
Longitudinal Study of
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International Network of
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International Network of Student Learning Assessment

Doctoral Theses

李佳麗 (2018)。《中國陸港兩地影子教育狀況比較及其對教育質量和公平的啟示》。哲學博士論文,香港中文大學,香港。

祁翔 (2017)。《私營化對教育質量與公平的影響- 以上海民辦學校為例》。哲學博士論文,香港中文大學,香港。

Wong, Kwan-Yin Leo (2012). Gender Differences in Scientific Literacy of HKPISA 2006: A Multidimensional Differential Item Functioning and Multilevel Mediation Study. A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Education in Education. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Feb 2012.

Mak, Hok Kiu Edward (2011). Gender differences in learning Mathematics in Hong Kong: PISA 2003 study. A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Education in Education. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, August 2011.

藍郁平 (2006)。《家庭社會資本對香港學生的基礎能力的影響》。教育博士論文,香港中文大學,香港。