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 Scholarships and Grants

Admission Scholarships (for Enrichment Stream in Theoretical Physics)

  1. Eligibility:
    • First year Enrichment Stream in Theoretical Physics (ESTP) students
  2. Criteria: Minimum academic performance for consideration:
    • Best 5 score ≥ 29 in HKDSE with good level(s) in HKDSE Physics / Mathematics / M1/M2; OR
    • IB Score: 40 (out of 45) and 7 in IB Physics (HL); OR
    • equivalent qualifications as approved by the Department of Physics.
  3. Amount for each award:
    • HK$ 10,000 – 40,000 (one-off)

The Scholarship will be offered to qualified students on a competitive basis. No application is required. The awarded students will be notified individually.

Undergraduate Research Experience Grant (UREG)

  1. Aims:
    • To encourage exceptionally well-prepared undergraduates admitted into the Enrichment Stream in Theoretical Physics (ESTP) and the Physics Programme (broad-based admission) to participate in research activities offered/arranged by the Department of Physics.
  2. Eligibility:
    • First year Enrichment Stream in Theoretical Physics (ESTP) students; OR
    • First year JUPAS students and Mainland students admitted through broad-based admission who have declared Physics as Major; OR
    • First year Non-JUPAS students admitted through broad-based admission who have declared Physics as Major.
  3. Criteria: Attained either of the followings:
    • 5** in HKDSE Physics; OR
    • 90% (of the full score) in JEE Physics; OR
    • 90% (of the full score) in both JEE Mathematics and Combined Science (with physics component); OR
    • 7 in IB Physics (HL); OR
    • equivalent qualifications as approved by the Department of Physics.
  4. Amount for each award:
    • HK$20,000 for research-related activities per year up to three calendar years (1 January – 31 December)*. The unspent portion in one year cannot be carried forward to the next year.

The Grant will be offered to qualified students on a competitive basis. No application is required. The awarded students will be notified individually.

* Beyond Year 1, the recipient has to maintain a term major grade point average (Term Major GPA) of 3.2 or above to receive / continue to receive the Grant.

Other scholarships and grants

Physics Prize, CN Yang Scholarship, Professor and Mrs. Yau Wa Chan Scholarship, Professor Dennis Yam Kuen Lo Physics Award, CUHK Physics Alumni Scholarship, and Undergraduate Research Assistantship.