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Ms LEE Mee Wah Melody College Secretary
 3943 1748 
 3943 1802 
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Ms TANG Sze Man Alice  Executive Officer
 3943 1965 
3943 1802
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Ms HUI Man Ying Katy
Project Coordinator 3943 5456 3943 1802 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ms LEUNG Cheuk Kit Christy Project Coordinator 3943 1966 3943 1802 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ms SO Rosanna Tse-ying
Project Coordinator
3943 1943
3943 1802
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Mrs WONG WONG Choi Ling Dora
General Clerk
3943 3919
3943 1802
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Ms YUEN Wai Man Eva
Personal Secretary
3943 1964
3943 1802
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Mr MUI Chun Ho Ken
Clerical Assistant
3943 9681
3943 1802
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