- 醫學院助理院長(學生支援)
- 精神科學系副教授
- 處理情緒障礙
- 神經影像引導TMS (透顱磁力腦刺激) 抗抑鬱治療
- 精神動力取向心理治療
MBChB (CUHK), FRCPsych(UK), FHKAM(Psychiatry), FHKCPsych
- Functional brain mapping for mood disorders
- Network-informed transcranial magnetic stimulation for treatment-refractory major depressive disorder
- 香港心理衞生會 (DEC Cum MR Hostels and Training Centres) 小組委員會主席及召集人
- Neuropsychiatric diseases and treatment 編輯委員會會員
- 香港精神科醫學院學術研究委員會主席
- 香港精神科醫學院董事局成員
- East Asian Archives of Psychiatry 編輯委員會會員
- 新界東聯網精神科培訓組-心理治療導師
- 醫管局新界東聯網精神科培訓中心 Coordinating tutor
- 精神健康醫學深造文憑課程主任
部分論文 (只有英文版本)
- Tse CY, Yip LY, Lui KY, Xiao XZ, Wang Y, Chu CW, Parks NA, Chan S, Neggers S. Establishing the Functional Connectivity of the Frontotemporal Network in Pre-attentive Change Detection with Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and Event-related Optical Signal (In press- Neuroimage, accepted in June 2018)
- Wong WH, Chan A, Wong A, Lau CK, Yeung JH, Mok V, Lam LC, Chan S. Eye movement parameters and cognitive functions in Parkinson's disease patients without dementia.Parkinsonism and Related Disorders (2018), doi: 10.1016/j.parkreldis.2018.03.013
- Lu H, Ma SL, Chan S, Lam LCW. The effects of apolipoprotein ε 4 on aging brain in cognitively normal Chinese elderly: a surface-based morphometry study. International Psychogeriatrics 2016 (doi: 10.1017/S1041610216000624)
- Lu H, Chan S, Fung AWT, Lam LCW. Efficiency of attentional components in elderly with mild neurocognitive disorders shown by the attention network test. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders 2016; 41: (1-2); 93-8.
- Lu H, Chan S, Fung AWT, Lam LCW. Utility of Montreal Cognitive Assessment (Hong Kong Version) in the Diagnosis of Mild Neurocognitive Disorders (NCD): NCD due to Alzheimer Disease (NCD-AD) and NCD due to Vascular Disease (NCD-Vascular). Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 2016; 17(4):366-7.
- Chan SSM, Chiu FHK, Lam LCW, Wong SMC, Conwell Y. A multi-dimensional risk factor model for suicide attempts in later life. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment 2014; 10: 1807-17.
- Chan SSM, Leung VPY, Tsoh J, Li SW, Yu CS, Yu KK, Poon TK, Pan PC, Chan WF, Conwell Y, Lam LCW, Chiu HFK. Outcomes of a two-tiered multi-faceted elderly suicide prevention program in a Hong Kong Chinese community. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2011; 19: 185-96.
- Chan SSM, Chiu HFK, Chen EYH, Chan WSC, Wong PWC, Chan CLW, Law YW, Yip PSF. Population-attributable risk of suicide conferred by axis I psychiatric diagnoses in a Hong Kong Chinese population. Psychiatric Services 2009; 60(8): 1135-8.
- Chan SSM, Chiu HFK, Chen EYH, Chan WSC, Wong PWC, Chan CLW, Law YW, Yip PSF. What does psychological autopsy study tell us about charcoal burning suicide- a new and contagious method in Asia? Suicide and Life-threatening Behavior 2009; 39(6): 633-38.
- Chan SSM, Lyness JM, Yeates C. Do Cerebrovascular Risk Factors Confer Risk for Suicide in Later Life? A Case-Control Study. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2007; 15(6): 541-44.