of environmental and ecological importance. The field location (either in mainland of China or overseas) may change from year to year.

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  • ESSC4010 Solid and Fluid Mechanics

    This course presents the fundamentals of continuum mechanics illustrated with earth system science applications. Background materials on matrices, vectors and differential operators are first reviewed. The following topics will be covered: tensors and their properties; stress and strain; constitutive equations for Hookean elastic solid and Newtonian viscous fluid; mechanical properties and rheology of geomaterials; Eulerian and Lagrangian kinematics; momentum equations; vorticity and divergence; applications in geomechanics, seismology, atmospheric dynamics, and oceanography.

3 E E E
  • ESSC4110 Applied Geophysics

    This course introduces concepts, principles, and applications of geophysical methods in environmental and engineering studies. It offers an overall survey of various geophysical methods for exploring the shallow subsurface. It provides the technical foundation needed to understand the use and limitations of gravity, seismic, ground penetrating radar, and electromagnetic methods. Demonstration of commonly used methods will be provided in the field along with tutorials of preliminary data analysis techniques.

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  • ESSC4120 Petrology

    Petrology is an essential subfield of Earth System Science because the rock record is the foundation for interpreting Earth history and internal processes. Petrologic concepts help us understand the Earth system, with connections to related fields such as geochemistry, geophysics, mineralogy, structural geology and geodynamics. This course broadly surveys the formation, distribution, chemical composition, mineral associations, and internal texture and structures in rocks of the earth’s crust and upper mantle, and establishes it relation to global tectonic environments. Class lectures are supplemented by lab exercise, demonstrations and tutorials (e.g. study of rock hand specimens, understand phase rule, use of optical microscope etc.).

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  • ESSC4130 Geomorphology

    This course is an important part of the core Earth System Sciences Curriculum. It introduces the main concepts in geomorphology with emphasis on understanding the coupling of environments, processes and materials that leads to landform development. Understanding the underlying geological principles of rocks, minerals, structural deformation and geological time are important background knowledge to be enhanced by the study of geomorphology. It discusses the qualitative and quantitative techniques for investigation and research in the field, laboratory, and computer simulation. The application of geomorphology for public safety, engineering problems and development of sustainable solutions will be emphasized. Examples from theory and practice of geomorphology in Hong Kong will be introduced. Practical understanding and skills will be gained from lab exercises and field trips in Hong Kong. Students are suggested to be equipped with basic knowledge of rocks and minerals, structural geology and geological time scale.

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  • ESSC4140 Seismology

    This course focuses on the concepts and theory of elastic wave propagation and physics of earthquake. The topics covered include the Earth’s internal structure, material elasticity, travel time tomography, seismic ray theory, ray tracing, and earthquake source parameter. Methods and field practice of seismological survey will also be introduced.

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  • ESSC4160 Marine Geology and Geophysics Field Trip

    This course focuses on the concepts and theory of marine geology and geophysics. Marine geology is distinct from that of continent and is the important foundation to launch Plate Tectonics, the modern unified theory of the Earth. In this course, major components of marine geological settings such as mid-ocean ridges, transform faults, subduction zones, oceanic lithosphere, and etc. will be introduced and discussed in details. Methods of geophysical survey will also be introduced. Field experiments of scientific instruments such as Ocean Bottom Seismometers, marine magnetometer and gravimeter will be conducted. A geological field trip will also be included. This course will be jointly offered with Ocean College, Zhejiang University, as an initiative to develop ocean sciences at CUHK./p>

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  • ESSC4210 Land-Atmosphere Interactions and Boundary-Layer Meteorology

    This course introduces the physical, chemical and biological processes governing the exchange of energy, momentum, water and other chemical materials between the atmosphere and land surface, including a formal introduction into boundary-layer meteorology. Topics covered include the basic equations and concepts of heat, momentum and mass conservation and transfer at the land-atmosphere interface; soil physics and hydrometeorology; temperature, humidity and wind distribution in the atmospheric boundary layer; theories and observations of turbulence; boundary layer dynamics; biometeorology and ecophysiology of land plants; canopy and ecosystem exchange; and land use change and urbanization. Applications to weather phenomena, air pollution, forestry, agriculture and ecosystem management will be emphasized throughout.

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  • ESSC4220 Tropical Meteorology

    This course introduces the phenomena and motions in the tropical atmosphere. The topics covered include the role of the tropics in the global energy and momentum balance, ITCZ, subtropical high, upper-level anticyclones, weather and climate phenomena including meso-scale convective systems, tropical waves, the Hadley and the Walker circulation, El Nino-Southern Oscillation, tropical cyclones, Madden Julian Oscillation, and monsoons.

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  • ESSC4230 Introduction to the Physics and Chemistry of Aerosol

    This course will focus on Fundamentals of aerosol physics and chemistry; condensation and evaporation; thermodynamics; nucleation, diffusion, coagulation; radiative, hygroscopic properties, and cloud formation potential of aerosols; aerosol phase oxidation reactions; heterogeneous oxidative processes.

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  • ESSC4240 Air Pollution Science and Engineering

    This course will cover a variety of topics related to air pollution science and engineering. Topics include: indoor and outdoor air quality (including particulate matters (PM) and gases pollutants); air pollution measurement and statistics; air quality meteorology and dispersion models; principles and challenges of air pollution control and measurement.

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  • ESSC4250 Advanced Topics in Atmospheric Dynamics

    This course introduces the basics of geophysical fluid dynamics. Topics include fundamental governing equations, scale analyses of geophysical flows in the Earth's atmosphere and ocean, filtered models, waves, vorticity, quasi-geostrophic theory, bartropic and baroclinic instabilities.

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  • ESSC4260 Urban Climatology

    Human modifications to the surface of the Earth during urbanisation change most of the elements of climate and weather in the urban atmosphere. This course introduces the fundamentals of urban climatology and the processes caused by the changes in the surface environment, particularly focusing on how urban structures interact with the atmospheric environment. Numerical modelling and field techniques are introduced to understand the underlying processes resulting urban climatic phenomena. It also examines the implications on human comfort and climate-sensitive urban planning and design, as well as the relationship between cities and climate change.

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  • ESSC4510 Statistical Methods and Data Analysis for Earth System Science

    This course covers the theoretical basis and practical applications of data analysis relevant for earth system science. This course aims to introduce students to Earth and environmental data manipulation, from sampling, reading and writing, to statistical analysis and parameter estimation, to time series analysis, to plotting and visualization. Topics include: digital signal processing, sampling techniques; probability distributions; hypothesis testing; correlation analysis; linear and nonlinear regression; statistical forecasting, harmonic analysis and spectral analysis; principle component analysis; and geostatistics. Tutorials will be based on real geophysical examples including remote sensing and in situ observations, as well as model data.

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  • ESSC4520 Numerical Methods and Modeling for Earth System Science

    This course covers the principles of numerical methods and modeling relevant for earth system science applications. Topics include: optimization; interpolation; finite differencing; numerical solutions to ordinary and partial differential equations; programming numerical models; filtered models; boundary conditions; subgrid-scale processes; data assimilation; applications in earthquake, climate, air quality, weather forecast and groundwater models. Python will be used throughout the course.

3 E E E
  • ESSC4540 Remote Sensing — Principles and Applications

    Remote sensing observations are critical for monitoring regional and global changes, determining spatial and temporal variability of the Earth System, and addressing fundamental global issues. This course introduces the basic physical principles of remote sensing, including electromagnetic waves and radiation, optical, microwave, and non-imaging remote sensing. It also presents key concepts and examples on remote sensing applications in Earth system science (such as atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere) and global changes. This course also provides computer-based lab exercises that facilitate the understanding of remote sensing principles and the processing of remote sensing data.

3 E E E
Year 4

Capstone Project(s)

  • ESSC4810 Senior Project I

    A project in earth system science, either focusing more on research or on reviewing the literature. The project may be combined with ESSC4820 to form a more substantial project. Students should seek prior permission of project advisor before enrolment.

3 R R R
  • ESSC4820 Senior Project II

    A project in earth system science, either focusing more on research or on reviewing the literature. The project may be combined with ESSC4810 to form a more substantial project. Students should seek prior permission of project advisor before enrolment.

3 R R R

Remarks: =Course component includes field trip; R=Required Course; E=Elective Course

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Learning Outcomes

Knowledge Outcomes (Content)

Graduates will have possessed fundamental knowledge of Earth System Science, and a broadly based core in science subjects, including:

  1. concepts and principles on the components of the Earth system and the complex and dynamic interactions among the components;
  2. concepts related to climate change and other important global issues;
  3. methodologies of detecting, monitoring, understanding, predicting Earth system events, and providing mitigation strategies for coping with global changes, and analytic, numerical, and experimental methods in Earth System Science; and
  4. a broad-based knowledge in science disciplines with a certain depth on a selected branch of science.

Skills Outcomes

Professional Skills

Graduates will have possessed the following professional skills:

  1. identifying the key factors and applying appropriate principles and methods in the study of a broad range of problems related to Earth System Science;
  2. applying appropriate technical know-how for solving decision problems related to Earth System Science;
  3. applying appropriate numerical methods, scientific programming skills, and statistical methods to analyze large amount of data; and
  4. reporting the solutions to technical problems and project studies concisely in speech and in writing.

Generic Competencies

Graduates will have acquired broad generic skills and good habits in their study, including:

  1. the ability to identify the key issues, to consider various factors, and to attempt different methods in dealing with problems;
  2. the ability to evaluate an issue critically based on evidence and scientific principles;
  3. the ability to acquire knowledge effectively by self-study and using information technology, and to work independently;
  4. the ability to work effectively in a team; and
  5. the ability to present information in a clear, concise and logical manner.

Attitude/Value Outcomes

Graduates will have developed positive attitudes and values, including:

  1. appreciation of the beauty of the planet Earth and a responsible attitude on important global issues;
  2. awareness of the latest developments in Earth System Science, climate change, environmental protection, sustainability, and other key issues;
  3. ability to adapt in a changing environment;
  4. willingness to take up responsibility in study and work; and
  5. motivation for life-long learning.