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A new Chinese translation of The Help (2009)
Prof. Ji Lingjie’s translation《相助》(2020) of The Help (2009) authored by Kathryn Stockett has been published by People’s Literature Publishing House. Set in the segregated South in the early 1960s, the novel which features three inspiring female characters, two black and one white, is meant to reveal the bond of women in a deeper sense.
You may see below an introduction to the Chinese translation of the book:
美國作家凱薩琳·斯多克特的長篇小說《相助》(The Help)講述20世紀60年代種族隔離背景下的美國密西西比州,白人女孩斯琪特(Skeeter)看不慣美國社會對黑人女傭的不公平對待,鼓勵她們衝破種族限制,冒險說出自己的故事,斯琪特希望通過書寫幫助這些女傭脫離困境,消除種族歧視,更令自己對善良、希望和愛都有了全新理解:“而這不正是這本書的意義嗎?要讓女人們意識到,你和我,我們是同樣的兩個人。我們之間的距離並非難以逾越,沒有我曾以為的那麼遙遠。”