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 Experiential Learning Opportunities

CUHK Physics Department has put much effort in developing effective experiential learning activities, which form an integral part of a high quality education. Many of these activities are unique among physics programs in Hong Kong. Examples of such extra-curricular learning opportunities include:

Summer Internship for Undergraduate Students: This program provides a formal channel for physics undergraduates in the end of Year-1, Year-2 and Year-3 to work in both experimental and theoretical projects during the summer. Its main purpose is for education of young students. Through this program, we hope to: (i) give students some basic training in practical experimental skills, (ii) provide them opportunities to get in touch with current research topics, (iii) increase their interest in experimental physics and (iv) prepare them for future postgraduate studies. Please visit HERE for more information.
Study Tours for Physics Students: Firstly introduced in 2017, physics undergraduates work in small groups to conduct a physics-related field work or experiment in an overseas site. The theme of the study tour changes every year. In 2018, the study tour was jointly organized with the Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education. Students visited cutting edge research facilities in Europe such as CERN, VIRGO and NIKHEF. As part of the field work, they carried out cosmic ray measurement projects. Please visit HERE for more information.
Summer Undergraduate Research Exchange (SURE): Each year the Department sends selected students to take up summer research projects in leading institutes overseas. The aims are to expose our students to forefront research and for them to gain invaluable research and learning experience. For more details, please visit HERE.
Summer Teacher AppRenticeship (STAR): The best way to learn something is to teach it! Each summer the Department sends selected students to work as assistants to experienced physics teachers in secondary schools, so that they can broaden their perspectives in learning physics and to gain invaluable experience for a possible teaching career. For more details, please visit HERE.
Overseas Program for Undergraduate Students (OPUS): The program was launched in 2006, and it has provided an opportunity for students to take courses and carry out summer research in leading universities outside Hong Kong, including the University of California Berkeley, Fudan University and Peking University. For more details, please visit HERE.
These efforts, together with the final year research projects, of involving undergraduates into research activities have led to publications of research papers in international journals with undergraduates as co-authors. The Department also supports our students to report their research results in local and international conferences.
Other exchange/internship opportunities: