MATH3360 - Mathematical Imaging - 2018/19
- There is no tutorial in the first week of class.
- HW1 has been posted. Please hand in the homework to the homework mailbox right next to the General Office of the Math. Department.
- In the tutorial notes for week 4, the proofs of the orthonormality of the Haar and Walsh functions are withheld until the due date of HW2 has passed.
- (4 October) Please note that Q1b of HW2 has been amended.
General Information
Ronald Lok Ming Lui
- Office: LSB 207
- Tel: 39437975
- Email:
Teaching Assistant
Owen Yu Hin Lai
- Office: LSB 222A
- Tel: 39433575
- Email:
- Office Hours: Tuesdays 16:00-18:00, Wednesdays 16:00-18:00, Thursdays 10:30-12:30, 16:00-18:00
Time and Venue
- Lecture: Tuesday 8:30am-10am, LSB LT3; Thursday 9:30AM - 10:15AM
- Tutorial: Thursday 8:30AM - 9:15AM, LSB LT3
Course Description
This course gives an introducion on mathematical models and techniques for various image processing tasks. A wide array of topics will be covered, including image restoration (denoising, deblurring), image segmentation, image compression, image registration, feature detection, multi-scale image analysis and so on. Students will become familiar with essential mathematical techniques for imaging tasks, such as image processing in the spatial domain (using gradient, Laplacian, convolution) and frequency domain (using Fourier / wavelet transform). Differential equation based techniques will also be discussed.
Our goal of this course is to help students appreciate the importance of mathematics in imaging sciences. Students will have a chance to learn how existing image processing techniques are built based on mathematical theories. Upon successful completion of the course, interested students are also welcome to approach the lecturer to ask for opportunities to work on some research projects related to mathematical image processing.
Lecture Notes
- Chapter 1: Basic concepts in mathematical imaging
- Chapter 2: Image decomposition
- Chapter 3: Image enhancement in the frequency domain
- Chapter 4: Image enhancement in the spatial domain
- Chapter 5: Image segmentation
Class Notes
- Powerpoint of Lecture 1&2
- Class Note of Lecture 1
- Class Note of Lecture 2
- Class Note of Lecture 3
- Powerpoint of Lecture 3 & 4
- Class Note of Lecture 4
- Class Note of Lecture 5
- Powerpoint of Lecture 5
- Class Note of Lecture 6
- Class Note of Lecture 7
- Powerpoint of Lecture 7
- Class Note of Lecture 8
- Powerpoint of Lecture 8
- Class Note of Lecture 9
- Powerpoint of Lecture 10
- Class Note of Lecture 10
- Class Note of Lecture 11
- Class Note of Lecture 12
- Powerpoint of Lecture 12
- Class Note of Lecture 13
- Powerpoint of Lecture 13
- Class Note of Lecture 14
- Class Note of Lecture 15
- Powerpoint of Lecture 15
- Class Note of Lecture 16
- Class Note of Lecture 17
- Powerpoint of Lecture 17
- Class Note of Lecture 18
- Powerpoint of Lecture 18
- Class Note of Lecture 19
- Powerpoint of Lecture 19
- Class Note of Lecture 20
- Class Note of Lecture 21
- Class Note of Lecture 22
- Class Note of Lecture 23
Tutorial Notes
- Week 2 Tutorial
- Week 3 Tutorial
- Week 4 Tutorial
- Week 5 Tutorial
- Week 6 Tutorial
- Week 8 Tutorial
- Week 9 Tutorial
- Week 10 Tutorial
- Week 12 Tutorial
- Week 13 Tutorial
- Assignment 1 (Due: 26 Sep 2018)
- Assignment 2 (Due: 11 Oct 2018)
- Assignment 3 (Due: 1 Nov 2018)
- Assignment 4 (Due: 15 Nov 2018)
- Assignment 5 (Due: 6 Dec 2018)
- Assignment 1 Solutions
- Assignment 2 Solutions
- Assignment 3 Solutions
- Assignment 4 Solutions
- Assignment 5 Solutions
- Chapter 1 Exercises Solutions
- Chapter 2 Exercises Solutions
- Chapter 3 Exercises Solutions
- Chapter 4 Exercises Solutions
- Midterm Exam Solutions
Assessment Scheme
Homework | 15% | |
Midterm (Oct 18) | 35% | |
Final | 50% |
Honesty in Academic Work
The Chinese University of Hong Kong places very high importance on honesty in academic work submitted by students, and adopts a policy of zero tolerance on cheating and plagiarism. Any related offence will lead to disciplinary action including termination of studies at the University. Although cases of cheating or plagiarism are rare at the University, everyone should make himself / herself familiar with the content of the following website: thereby help avoid any practice that would not be acceptable.
Assessment Policy Last updated: December 13, 2018 17:40:14