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Our Centre joined hands with Kwang Hwa Information and Cultural Centre and
commenced the seminar ‘How Indie-bookstores Work’. Scholars from our University and local owners of
independent bookshops were invited to participate in the discussion of creating a new horizon in
social and literary culture.

Mr Lo Chih-cheng, former Chairperson of Central News Agency (CNA) and former
Director of the Kwang Hwa Information and Cultural Centre, was invited by our Centre to participate
in a lunch meeting with fellow staff and students of School of Journalism and Communication of our
University. Invited by EMBA (Putonghua) and the Research Institute for the Humanities, Mr. Lo also
gave a lecture at CUHK by the topic of ‘The Sky of Taipei’ for the Cultural Salon (2012-2013)

inter-disciplinary and comparative symposium, ‘Similarities and Differences—The Diversified
Development of Min Yue Culture in Taiwan and Hong Kong’ was held by Min-nan Cultural Studies Centre
of Taiwan Cheng Kung University, Museum of Taiwan Literature of Tainan and our Centre. The symposium
encompassed enlightening discussion on architecture, religion, drama and literature in Minnan and
Cantonese culture, Taiwan and Hong Kong contexts.
Our Centre initiated a meeting among Professor Huang Tzu-chin from the Institute of
Modern History of Academia Sinica, Professor Lynne Nakano, the Chairperson the Department of
Japanese Studies and Professor Ng Wai Ming, also from the Department of Japanese Studies. A renowned
scholar in the field of Sino-Japanese history, Prof Huang explored the possible collaboration on
Sino-Japanese studies between Institute of Modern History and Department of Japanese Studies.
Invited by EMBA (Putonghua) and the Research Institute for the Humanities, Prof Huang gave a lecture
at our University on ‘An Inquest of the Development of Sino-Japanese Relations through historical
and cultural perspectives’ for the Cultural Salon (2012-2013) lectures.

The opening
ceremony of our Centre was held on 11 April 2012. Our Centre is established to further the bondage
of CUHK and the universities in Taiwan, and to foster bilateral studies in Arts and Humanities.
Professor Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor, Professor Ambrose King, former Vice-Chancellor and
Emeritus Professor of Sociology, Mr. Fredric Mao, Convenor of the Hong Kong-Taiwan Cultural
Cooperation Committee, Professor Joseph Lee, Vice-President from the Taiwan Central University,
Professor Leung Yuen-sang, Dean of Arts, Professor Hsiung Ping-chen, Director of the Research
Institutes for the Humanities and Professor Desmond Hui, former Director of our Centre, graced the
opening ceremony.

the first academic event of our Centre, the ‘Taiwan Film and Culture Symposium’, had the pleasure of
having Prof. Lee Ou-fan, Sin Wai Kin Professor of Chinese Culture, as the moderator. Speakers
included Prof. Michelle Bloom from the University of California, Riverside, Prof. Liao Hsien-hao
from the Taiwan University (former Director of the Taipei Department of Cultural Affairs), and Prof.
Lin Wen-chi from the Taiwan Central University. Excerpts from a number of Taiwan films were
demonstrated during the symposium, including Hou Hsiao-hsien's
The Flight of the Red Balloon,
Flowers of Shanghai, Tsai Ming-liang's
What Time is it There?, Ang Lee's
Caution and Cheng Yu-chieh's
Yang Yang.