Department of Surgery, CUHK


The Chinese University of Hong Kong is a tertiary research institution of international repute with an annual postgraduate intake of over 13,000.

The Department of Surgery is an integral part of the Faculty of Medicine based in the Prince of Wales Hospital. Our programs are research-oriented, providing students with dedciated support, structured mentorship and excellent research opportunities during their journey of discovering their unique academic interests and developing an expertise in translational research. We equip postgraduate students with in-depth knowledge and advanced research skills, accentuating a comprehensive learning experience that builds a solid foundation for their academic career with an aim to excel at utilising surgical sciences to improve patient outcomes.


Potential Projects

  • Minimally Invasive Surgery
  • Cancer Research: Molecular Targets for Diagnosis and Treatment
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Neurosurgery
  • Other topics in Surgery (such as Hepato-biliary and Pancreatic Surgery, Upper Gastrointestinal and Metabolic Surgery, Colorectal Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Urology and Cardiothoracic Surgery), Speech Therapy and ENT will also be considered.

MPhil/PhD Program

PhD: Three to four years of supervised research-based clinical-translational research study.

Applicants who wish to take a shorter research study may consider MPhil program.

MPhil/PhD candidates include science graduates, medical students and medical doctors undertaking scientific training.

Interested candidates please visit our website Determine your research interest and discuss with your potential supervisor through email. Applicants with general interest in our department could send your CV and a brief research interest statement to for consideration. Application deadline is listed on Graduate School's website.


Admission Year

Field of Research
Correlation of PDL1 and Chemoresistance and Natural Killer Immunotherapy in Colorectal Cancer

Prof. NG Siu Man Simon
Dr. CHENG Siu Tim

Keywords for Research
PDL1, Chemoresistance, Natural Killer, Immunotherapy, Colorectal Cancer

Admission Year Field of Research Supervisor(s) Keywords for Research
2019 Correlation of PDL1 and Chemoresistance and Natural Killer Immunotherapy in Colorectal Cancer Prof. NG Siu Man Simon
Dr. CHENG Siu Tim
PDL1, Chemoresistance, Natural Killer, Immunotherapy, Colorectal Cancer

Admission Year

Field of Research
Neural predictors of language and hearing outcomes in hearing impaired

Prof. TONG Chi Fai Michael
Prof. WONG Chun Man Patrick & Dr. NG Hoi Yee Iris

Keywords for Research
Cochlear implants, machine learning, fNIRS, neural predictors, hearing impairment

Admission Year Field of Research Supervisor(s) Keywords for Research
2017 Neural predictors of language and hearing outcomes in hearing impaired Prof. TONG Chi Fai Michael
Prof. WONG Chun Man Patrick & Dr. NG Hoi Yee Iris
Cochlear implants, machine learning, fNIRS, neural predictors, hearing impairment

Admission Year

Field of Research
Meningioma organoid culture

Prof. WONG Kwok Chu George

Keywords for Research
Meningioma, 3D cell culture, organoids

Admission Year Field of Research Supervisor(s) Keywords for Research
2019 Meningioma organoid culture Prof. WONG Kwok Chu George Meningioma, 3D cell culture, organoids

Admission Year

Field of Research
Inflammation and subarachnoid haemorrhage

Prof. WONG Kwok Chu George

Keywords for Research
SAH, microglia, inflammation, single-cell analysis

Admission Year Field of Research Supervisor(s) Keywords for Research
2019 Inflammation and subarachnoid haemorrhage Prof. WONG Kwok Chu George SAH, microglia, inflammation, single-cell analysis

Admission Year

Field of Research
Functional anorectal studies in patients with low anterior resection syndrome (LARS)

Dr. Kaori FUTABA
Prof. NG Siu Man Simon

Keywords for Research
Anterior resection syndrome, LARS, Fecobionics, bowel dysfunction, defecation

Admission Year Field of Research Supervisor(s) Keywords for Research
2018 Functional anorectal studies in patients with low anterior resection syndrome (LARS) Dr. Kaori FUTABA
Prof. NG Siu Man Simon
Anterior resection syndrome, LARS, Fecobionics, bowel dysfunction, defecation

Admission Year

Field of Research
Magnetic anchored and actuated endoscope for minimally invasive surgery

Dr. LI Zheng

Keywords for Research
Surgical endoscope, Minimally invasive, Magnetic anchoring, Magnetic actuation, Surgical robotics

Admission Year Field of Research Supervisor(s) Keywords for Research
2018 Magnetic anchored and actuated endoscope for minimally invasive surgery Dr. LI Zheng Surgical endoscope, Minimally invasive, Magnetic anchoring, Magnetic actuation, Surgical robotics

Admission Year

Field of Research

Prof. Nathalie WONG
Dr. TEOH Yuen Bun Anthony

Keywords for Research

Admission Year Field of Research Supervisor(s) Keywords for Research
2020 Prof. Nathalie WONG
Dr. TEOH Yuen Bun Anthony

Admission Year

Field of Research

Dr. CHEUNG Siu Tim

Keywords for Research

Admission Year Field of Research Supervisor(s) Keywords for Research
2020 Dr. CHEUNG Siu Tim

Admission Year

Field of Research
Surgical robotics

Dr. LI Zheng

Keywords for Research
Surgical robotics

Admission Year Field of Research Supervisor(s) Keywords for Research
2020 Surgical robotics Dr. LI Zheng Surgical robotics

Admission Year

Field of Research
Targeted Cancer Therapeutics

Dr. CHENG Siu Tim

Keywords for Research
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma, cancer stemness

Admission Year Field of Research Supervisor(s) Keywords for Research
2019 Targeted Cancer Therapeutics Dr. CHENG Siu Tim Nasopharyngeal carcinoma, cancer stemness

Admission Year

Field of Research
Biomedical Engineering / A FPGA-based CNN Inference Accelerator for Detecting Multiple Rare Types of Cancers during Endoscopy

Dr. POON Chung Yan Carmen

Keywords for Research
Colorectal Cancer, Deep Learning, Therapeutic Endoscopy, FPGA

Admission Year Field of Research Supervisor(s) Keywords for Research
2017 Biomedical Engineering / A FPGA-based CNN Inference Accelerator for Detecting Multiple Rare Types of Cancers during Endoscopy Dr. POON Chung Yan Carmen Colorectal Cancer, Deep Learning, Therapeutic Endoscopy, FPGA

Admission Year

Field of Research
Mesenchymal Stem-Cell-Derived exosomes prevent esophageal stricture after ESD

Prof. CHIU Wai Yan Philip

Keywords for Research
Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD), Esophageal stricture, Mesenchymal Stem Cell

Admission Year Field of Research Supervisor(s) Keywords for Research
2019 Mesenchymal Stem-Cell-Derived exosomes prevent esophageal stricture after ESD Prof. CHIU Wai Yan Philip Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD), Esophageal stricture, Mesenchymal Stem Cell

Admission Year

Field of Research
Modeling HCC tumorigenesis in patient-derived organoids

Prof. Nathalie WONG

Keywords for Research
Hepatocellular carcinoma, patient-derived organoids, loss-of function TP53, gain-of-function TP53

Admission Year Field of Research Supervisor(s) Keywords for Research
2019 Modeling HCC tumorigenesis in patient-derived organoids Prof. Nathalie WONG Hepatocellular carcinoma, patient-derived organoids, loss-of function TP53, gain-of-function TP53

Admission Year

Field of Research
Characterization of STAT3 in the Regulation of Tumorigenesis and Natural Killer Cell Function in Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Dr. CHENG Siu Tim

Keywords for Research
STAT3, natural killer cell, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, hepatocellular carcinoma

Admission Year Field of Research Supervisor(s) Keywords for Research
2017 Characterization of STAT3 in the Regulation of Tumorigenesis and Natural Killer Cell Function in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Dr. CHENG Siu Tim STAT3, natural killer cell, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, hepatocellular carcinoma

Admission Year

Field of Research

Dr. LI Zheng

Keywords for Research

Admission Year Field of Research Supervisor(s) Keywords for Research
2020 Dr. LI Zheng

Admission Year

Field of Research
Medical Robotics

Dr. LI Zheng

Keywords for Research
GI Tract Inspection, Endoscope, Magnetic Manipulation, Computer-assisted Surgery

Admission Year Field of Research Supervisor(s) Keywords for Research
2019 Medical Robotics Dr. LI Zheng GI Tract Inspection, Endoscope, Magnetic Manipulation, Computer-assisted Surgery

Admission Year

Field of Research

Prof. NG Sze Hang Calvin

Keywords for Research

Admission Year Field of Research Supervisor(s) Keywords for Research
2020 Prof. NG Sze Hang Calvin

Admission Year

Field of Research
Air contaminant and lung cancer

Prof. CHOI Chung Hang Jonathan
Prof. NG Sze Hang Calvin

Keywords for Research
PM2.5, sulfur, nitrogen oxides, lung cancer

Admission Year Field of Research Supervisor(s) Keywords for Research
2019 Air contaminant and lung cancer Prof. CHOI Chung Hang Jonathan
Prof. NG Sze Hang Calvin
PM2.5, sulfur, nitrogen oxides, lung cancer

Admission Year

Field of Research

Prof. NG Kwok Chai Kelvin

Keywords for Research

Admission Year Field of Research Supervisor(s) Keywords for Research
2020 Prof. NG Kwok Chai Kelvin

Admission Year

Field of Research

Prof. WONG Kwok Chu George
Prof. POON Wai Sang

Keywords for Research
Neuroscience, Stem cell, Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy

Admission Year Field of Research Supervisor(s) Keywords for Research
2018 Neurosurgery Prof. WONG Kwok Chu George
Prof. POON Wai Sang
Neuroscience, Stem cell, Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy

Admission Year

Field of Research
The Application of Speech Recognition Technology in Screening Speech Sound Disorders in Cantonese-Speaking Children

Prof. Michael CF TONG
Prof. LEE Yuet Sheung Kathy, Prof. LEE Tan

Keywords for Research
ASR, SSD, Cantonese, Speech Therapy, Speech Recognition

Admission Year Field of Research Supervisor(s) Keywords for Research
2015 The Application of Speech Recognition Technology in Screening Speech Sound Disorders in Cantonese-Speaking Children Prof. Michael CF TONG
Prof. LEE Yuet Sheung Kathy, Prof. LEE Tan
ASR, SSD, Cantonese, Speech Therapy, Speech Recognition

Admission Year

Field of Research
FOXP3 and its isoforms in NSCLC

Prof. NG Sze Hang Calvin
Prof. CHEN Gong George

Keywords for Research
FOXP3, NSCLC, isoform

Admission Year Field of Research Supervisor(s) Keywords for Research
2018 FOXP3 and its isoforms in NSCLC Prof. NG Sze Hang Calvin
Prof. CHEN Gong George
FOXP3, NSCLC, isoform

Admission Year

Field of Research

Prof. NG Chi Fai
Dr. CHIU Ka Fung Peter

Keywords for Research

Admission Year Field of Research Supervisor(s) Keywords for Research
2020 Prof. NG Chi Fai
Dr. CHIU Ka Fung Peter

Admission Year

Field of Research

Prof. Katie MEEHAN
Dr. CHAN Jason Ying Kuen

Keywords for Research

Admission Year Field of Research Supervisor(s) Keywords for Research
2020 Prof. Katie MEEHAN
Dr. CHAN Jason Ying Kuen

Admission Year

Field of Research

Prof. FUNG Erik Yee Mun George

Keywords for Research

Admission Year Field of Research Supervisor(s) Keywords for Research
2020 Prof. M J UNDERWOOD
Prof. FUNG Erik Yee Mun George

Admission Year

Field of Research

Prof. Nathalie WONG

Keywords for Research

Admission Year Field of Research Supervisor(s) Keywords for Research
2020 Prof. Nathalie WONG

Admission Year

Field of Research

Prof. NG Chi Fai

Keywords for Research

Admission Year Field of Research Supervisor(s) Keywords for Research
2020 Prof. NG Chi Fai

Admission Year

Field of Research

Prof. LEE Yuet Sheung Kathy
Prof. TONG Chi Fai Michael

Keywords for Research

Admission Year Field of Research Supervisor(s) Keywords for Research
2016 Prof. LEE Yuet Sheung Kathy
Prof. TONG Chi Fai Michael

Admission Year

Field of Research

Prof. Nathalie WONG

Keywords for Research

Admission Year Field of Research Supervisor(s) Keywords for Research
2020 Prof. Nathalie WONG

Admission Year

Field of Research
Immuno-oncology in hepatocellular carcinoma

Prof. Nathalie WONG

Keywords for Research
Hepatocellular carcinoma, Immuno-oncology, Tumour-intrinsic oncogene pathways

Admission Year Field of Research Supervisor(s) Keywords for Research
2019 Immuno-oncology in hepatocellular carcinoma Prof. Nathalie WONG Hepatocellular carcinoma, Immuno-oncology, Tumour-intrinsic oncogene pathways

Admission Year

Field of Research
Novel biomimic locomotion methods for robots in gastrointestinal tract

Dr. LI Zheng

Keywords for Research
Endoscopic robotics, Biomimic Robotics, Soft Robotics

Admission Year Field of Research Supervisor(s) Keywords for Research
2019 Novel biomimic locomotion methods for robots in gastrointestinal tract Dr. LI Zheng Endoscopic robotics, Biomimic Robotics, Soft Robotics

Admission Year

Field of Research
Estrogen Receptor and Its Isoforms in Thyroid Cancer

Prof. TONG Chi Fai Michael
Prof. CHEN Gong George & Prof. Katie MEEHAN

Keywords for Research
Estrogen Receptor, Thyroid Cancer, Autophagy

Admission Year Field of Research Supervisor(s) Keywords for Research
2017 Estrogen Receptor and Its Isoforms in Thyroid Cancer Prof. TONG Chi Fai Michael
Prof. CHEN Gong George & Prof. Katie MEEHAN
Estrogen Receptor, Thyroid Cancer, Autophagy

Admission Year

Field of Research
Hepatocellular carcinoma related signalling pathways and treatments

Dr. CHENG Siu Tim

Keywords for Research
Liver cancer, cancer immunotherapy, cancer genomics

Admission Year Field of Research Supervisor(s) Keywords for Research
2019 Hepatocellular carcinoma related signalling pathways and treatments Dr. CHENG Siu Tim Liver cancer, cancer immunotherapy, cancer genomics

Admission Year

Field of Research

Prof. LEE Yuet Sheung Kathy
Prof. TONG Chi Fai Michael, Prof. NG Hoi Yee Iris

Keywords for Research

Admission Year Field of Research Supervisor(s) Keywords for Research
2016 Prof. LEE Yuet Sheung Kathy
Prof. TONG Chi Fai Michael, Prof. NG Hoi Yee Iris

Admission Year

Field of Research
Minimally Invasive Image-guided Thermal Ablation for Lung Cancer

Prof. NG Sze Hang Calvin

Keywords for Research
Microwave ablation, Ablation, Lung Cancer

Admission Year Field of Research Supervisor(s) Keywords for Research
2019 Minimally Invasive Image-guided Thermal Ablation for Lung Cancer Prof. NG Sze Hang Calvin Microwave ablation, Ablation, Lung Cancer

Admission Year

Field of Research

Prof. LAU Yun Wong James
Prof. Nathalie WONG

Keywords for Research

Admission Year Field of Research Supervisor(s) Keywords for Research
2020 Prof. LAU Yun Wong James
Prof. Nathalie WONG

Admission Year

Field of Research
Surgical robot system, Flexible Surgical Instrument and endoscope

Dr. LI Zheng

Keywords for Research
Flexible instrument, Minimally Invasive Surgery, Robot control

Admission Year Field of Research Supervisor(s) Keywords for Research
2019 Surgical robot system, Flexible Surgical Instrument and endoscope Dr. LI Zheng Flexible instrument, Minimally Invasive Surgery, Robot control

Admission Year

Field of Research

Prof. NG Chi Fai
Dr. TEOH Yuen Chun Jeremy

Keywords for Research

Admission Year Field of Research Supervisor(s) Keywords for Research
2020 Prof. NG Chi Fai
Dr. TEOH Yuen Chun Jeremy

Year of Graduation :        

WONG Wai Ming Rita
Perception of Lexical Tone - A fMRI study

LEUNG Ka Ying Karman
Electromyographic assessment of swallowing in irradiated nasopharyngral carcinoma patients

SONG Chengzhi
The Design, Development and Control of the 6-DoF Flexible Laparoscope

HE Yuzhong
Development and Validation of Prognostic Models for Traumatic Brain Injury with Factors Before Injury, On Admission and During Clinical Management

YU Jianqing
The role of cytochrome P450 1A2 in tumor suppression and sorafenib-resistance in hepatocellular carcinoma

BAI Xiaowu
The Role of YTHDFl in Tumor Immune Microenvironment of Gastric Cancer

The overexpression of FOXP3 and FOXP3A3 is oncogenic in non-small cell lung cancer

GONG Zhongqin
Transcription factor forkhead box P3 and its isoforms in hepatocellular carcinoma

LO Wan Yee
Colloidal Synthesis and Characterization of Fe3O4 / Hemostatic Nanocomposites for Magnetic-Guided Therapeutic Endoscopy

YE Minxin
Design and Development of a Semi-Autonomous Stereotactic Brain Biopsy Robot with Enhanced Safety

Name Degree Year of Graduation Thesis Titles
WONG Wai Ming Rita PhD 2020 Perception of Lexical Tone - A fMRI study
LEUNG Ka Ying Karman PhD 2020 Electromyographic assessment of swallowing in irradiated nasopharyngral carcinoma patients
SONG Chengzhi PhD 2020 The Design, Development and Control of the 6-DoF Flexible Laparoscope
HE Yuzhong PhD 2020 Development and Validation of Prognostic Models for Traumatic Brain Injury with Factors Before Injury, On Admission and During Clinical Management
YU Jianqing PhD 2020 The role of cytochrome P450 1A2 in tumor suppression and sorafenib-resistance in hepatocellular carcinoma
BAI Xiaowu PhD 2020 The Role of YTHDFl in Tumor Immune Microenvironment of Gastric Cancer
JIA Hao PhD 2020 The overexpression of FOXP3 and FOXP3A3 is oncogenic in non-small cell lung cancer
GONG Zhongqin PhD 2020 Transcription factor forkhead box P3 and its isoforms in hepatocellular carcinoma
LO Wan Yee MPhil 2020 Colloidal Synthesis and Characterization of Fe3O4 / Hemostatic Nanocomposites for Magnetic-Guided Therapeutic Endoscopy
YE Minxin MPhil 2020 Design and Development of a Semi-Autonomous Stereotactic Brain Biopsy Robot with Enhanced Safety


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Visual Servo of a 6-DOF Robotic Stereo Flexible Endoscope Based on da-Vinci Research Kit (dVRK) System
Ma*, X., Song*, C., Chiu, P.W. and Li, Z IEEE Rob. Autom. Lett. 2020; 5(2):820-827

A Novel Flexible Robotic Endoscope with Constrained Tendon-driven Continuum Mechanism
Xue Zhang, Weibing Li, Philip W.Y. Chiu and Zheng Li IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) 2020; 5(2):1366-1372

Surgical access trauma following minimally invasive thoracic surgery
Chan JWY, Yu PSY, Yang JH, Yuan EQ, Jia H, Peng J, Lau RWH, Ng CSH Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2020; 58:i6-i13

Glioma-associated oncogene homolog 1 stimulates FOXP3 to promote non-small cell lung cancer stemness
Qi H, Li W, Zhang J, Chen J, Peng J, Liu Y, Yang S, Du J, Long X, Ng CS, Li MY, Chen GG. Am J Transl Res. 2020; 12(5):1839-1850

An accelerated recurrent neural network for visual servo control of a robotic flexible endoscope with joint limit constraint
Li, W., Song, C. and Li, Z IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 2020; 67(12):10787-10797

Co-infection of Cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr Virus Diminishes the Frequency of CD56dimNKG2A+KIR- NK Cells and Contributes to Suboptimal Control of EBV in Immunosuppressed Children With Post-transplant Lymphoproliferative Disorder
Lam JKP, Azzi T, Hui KF, Wong AMG, McHugh D, Caduff N, Chan KH, Münz C, Chiang AKS Front Immunol 2020; 11; 1231

Surgical access trauma following minimally invasive thoracic surgery
Joyce W Y Chan, Peter S Y Yu, Jack Hong Yang, Evan Qize Yuan, Hao Jia, Jia Peng, Rainbow W H Lau, Calvin S H Ng European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 2020; 58(Supplement_1):i6-i13

Postlobectomy major haemorrhage: known knowns, known unknowns and unknown unknowns
Peter S Y Yu, Evan Qize Yuan, Calvin S H Ng European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 2020; 57(3):470-471


Postgraduate Studentship / Fellowship / Financial Aids

Full-time postgraduate students MPhil and PhD are provided with Postgraduate Studentship (PGS) by the Chinese University of Hong Kong. PhD applicants can also apply for the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme provided by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC). Full-time students can also apply for Government Grants and Loans provided by the Hong Kong Government. Respective surgical and research teams would also offer support. Contact your potential supervisor for details.


AACR Annual Meeting Scholar-in-Training Award 2020
Mr YEUNG Chun, Philip (PhD Student)
American Association for Cancer Research

Best Presentation Award, Research Postgraduate Symposium 2019
Ms HUI Shinyee (PhD Student)
Graduate Division of Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Gold Award, Engineering Medical Innovation Competition (EMedic Global) 2019
Mr CHENG Truman (PhD Student)
National Univeristy of Singapore (NUS)

Best Oral Presentation Award 2017
Ms NG Wing Yee, Cymie (PhD Student)
10th Asia Pacific Conference of Speech, Language and Hearing

CUHK Young Scholars Thesis Awards 2015
Dr YANG Shengli (2015 PhD Graduate in Surgery)
Hypoxia-inducible Factor-2 Alpha in the Development of Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Copyright © 2021. All Rights Reserved. Department of Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong KongCUHK

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