Course Syllabus

Course Outline

This course is designed for students who need to acquire the knowledge and skills of one-variable calculus at a general level for the studies in science or engineering. The course places special emphasis on the theoretical foundations as well as the methods and techniques of computation and their applications..

Text and References



  • George B. Thomas Jr., Maurice D. Weir, Joel R. Hass, Thomas' Calculus, Pearson, 12th Edition/13 Edition, 2010/2014.
  • Hirst, K.E, Calculus of One Variable, Springer, 2006.

    This is available at the CUHK library.

    The text/reference should not be treated as a substitute for the lectures. The lectures may present the material covered in the text in a different manner, or deviate from it entirely. You should take your own notes in class.

    Reading the sections of the reference books corresponding to the assigned homework exercises is considered part of the homework assignment; you are responsible for material in the assigned reading whether or not it is discussed in the lectures.

  • Academic Offenses

    The Chinese University of Hong Kong places very high importance on honesty in academic work submitted by students, and adopts a policy of zero tolerance on cheating and plagiarism. Any related offence will lead to disciplinary action including termination of studies at the University. For information on categories of offenses and types of penalties, students should consult the following link: .


    Your final letter-grade will be determined by your point Ranking viz. your final score (out of 100 points). The total score for your course grades is distributed as follows:

    Homework Assignment
    10% (Each 2.5%)
    (There are four homework assignments.)
    (There are ten courseworks; we will take the best eight coursework scores out of the ten.)
    (In order to pass the MATH1010 course, a student must write a final examination. Your final examination score will be a major part of your grade evaluation.)
    (We will follow the university regulations and inform you as soon as possible about what kind of mode will be used to conduct the midterm test and the final test.)

    WeBWork Coursework

    1. Schedule of WeBWork Coursework:
      1. The weekly WeBWork coursework exercises will be released every Wednesday before 9:00 pm.
      2. Our MATH1010 TAs will demonstrate a few worked examples for you on Zoom every Thursday in our regular Tutorial class and provide you with a Q&A activity.
      3. Please submit the weekly WeBWork coursework answers every Friday before the noon.
    2. Please attend the tutorial to which you have been assigned.
    3. Our tutors can help you to understand your coursework.
    4. You should make every effort to finish the WeBWork assignments and seek help with problems you have not been able to solve.

    Examination Schedule

    Schedules of mid-term test and final examination are:

    Important dates to remember \(\cdots\)


    Date & Time: November 5, Thursday, 5:30PM - 6:15PM
    Venue: TBA
    Date & Time: November 5, Thursday, 5:30PM - 6:15PM
    Venue: TBA
    Date & Time: November 5, Thursday, 5:30PM - 6:15PM
    Venue: TBA
    Date & Time: November 5, Thursday, 5:30PM - 6:15PM
    Venue: TBA
    Date & Time: November 5, Thursday, 5:30PM - 6:15PM
    Venue: TBA
    Date & Time: November 5, Thursday, 5:30PM - 6:15PM
    Venue: TBA
    Date & Time: To be announced (TBA)
    Venue: TBA
    Date & Time: To be announced (TBA)
    Venue: TBA
    Date & Time: To be announced (TBA)
    Venue: TBA
    Date & Time: To be announced (TBA)
    Venue: TBA
    Date & Time: To be announced (TBA)
    Venue: TBA
    Date & Time: To be announced (TBA)
    Venue: TBA
    For all the tests, please note the following:

    1. There will be no makeup exams.
    2. Please go to the class indicated by your registered course code via the CUSIS system.
    3. As per university regulations, you will be required to present your student ID card.
    4. All examinations are closed book. No notes are permitted.
    5. You may use a calculator, but your calculator should NOT contain any "programmable" equations or formulae. The use of computers/cellular phone/graphing calculators will NOT be permitted during exams or quizzes.