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Earth System Science Programme
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photo of Gabriel FAN
Gabriel FAN

The Earth System Science programme is a bachelor programme in Hong Kong that comprehensively covers most of the fields in Earth Science. During my study, I had the chance to take part in local and overseas geological field trips, conducting hands-on geological measurements, surveying fieldworks, laboratory works, computer simulations. There are also internship opportunities at various organizations such as the Hong Kong Observatory (HKO), the Environmental Protection Department (EPD), the Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD), as well as environmental consultants such as Arup, Fugro etc.
I was selected as a student intern working at the HKO for 20 months, responsible for its setting up, operation of and scientific research using the urban micro-climate temperature monitoring network in Kowloon. What is more, I had the opportunity to participate in an exchange programme to the Arctic, in the Svalbard Islands, Norway, for 5 months in 2016.
You will definitely gain unexpected opportunities and achievements in the Earth Systems Science programme. Please don't hesitate to join us!

photo of Avis WONG

The Academic training offered by the Earth System Science Programme covers not only knowledge in atmospheric science, but also multidisciplinary skills ranging from computer programming, statistics to mathematical skills. The comprehensive training has provided me with holistic understanding of climate change issue and equipped me with techniques for quantitative analysis which I can employ to analyse interesting topics like atmospheric science and meteorology. Apart from study, I also participled in various internship programmes such as the Hong Kong Observatory Summer Placement Programme. The precious work opportunities allowed me to apply skills that I have learnt in various courses and offered me hands-on experience to get ready for the transition from university to workplace.

photo of Candy

Studying in Earth System Science is always joyful and exciting. Knowledge taught in lectures is closely related to our daily life. Apart from lectures, we can go outside the classroom and prove whether the things we have learnt are correct. Through exploring different parts of the Earth system such as the atmosphere and lithosphere, I get the whole picture of Mother Earth in different dimensions – to recreate the past, understand the present and predict the future. It seems like watching a non-stop drama that I never get bored. I have learnt a lot with great fun here. When we look at the sky, I can tell you how tall the cloud is. When we hold a rock, I can tell you the message hidden in it. That’s just cool, isn’t it? I am very grateful for being here.

photo of Yvonne


photo of Lee Man Ho

但是,這個系統像是受到了破壞。我們頻頻聽見「五十年一遇」、「百年一遇」的自然災害又發生了,坊間更有不少的傳聞,說自然災害與人類破壞大自然壞有關,像是興趣水霸加重了地殼壓力,間接促成汶川大地震,又有傳聞說,旱災、雨災、風災增加也是由全球暖化導致的。究竟這些事情有關連嗎?又如何互相影響? 我不想只道聽途說,我想從更科學的角度解構地球上的各個系統,於是我便懷著疑問入讀地球系統科學。

photo of May

My interest towards Earth System Science was first aroused by studying Geography in secondary school. I love studying plate tectonics, but I don’t have much interest in studying the society. That’s why I have chosen Earth System Science but not Geography and Resources Management as my major.
Apart from having lectures, we also have field trips such as visiting Hong Kong Observatory and studying rock structures on-site in Hong Kong Geopark and Wutai Shan in China.
In these two years of study, I have gained a better picture of the principles behind global climatic issues and tectonic hazards. It is enjoyable to study what I am passionate about. I have no regrets taking this major.