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In order to promote the discipline in Hong Kong, the Research Institute for the Humanities (RIH) of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) came to an agreement with the Islamic Cultural Association (Hong Kong) on 31 July 2013. With sponsorship provided by the latter under the agreement, RIH launched the ‘Islamic Studies Initiative’ (ISI) on 13 September 2013. On 12 May 2015, ISI was approved by the management of the university to become the Centre for the Study of Islamic Culture (CSIC).

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LG13I, Leung Kau Kui Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Hong Kong • New Territories • Shatin


Islam is not only one of the world’s major religions, but also the source of a global civilization. Since its emergence in seventh-century Arabia, Islam had spread to vast territories spanning Asia, Africa, Europe and beyond. At present, Muslims make up approximately twenty percent of the world population. They are found in both Muslim majority and non-Muslim countries, even in some remote parts of the globe. Since the late 1970s, owing to an Islamic resurgence, the end of the Cold War, globalization as well as geopolitics involving Muslim populations, Islam has widely attracted the attention of media and academia.

With a unique geographic location and favorable academic atmosphere, Hong Kong offers many advantages in Islamic Studies. First, there is a sizeable Muslim population in its mother country, China, which is also neighboured by several countries with significant Muslim populations to its west. Secondly, Hong Kong is situated near South East Asia, which includes Indonesia, the most populous Muslim country in the world. With such a huge Muslim presence in its proximity, Hong Kong is well-positioned to allow study of and interaction with these Muslim communities. However, relatively speaking, Hong Kong is a late starter in the field of Islamic Studies. In order to promote the discipline in Hong Kong, the Research Institute for the Humanities (RIH) of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) came to an agreement with the Islamic Cultural Association (Hong Kong) on 31 July 2013. With sponsorship provided by the latter under the agreement, RIH launched the ‘Islamic Studies Initiative’ (ISI) on 13 September 2013. Since then ISI has strived to fulfill its mission. It has organized a series of lectures delivered by international scholars, culminating in the First Distinguished Lectureship in Islamic Civilization. It also produced the first-ever academic publication focused on localization of Islam in China. On 12 May 2015, ISI was approved by the management of the university to become the Centre for the Study of Islamic Culture (CSIC)

Inauguration Ceremony

Officiating guests at the Cheque Presentation Ceremony for the Donation by Islamic Cultural Association (Hong Kong) and Inaugural Ceremony of Research Institute for the Humanities of CUHK – Islamic Cultural Association (Hong Kong) Collaboration Programme held on 13 September 2013: (from right to left) Prof. Poo Mu-chou, Professor of History; Prof. Lai Pan-chiu, Associate Dean, Faculty of Arts; Prof. Hsiung Ping-chen, Director of RIH; Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK; Imam Mohammad Noorudin Yang, Chairman of the Islamic Cultural Association (Hong Kong); Imam Uthman Yang Xing Ben, Imam of Masjid Ammar; Prof. Fok Tai-fai, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK; Prof. Tam Wai-lun, Chairperson, Department of Cultural and Religious Studies.

Cheque Presentation (from right to lift) Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK; Imam Mohammad Noorudin Yang, Chairman of the Islamic Cultural Association (Hong Kong).


The objectives of the Centre for the Study of Islamic Culture include:

1.Promote multi-disciplinary research on Islamic culture, especially the study of Chinese Muslim communities in and beyond China.

2.Contribute to intercultural and interfaith research involving Islam.

3.Disseminate academic knowledge to promote understanding of Islamic culture within the university.

4.Establish CUHK as an international hub for the study of Islamic culture in the Chinese context.

5.Promote the public’s understanding of Islam.


Our mission is to promote academic studies of Islamic culture and to enhance the public understanding of Islam, through conducting multi-disciplinary research projects of international standing, taking part in comparative or dialogic studies of religions and cultures.


Director: Prof. James D. FRANKEL
Post-doctoral Fellow: Dr. HUNG Tak Wai
Research Assistants: Ms. Aida WONG, Mr. Ruslan N. YUSUPOV, Ms. Asiah YANG

Executive Committee

Prof. James D. FRANKEL (Director of CSIC)
Prof. LAI Pan Chiu (Professor, Department of Cultural and Religious Studies)
Prof. TAM Wai Lun (Chairperson, Department of Cultural and Religious Studies)
Prof. CHEUNG Sui Wai (Vice Chairman(Internal), Department of History)

Steering Committee

Prof. POO Mu Chou (Director, Centre for the Comparative Study of Antiquity)
Prof. LAU Kwok Ying (Director, Edwin Cheng Foundation Asian Centre for Phenomenology)
Prof. HUANG Weishan (Director, Taiwan Research Centre)

Advisory Committee

Convener:Director of RIH (ex officio)

External Advisors:
Representative(s) from the Islamic Cultural Association (Hong Kong);
Prof. Lin Chang-kuan, Department of History, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Prof. DING Shiren, Director, Institute for Research on Islamic Culture, Lanzhou University;
Prof. Farhan A. NIZAMI, Director, Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies, Oxford University;
Prof. Azyumardi AZRA, Director of Graduate School, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta, Indonesia.

Internal Advisors:
Prof. YEUNG Yue-man, Emeritus Professor, Department of Geography and Resource Management;
Prof. Lawal M. MARAFA, Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Resource Management; 
Dr. Andy YU Chi Chung, Lecturer, Office of University General Education.