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International Network of
Student Learning Assessment

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International Network of Student Learning Assessment

Books or Special Issue in Refereed Journal(s)

Ho, S. C. (2020). Large-scale Learning Assessments in Asia-Pacific: A Mapping of Country Policies and Practices. UNESCO Bangkok.

Ho, S. C. (Eds.) (2017). What We Learned from PISA: The Outstanding Performance of Students in Hong Kong and East Asia. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing.

Ho, S. C. (2015). Editor for the Special Issue on “Large-scale international assessment: Implications for educational policies and pedagogy” Education Journal 43(1). 203 pages.

Ho, S. C. (Eds.) (2013). Multilevel Analysis of the PISA Data: Insights for Policy and Practice. HKIER, Hong Kong.

Ho, S. C. (2012). Student Learning Assessment. Asia-Pacific Education System Review series No. 5. UNESCO Bangkok & HKIER, Hong Kong.

Ho, S. C., & Lo, N. K. (2011). Analysing the quality and equality of educational systems from an international perspective: Insights from PISA (In Chinese). Educational Science, Beijing, China.

Ho, S. C. (2004). Invited Editor for the Special Issue on “Analyzing the Quality of Education in Hong Kong from an International Perspective” Education Journal 31(2) & 32(1). 175 pages.