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Tax Exemption and Contact

Tax Exemption

Donation cheque should be payable to ‘The Chinese University of Hong Kong’; a receipt will be provided for tax deduction in Hong Kong. 

For tax deduction in the US, please donate via The Chinese University of Hong Kong Foundation, Inc for a tax deductible receipt in the US.  Please address crossed donation cheque made payable to ‘The Chinese University of Hong Kong Foundation, Inc.’ to the following and state your wish to support general endowment fund of CW Chu College:

The Chinese University of Hong Kong Foundation, Inc.
c/o GMA Foundations
77 Summer Street, 8th Floor
Boston, MA 02110-1006
United States


Professor Wai-Yee CHAN
Master, CW Chu College
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong SAR
The People’s Republic of China
Email        : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone       : (852) 3943 3383
Fax           : (852) 3943 1802

