Student and Alumni Communities

The international yet strong bonding within the GLOBE family is one of the most unique and valuable assets of the program. There are respective initiatives to connect current students and alumni of GLOBE, making the GLOBE network one of the most dynamic, supportive and global of its kind.

GBS Ignite

Established in 2012, GBS Ignite (GBSI) is a student-led community within the CUHK Global Business Studies program, aiming to strengthen internal bonding among the GBS family and to promote current students’ welfare by living up to the spirit of “take and give”.

There are four functional teams within GBSI, including the Careers & Personal Development Team, Product Development Team, Publication & Communications Team, and Recreational Activities Team. They organize various career sharing sessions, design GBS-branded products, produce publications for internal and external communication, and hold a variety of social events where students can have fun and mingle with each other.

This not only fosters the intra- and inter-cohort relationships within the GBS family, but also encourages students to give back and serve the others after benefitting from the generous sharing by their seniors.

GLOBE Alumni

GLOBE Alumni is established to maintain and foster relationships among former and current GLOBE students. The organization is founded and run by GLOBE scholars and, while formally independent from GLOBE, seeks to further the program’s mission of stimulating a dynamic, international, and collaborative business environment.

GLOBE Alumni organizes different formal and informal gatherings as well as maintains and develops an online platform to facilitate effective communication among alumni around the world. It also initiates and promotes mutually beneficial relationships with corporations, leveraging the resources of both GLOBE Alumni and the corporations.

The Regional Boards are responsible for organizing activities in their respective regions whereas the Global Executive Committee takes charge of the global coordination of GLOBE Alumni strategies and activities. This ensures that both local and global alumni relationships are robust and well maintained.

Visit GLOBE Alumni's website for more details.