Emergency Anaesthesia 
Training Objectives
- Prioritization of emergence cases
- Management of massive haemorrhage and massive blood transfusion
- Transportation of critically ill patient
- Anaesthetic management of trauma patients – ATLS
- Anaesthetic management of geriatric patients with fracture neck of femur
- Anaesthetic management of severe burns patients
- Anaesthetic management of rapidly progressing spinal compression
- Anaesthetic management of massive haemoptysis and lobectomy
- Anaesthetic management of peritonitis from various suspected causes
- Anaesthetic management of acute upper airway obstruction, such as foreign body, epiglottitis, infection
- Anaesthetic management of cardiac tamponade from eg post cardiac surgery, malignant pericardial effusion.
- Peri-operative management of rupture AAA
- Pathophysiology of sepsis, SIRS and ARDS
- Management of intra-operative cardiac arrest
- Management of intra-operative bronchospasm