

Prof. Rocky S. TUAN

College Head

Prof. FONG Wing Ping

Chairperson of the Department of Cultural and Religious Studies

Prof. PANG Lai Kwan

Director of Divinity School

Mission Enhancement Project Executive

Director of Centre for Christian Studies

Prof. Francis C.W. YIP

Associate Director (Academic Affairs) of Divinity School

Head of Theology Graduate Division

Prof. Simon S.M. KWAN

Associate Director (External Affairs) of Divinity School

Prof. Tobias BRANDNER

Director of Pastoral Programme

School Chaplain

Practical Education Co-ordinator

The Rev. WONG Ka Fai

Director of Resource Centre for Contemporary Christian Studies

Director of Christian Study Centre on Chinese Religion and Culture

Prof. YING Fuk Tsang

Director of Centre for Quality-Life Education

Dean of IASACT Program, United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia

Prof. KUNG Lap Yan

Honorary Coordinator of Resource Center for Contemporary Christian Studies

Dr. Milton W.Y. WAN

Warden of Theology Building Hostel

Dr. Leo K.H. LI