Alert Response Level corresponds to a situation where the risk of a novel influenza virus causing new and serious health impact in Hong Kong is low.
For all staff and students
- Maintain practice of personal and environmental hygiene, such as frequent hand washing.
- Avoid contact with poultry or birds and their droppings.
- Poultry and eggs should be thoroughly cooked before eating.
- Inform Security Office at tel. 3943-7999 if you find any dead bird in the campus.
- Consult your doctor if you feel unwell especially when you run a fever.
- Wear a proper surgical mask when you suffer respiratory tract infection such as coughing or sneezing.
- Maintain general awareness and vigilance of possible avian influenza or novel influenza outbreak.
- Keep track of the development of infectious disease outbreaks in the community, and visit the Health Promotion and Protection website and Centre for Health Protection website regularly for updated information.
Committee on Health Promotion and Protection (CHPP)
- Call for urgent meetings (if considered necessary by the Chairman) to review the local situation in Hong Kong and on campus and to advise on any specific and additional measures.
- Keep all University staff and students informed with updated information of novel influenza outbreak situation in Hong Kong (and overseas) and the measures taken/to be taken on campus through mass mailing, Health Promotion and Protection website, publicity posters, and forums, etc. (in conjunction with Director of UHS and Information Coordinator).
- Close monitoring of infectious disease outbreak situation in the community by Information Coordinator.
- Review the mask-wearing and disinfection guidelines.
- Review and update all preventive guidelines and action plans.
University Health Service (UHS)
- All front-line staff at the clinic are required to wear surgical masks whilst in the clinic.
- Free surgical mask for patients with respiratory symptoms.
- Maintain and observe Infection Control Measures at UHS.
- Adopt a triage system for patients with fever.
- Operate a Fever Clinic by a team of designated physicians and nurses with personal protective equipment (PPE), if deemed necessary.
- All patients attending UHS are requested to fill in a simple Health Declaration Form for the information of the attending doctors.
- Monitor any outbreaks of respiratory disease on campus.
- Maintain a running record of patients seen with Influenza for assessing the trend and for any necessary follow up action.
- Influenza vaccination for high risk groups and other staff and students.
- Monthly canteen inspection on their compliance with hygiene standards (in conjunction with the Business Office), or more frequently when deemed necessary.
- Monitor and follow-up responses to Health Declaration Form from hostel or individual students with positive findings.
- Temperature screening for all patients of the Dental Unit, if deemed necessary.
- Stock up an adequate number of infrared thermometers and earprobe thermometers.
- Update CHPP website regularly and disseminate updated information to students and staff via e-mailing.
- Screen and monitor University staff sick leave records, if deemed necessary.
- Liaise with University Registry on any necessary special arrangements for students during examination period.
Colleges, Hostels, International House & Postgraduate Halls
- Working Groups of Colleges/I-House/Postgraduate Halls to hold regular meetings and call meetings after the urgent CHPP meetings to relay to members the advice, comments and measures adopted by CHPP.
- Maintenance of hostel environmental hygiene.
- Weekly disinfection of communal areas, door knobs, control panels, lift buttons etc.
- Maintain sufficient stock of thermometers, surgical masks and disinfectant in hostels.
- Arrange for a designated area in hostels for
relevant information dissemination.
- Sale of
masks for hostel residents in need.
- Warden to hold meetings with students to disseminate the relevant information.
- Check whether any overseas programmes organized by Colleges are taking place or will take place in the
affected areas. Colleges should consider contingency measures as appropriate.
- All visitors need to log in and out at student hostel receptions.
- All visitors staying overnight must fill in the Health Declaration Form.
- Completion of Health Declaration Form (online / paper) by all hostel residents (and guests) returning from trips outside Hong Kong.
- Encourage all staff to have influenza vaccination.
Business Unit
- Sale of surgical masks to staff and students for personal use at Souvenir Counter (while stock lasts).
University Safety Office (USO)
- Review procedures on handling of bird carcass and bird droppings.
- Maintain sufficient quantity of disinfectants for use by other departments.
- Participate in training and briefing sessions for CUHK personnel.
- Liaise with responsible departments/offices such as Estates Management Office, Security Office, Business Office and Laboratory Animal Services Centre on preparative and preventive works.
- To liaise with Security Office and EMO on monitoring the number of bird carcasses found on campus.
- To liaise with EMO and LASC on vaccination of birds and other preventive measures for avian influenza.
- Advice departments on types and performance of surgical masks.
Estates Management Office (EMO)
- Stock up disinfectant in readiness for use.
- Advise staff to follow the guidelines on removing bird droppings.
- To increase the frequency of inspection and cleaning, for bird droppings.
- Set up signage at strategic locations to advise against bird feeding.
- Participate in CHPP meetings.
- Relay decisions and important messages of the CHPP to Faculty Secretaries and Head of Graduate School Office for information and necessary action.
Office of Student Affairs (OSA)
- Participate in CHPP meetings and provide translation service for CHPP.
- Disseminate updated information from CHPP to students via OSA's publication "University MarketPlace" and OSA's website.
- Remind student societies and associations to observe and follow the
preventive guidelines when organizing activities.
- The Student Counselling and Development Service to issue general guidelines to students on ways to maintain personal health and strengthen resistance against illness.
- Maintain a stock of surgical masks for distribution when necessary to participants of activities organized by OSA.
- Check whether any overseas programmes organized by the OSA are taking place or will take place in the
area. OSA will consider contingency measures as appropriate.
- For students participating in OSA activities outside Hong Kong, organize pre-trip briefing on healthcare issues in collaboration with UHS and provide information about healthcare guidelines, local hospitals, emergency numbers, China embassies, etc.
- Maintain environmental hygiene in student amenities and OSA's offices (especially toilets) with EMO's assistance.
- Maintain
regular cleansing
for the University swimming pool, i.e. cleaning poolside and dressing rooms twice a day while vacuum cleaning the pool tub once a week, unless it is closed for the winter.
- Arrange staff who have frequent contacts with students to receive influenza vaccination.
Office of Academic Links (OAL)
For International Students
- Provide preventative guidelines to international students as issued by CUHK through “practical information” booklet and distribute to the international students when they check-in at OAL and via email.
- Include preventative guidelines in the E-newsletter to international students before their arrival.
- UHS to deliver talk during the student orientation on staying healthy and illnesses to be aware of.
For Outgoing Students
- Remind outgoing students to cities with confirmed cases to be vigilant (pre-departure gatherings and emails).
- Display posters about general hygiene.
Security Office
- Participate in Influenza Vaccination Programme.
- Maintain practice of personal and environmental hygiene, such as frequent hand washing.
- Install automatic soap dispensers for use in the office.
- Wear proper surgical mask when suffering from respiratory tract infection or coughing.
- Enforce the mask-wearing and disinfection guidelines in line with the requirements of CHPP.
- Maintain general awareness and vigilance of possible infectious disease outbreaks through the CHPP website.
- Liaise with University Safety Office/ EMO and LASC as appropriate to review plans for cleaning and disinfection of bird droppings, and on monitoring the number of bird carcasses found on campus.
- Assist in canteen inspection with UHS.
- All staff to attend talks on prevention of infectious disease organized by UHS.
Transport Office
- Maintain practice of personal hygiene, e.g. frequent hand washing.
- Maintain sufficient stock of protective gear, such as surgical mask, glove for use.
- Maintain sufficient stock of cleaning material, such as bleach, detergent and pressure sprayer.
- Arrange the influenza vaccination for frontline working staff.
Information Technology Services Centre (ITSC)
- Stay alert to the announcement by CHPP.
- Maintain ITSC environmental hygiene.
- Maintain sufficient stock of surgical masks and disinfectant.
- Install hand sanitizer dispensers at ITSC offices, Central Computer Room, user areas and seminar rooms.
- Perform weekly disinfection for user areas, meeting rooms, and seminar rooms.
- Promote and educate user departments on how to make good use of ITSC services to sustain operation during large outbreaks of infectious disease.
- Organize seminars and prepare information web pages for academic staff and administration staff to brief them available solutions at ITSC and their required preparation works in case if they need to work remotely or if there is class suspension.
- Request users who attend ITSC training courses to wear face masks if they develop respiratory symptoms, sneezing and coughing during classes.
- Evaluate the capacity of production systems which are running critical IT services (e-mail, portal, web, e-learning, security, remote connectivity, user authentication, etc.) in anticipation of possible class suspension, which would cause substantially more staff and students to access various IT services at home. Make plans (funding, purchase, and upgrade work) for systems which are tight in capacity.
- Identify a place to house a "separated" team. Talk to the University Management to solicit such a place if necessary.
- Identify staff members to be put into the "separated" team. Make a detail logistics plan (computers, networking, telephone, fax, video conferencing, furniture, pantry, mail delivery, etc.) to establish a site to house the "separated" team (referred to as the "separated" workplace below) at the place identified previously.
- Identify staff members who will work at home if emergency response level is activated at the University.