
Longitudinal Study of
Adolescents in Hong Kong

Evidence-based School
Improvement Projects

International Network of
Student Learning Assessment

Assessments for Teaching
and Learning

All Publications | Online Media Articles
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Books/Special Issue in Refereed Journal(s)

Ho, S. C. (2020). Large-scale Learning Assessments in Asia-Pacific: A Mapping of Country Policies and Practices. UNESCO Bangkok.

Book Chapters

Ho, E. S. C., & Staub, K. V.(2019). Home and School Relationships in Switzerland and Hong Kong. In S. B. Sheldon & T. A. Turner‐Vorbeck (Ed.), The Wiley Handbook of Family, School, and Community Relationships in Education (Chapter 14, pp. 289-314). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Keung, P. C., & Ho, S. C. (2019). Social Capital and Educational Expectations: Exploring Adolescents' Capabilities to Aspire for Post-secondary Education. In R. D. Bartee & P. L. George (Eds.), Contemporary Perspectives on Social Capital in Educational Contexts. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Online Media Articles

何瑞珠。(2020年11月7日)。 從自助攝影看香港青年的生命意義。

何瑞珠。(2020年2月29日)。 香港青少年之追蹤研究看青年升路心聲。

何瑞珠。(2020年2月22日)。 香港青少年之追蹤研究看青年面對挑戰的希望感。

Refereed Journal Paper

Lau, K. C., & Ho, S. C. (2020). Attitudes Towards Science, Teaching Practices, and Science Performance in PISA 2015: Multilevel Analysis of the Chinese and Western Top Performers. Research in Science Education.

Lam, C. C., Ho, S. C., & Tsang, W. K. (2020). The current state and prospect of curriculum reform in Hong Kong since 2001: The views of secondary school teachers and principals (In Chinese). Education Journal. 48(1): 1-21.

Ho, S. C., Tse, T. K. C. & Sum, K. W. (2020). A different ‘feel’, a different will: Institutional habitus and the choice of higher educational institutions in Hong Kong. International Journal of Educational Research, 100.


Keung, P. C.C., & Ho, S. C. E. (2019). Structure and agency in adolescents' expectations of pursuing post-secondary education. Research in Higher Education,1-26.