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Home > Information > Current Students >Bad Weather Arrangement
    Suspension of Classes
  • If the local storm warning signal No. 8 or above or the black rainstorm signal is issued at the following hours, classes will be suspended as below:
  • Programmes concerned Signals issued by Sessions/Periods suspended
    Full-time undergraduate 7:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. to 1:15 p.m.
    12:00 noon 1:30 p.m. to 6:15 p.m.
    Postgraduate and Higher Degree Programmes 7:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. to 1:15 p.m.
    12:00 noon 1:30 p.m. to 6:15 p.m.
    5:00 p.m. from 6:30 p.m. onward
  • If the announcement of “extreme condition” by the Government after super typhoons is issued at 7:00am or after, all classes will be suspended for the whole day.
  • If the local storm warning signal No. 8 or above, the black rainstorm signal or the announcement of “extreme condition” by the Government after super typhoons is issued during a class period, all classes will be suspended immediately. Students are advised to take shelter at a safe place until the weather and traffic conditions have improved.
  • Public announcements on suspension of classes made by the Education Bureau are not applicable to the University.
    Examination Arrangements
  • The arrangements for centralized course examinations will be as follows:
  • Typhoon Signal Rainstorm Signal Signals issued Examination Arrangements
    No. 1 or No. 3 Amber or Red --- Examinations to be held as scheduled
    No. 8 or above or the announcement of “extreme condition” Black After the start of the examination Examinations will continue until the end of the session
    7:00 a.m. or after All full-time undergraduate and daytime postgraduate examinations postponed
    5:00 p.m. or after Evening examinations of part-time undergraduate degree programmes and postgraduate programmes postponed
  • Public announcements on suspension of classes or postponement of public examinations made by the Education Bureau and the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority are not applicable to the University.
  • Arrangements of examination postponement:
    • Details of postponement will be announced at the following locations.
      Programmes Location of Notice Board
      Full-time undergraduate Registration and Examinations Section
      Postgraduate and Higher Degree Programmes G/F, Ho Tim Building
    • For examinations which are conducted by individual teaching staff, details of postponement will be announced by the departments concerned.
    Arrangements for Online Classes and Online Examinations
  • Unless otherwise advised by the course teachers concerned with alternative arrangements, all online classes and online examinations will continue as scheduled under any weather conditions, including when Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 or above and/or Black Rainstorm Signal is hoisted.
  • For face-to-face meetings or face-to-face examinations that are specially approved to be conducted on campus, please refer to “Suspension of Classes” and “Examinations Arrangements” above for class/examination suspension. Course teachers concerned should arrange class make-up and postponement of examination when such class/examination suspension happen due to weather conditions.
    Transport Arrangements
  • If the local storm warning signal No. 8 or above is issued during class period/working hours,   meet-class buses will cease to operate whereas the normal shuttle bus service will be maintained for an hour. All bus services will resume operation on a limited basis one hour after the said warning signal is lowered (or the extreme condition notice, if any, is cancelled), unless the situation does not permit.
  • If the black rainstorm warning signal is issued during class period/working hours, meet-class buses will cease to operate whereas the normal shuttle bus service will be maintained, unless the situation does not permit.
  • If the local storm warning signal No. 8 or above, the extreme condition notice or the black rainstorm warning signal is issued before the start of class period/working hours, all bus services will be suspended and will resume operation on a limited basis one hour after the said warning signal(s)/notice are cancelled, unless the situation does not permit.