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This conference, chaired by an eminent scholar Professor Lee Ou-fan, Sin Wai Kin
Professor of Chinese Culture, was organized by the Department of Cultural and Religious Studies,
Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy of the Academia Sinica (Taiwan) and sponsored by our
Centre. Many scholars from Academia Sinica were invited to join the conference, which is an
extension of the “Literary Cosmopolitanism V.S. Internationalism: Workshop on Left-wing Literature”
held on 29th October 2012 in the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica.
Involving leading scholars plan to have “Leftwing Cosmopolitanism” as their project theme and to
develop a series of conferences and workshops, and publish their research papers.

Professor Chiang Tung-liang, former Dean of the College of Public Health of Taiwan
University and currently the External Humanities Fellow of Research Institute for the Humanities and
the Visiting Professor of the Jockey Club School of Public Health, was invited to give a talk
introducing historical context of Public Health, and sharing his view on health insurance in Taiwan.
Our Pro-Vice-Chancellor (PVC), Professor Fok Tai Fai, also graced the lecture.

Co-organised by our
Centre and the Department of History, Dr. Huang Ko-wu, Director of the Institute of Modern History
of the Academia Sinica, was invited to give a lecture on pneumatology including spirits, mental
communication, process of knowledge transfer of contemporary China and secularization.