Prizes and Awards

The Department has vocational training posts for medical officers in anaesthesia and intensive care recognized by the Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists (HKCA) and the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA). The training program is well regarded and medical officers have consistently won the top prizes for these postgraduate exams from the HKCA and ANZCA.

Best Trainee Project Prize, Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists
Andrea Yu 2004
Patricia KY Kan 2007

Prizes in Final Fellowship Examination, Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists
Matthew TV Chan Sep 1995
Claudia AY Cheng Apr 1996
WH Kwok Apr 1998
Judith Shen Apr 1999
KS Tan May 2004
Katherine LAM Apr 2005
Phoebe K Y Lee May 2006
Alex Wan Oct 2010

Prizes in Intermediate Fellowship Examination, Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists
Florence HY Yap Aug 1994
WH Kwok Aug 1995
MC Chu Mar 1996
Doris TC Lam Aug 1996
Judith Shen Mar 1997
Desmond WL Lam Sep 1997
Karman KL Ng Apr 1999
Amy HY Poon Aug 1999
Polly LM Chan Aug 2006
Sylvia SW Au Aug 2007
Shannon TANG Sept 2008
Henry Wong Sept 2010
Albert Chan Apr 2011
Jerry Wong Sept 2011
Vivian Lau Aug 2012

Renton Prize, The Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists
KK Lam Mar 1990
Claudia AY Cheng Aug 1994
WH Kwok Aug 1995
Sylvia SW Au Aug 2007
Jerry Wong Aug 2011


Merit Certificate, Primary Examination, The Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists
Denise YC Ng Sep 2000
Polly LM Chan Sep 2006
Alex Wan April 2007
Shannon PY TANG Sep 2008
Ara Li Sep 2009
Henry Wong Aug 2010
Vivian Lau Aug 2012

Don Harrison Prize Medal, Faculty of Intensive Care, The Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists
KM Ho Sep 1995

Formal Project Prize, The Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists
Matthew TV Chan 1995
KM Ho 1997
SC Yu 1999