About Us > Background

The Chinese University of Hong Kong Employees General Union (CUEGU) was established and registered under the Trade Union Ordinance in April 2004 (registered no: TU1065). All staff employed by CUHK is eligible to join the Union.

CUEGU aims at:  

  • promoting and defending the rights of CUHK staff members;   
  • ensuring just terms of employment and job stability;
  • contributing to the building of a vibrant campus community that include staff, students and other stakeholders; and 
  • monitoring university governance.

CUEGU is an affiliate of the Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions (HKCTU) and serves as a member of its executive board since 2006. CUEGU also has a strong linkage with the Hong Kong Professional Teachers' Union (HKPTU). Members of CUEGU can enjoy HKPTU's welfare services.

Join Us:

Please fill in the membership form below and return it by internal mail to “The Chinese University of Hong Kong Employees General Union”, together with any of the followings for the annual fee of HK$60: 

  1. Authorization for auto‐pay from the University salary account (appended on the next page)
  2. A crossed cheque made payable to “The Chinese University of Hong Kong Employees General Union”
  3. A transfer slip showing deposit to the Union’s Heng Sang Bank a/c: 290‐6‐032301

For any enquiry, please contact us on 8117 4594.

Membership Form