Sponsored by the General Education Foundation Development Fund


11:00am – 5:00pm
24 February 2018 (Saturday)



Programme Rundown

10:50am – 11:00am

Morning Registration (University Bookstore, YIA)


11:00am – 11:10am

Welcome Address by Prof LEUNG Mei Yee

Welcome Address


Presentation Session I: In Dialogue with Humanity


11:10am – 11:25am

MAK Chi Ki Caily (Chinese Language and Literature/Yr 2/New Asia)
The Best Presenter


11:25am – 11:40am

CHIU Tsz Ching (Pharmacy/Yr 2/Chung Chi)


11:40am – 11:55am

LAW Yuen Ying (Chinese Language and Literature/Yr 3/Chung Chi)


11:55am – 12:10pm

The Degenerating Post-Truth Politics: How We Respond to It?
TSANG Lok Pan (History/Yr 2/New Asia)

The Degenerating Post-Truth Politics: How We Respond to It?

12:10pm – 12:30pm

Feedback and Discussion

Feedback and Discussion

12:30pm –1:30pm

Lunch Break


1:30pm – 1:40pm

Afternoon Registration (University Bookstore, YIA)


Presentation Session II: In Dialogue with Nature


1:40pm – 1:55pm

Re-evaluation of the Nature of Free Will: A Response to Libet's Experiments
LAU Cheuk Ho (Music/Yr 3/Chung Chi)

Re-evaluation of the Nature of Free Will: A Response to Libet's Experiments

1:55pm – 2:10pm

TAM Lok Man (Integrated BBA Programme/Yr 2/S.H. Ho)


2:10pm – 2:25pm

Is Understanding the Scientific Development Necessary?
YEUNG Yau Tin (Nursing/Yr 3/United)

Is Understanding the Scientific Development Necessary?

2:25pm – 2:40pm

Who are you?
YIM Oi Yan (Geography and Resource Management/Yr 2/Shaw)

Who are you?

2:40pm – 3:00pm

Feedback and Discussion

Feedback and Discussion

3:00pm – 3:10pm

Closing Remarks

Closing Remarks


3:10pm – 3:20pm

Registration for Award Presentation Ceremony (YIA 2/F LT6)


3:20pm – 4:20pm

Best Essay Award Presentation Ceremony
(Officiated by Prof. Benjamin Wah, the Provost and Prof. Edwin Chan, Associate Vice-President)

Best Essay Award Presentation Ceremony


Sharing of the recipient of the Outstanding Senior Leader Award, Australasian Peer Leader Awards 2017

Sharing of the recipient of the Outstanding Senior Leader Award, Australasian Peer Leader Awards 2017


Sharing on Summer Study Trip Scheme and Presentation of General Education Foundation Programme (GEFP) Scholarship Certificates
List of Scholarship Awardees

Sharing on Summer Study Trip Scheme

4:20pm – 5:00pm

Photo-taking and Tea Reception


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