Prof. Chan Chun-Kit, Calvin 陳俊傑教授
Chairman and Professor (SMIEEE, FOSA)
Recent Projects
As Principal Investigator:
- Performance Supervision for Multiple Optical Amplifiers in WDM Transmission Systems, CUHK Direct Grant, 2001.
- Optical Networking Techniques Using High-Speed Constant Intensity Modulation, CUHK Direct Grant, 2002.
- Novel Schemes to Alleviate the Intrinsic Detrimental Effects of In-Line Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers in Optical Transmission Systems, HKRGC CERG Grant, 2002.
- A Reliable and Scalable Network Architecture for Multiwavelength Passive Optical Access Networks, HKRGC CERG Grant, 2003.
- All-Optical Signal Processing Techniques for High-Speed Optical Differential Phase-shift-keying (DPSK) Signals,HKRGC CERG Grant, 2004.
- Design of a Novel High-Speed Optical Frequency Shift Keying Transmitter for Optical Transmission Systems,HKRGC CERG Grant, 2005.
- Next-Generation Broadband Optical Access for FTTH: WDM Access Network Architectures and Experimental Studies , HKRGC CERG Grant, 2006.
- Optical Performance Monitoring based on Phase-Modulator Embedded Optical Fiber Loop, CUHK Direct Grant, 2006.
- Optical Multicast Overlay Schemes for Multiwavelength Optical Metro/Access Networks, HKRGC GRF (formerly CERG) Grant, 2008.
- Spectral-Efficient Optical Modulation Format Generation on High-Speed Directly Modulated Lasers for Optical Metro/Access System, CUHK Direct Grant, 2011.
- Novel Optical Techniques to Monitor the Performance of Optical Orthogonal-Frequency-Division-Multiplexing (OFDM) Signals in Flexible Optical Transport Networks, HKRGC GRF Grant, 2012.
- Design and Applications of Physical-Layer Network Coding for High-Speed Optical Systems and Networks, HKRGC GRF Grant, 2014.
As Co-Investigator:
- Photonic Packaging Laboratory, HKITC ITF Grant, 2001.
- Investigation of Low-Cost Modulator for a Proposed DWDM Access Network, HKRGC CERG Grant, 2001.
- Optical Sampling and Multiplexing for Distortion Reduction in an SCM Optical Network, HKRGC CERG Grant, 2003.
- Optimization of Supercontinuum-based Photonic Devices for Multiwavelength Networks, HKRGC CERG Grant, 2004.
- Broadband Optical Access Networks-Photonic Technologies And Architectural Studies, CUHK Group Reserach Grant, 2004.
- A Novel Optical Performance Monitoring Scheme for Optical Network Management, HKRGC CERG Grant, 2005.
- A Novel Algebraic Approach on the Design of Performance Monitoring System for All-Optical Networks, HKRGC CERG Grant, 2006.
- Investigation of Multi-bit per Symbol Modulation Formats using MLSE Detection in Optical Networks, HKRGC CERG Grant, 2007.
- Optimization of Operational Fiber Links and Interconnections for Optical Networks Consolidation, HKRGC GRF (formerly CERG) Grant, 2008.
- Novel Electronic Equalizers using Diverse Optical Filtering for the Mitigation of Chromatic Dispersion and Fiber Nonlinearity-Induced Impairments, HKRGC GRF (formerly CERG) Grant, 2010.
Representative Publications
Full listing can be found at http://www.lightwave.ie.cuhk.edu.hk/publication.php
Edited Book:
- C. K. Chan, Optical Performance Monitoring: Advanced Techniques for Next-Generation Photonic Networks, Edited by Calvin C. K. Chan, Academic Press, UK, 2010.
Book Chapters:
- C. K. Chan, "Protection Architectures for Passive Optical Networks," Chapter 6, Passive Optical Networks: Principles and Technologies, Edited by Cedric F. Lam, Academic Press, UK, 2007.
- C. K. Chan, "Wavelength Division Multiplexed Passive Optical Networks: Principles, Architectures and Technologies," Chapter 4, Optical Access Networks and Advanced Photonics: Technologies and Deployment Strategies, Edited by I.P. Chochliouros and G. Heliotis. IGI Global, USA, 2009.
- C. K. Chan, F. Tong, L. K. Chen and D. Lam, "Surveillance system for passive branched optical networks", US Patent no. 6,009,220, Dec 28, 1999.
- J. Xu, L. K. Chen and C. K. Chan, “Methods and Systems for Multicast Control”, US Patent no. 8,437,637 B2, May 7, 2013.
Selected Journals:
Topics: [Optical Metro/Access Networks] [High-Speed Optical Signal Processing][Optical Performance Monitoring]
- Y. Qiu, and C. K. Chan, "Optical overlay of multicast stream on a survivable WDM passive optical network," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 584-586, Mar. 2013.
- D. Shen, and C. K. Chan, "Translucent optical network planning with heterogeneous signal modulation formats," IEE/ OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 30, no.9, pp. 1335-1341, May 2012.
- Y. Qiu, and C. K. Chan, "A novel WDM passive optical network architecture supporting two independent multicast data streams," Optical Fiber Technology, vol. 18, pp. 29-33, Feb. 2012.
- D. Shen, K. H. Tse, and C. K. Chan, "Adaptive fault monitoring in all-optical networks utilizing real-time data traffic," Journal of Network and Systems Management, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 76 - 96, Feb. 2012.
- Z. X. Liu, M. Li, and C. K. Chan, "Chromatic dispersion compensation of optical Manchester coded signals using electronic feed forward equalizer and decision feedback equalizer," IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 24, no. 16, pp. 1424-1427, Sep. 2011.
- S. Q. Zhang, D. Shen, and C. K. Chan, "Energy efficient traffic grooming in WDM networks with scheduled time traffic," IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 29, no. 17, pp. 2577 -2584, Sep. 2011.
- S. Q. Zhang, C. K. Chan, "Provisioning of survivable multicast sessions in wavelength-routed optical networks with scheduled traffic," IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 29, no. 5, pp. 685-690, Mar. 2011.
- Y. Qiu, Z. X. Liu, and C. K. Chan, "A centrally controlled survivable WDM-PON based on optical carrier suppression technique," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 23, no. 6, pp. 386-388, Mar. 2011.
- Z. X. Liu, Y. Qiu, J. Xu, and C. K. Chan, "An optical multicast overlay scheme for a WDM PON using inverse-RZ-duobinary signals," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 23, no.4, pp. 257-259, Feb. 2011.
- Y. Qiu, C. K. Chan, "Optical overlay of two independent multicast Streams on a WDM passive optical network," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 22, no. 20, pp. 1536-1538, Oct. 2010.
- J. Xu, Y. Zhang, L. K. Chen, C. K. Chan, "A delay-based multicast overlay scheme for WDM passive optical networks with 10-Gb/s symmetric two-way traffic," IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 28, no. 18, pp.2660-2666, Sep. 2010.
- J. Xu, L. K. Chen, C. K. Chan, "Phase modulation based loopback scheme for Rayleigh noise suppression in 10-Gb/s carrier-distributed WDM-PONs," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 22, no. 18, pp. 1343-1345, Sep. 2010.
- Y. Qiu, C. K. Chan, "An optical multicast overlay scheme using optical sub-carriers for WDM passive optical networks," IEEE Journal of Selected Areas on Communications, vol. 28, no. 6, pp. 818-826, Aug. 2010.
- Y. Qiu, C. K. Chan, "A WDM passive optical network with polarization-assisted multicast overlay control," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 21, no. 16, pp. 1133 - 1135, Aug. 2009.
- Y. Su, Y. Tian, E. Wong, N. Nadarajah, and C. K. Chan, "All-optical virtual private network in passive optical networks," Laser and Photonics Review, vol. 2, no. 6, pp. 460-479, Dec. 2008.
- Y. Zhang, N. Deng, C. K. Chan, L. K. Chen, "A multicast WDM-PON architecture using DPSK/NRZ orthogonal modulation," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 20, no. 17, pp. 1479-1481, Sep. 2008.
- J. Li, K. Yeung, C. K. Chan, "Efficient path protection in bi-directional WDM systems," Computer Networks, vol. 52, no. 6, pp. 1166 - 1178, Apr. 2008.
- N. Deng, C. K. Chan, L. K. Chen, C. L. Lin, "A WDM passive optical network with centralized light sources and multicast overlay," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 114-116, Jan. 2008.
- Q. G. Zhao, C. K. Chan, "A wavelength division multiplexed passive optical network with flexible optical network unit internetworking capability," IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 25, no. 8, pp. 1970-1977, Aug. 2007.
- X. F. Sun, C. K. Chan, Z. X. Wang, C. L. Lin, L. K. Chen, "A single-fiber bi-directional WDM self-healing ring network with bi-directional OADM for metro-access applications," IEEE Journal of Selected Areas on Communications, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 18-24, Apr. 2007.
- N. Deng, C. K. Chan, L. K. Chen, "A centralized-light-source WDM access network utilizing inverse-RZ downstream signal with upstream data remodulation," Optical Fiber Technology, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 18-21, Jan. 2007.
- X. F. Sun, C. K. Chan, L. K. Chen, "A survivable WDM PON architecture with centralized alternate-path protection switching for traffic restoration," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 631-633, Feb. 2006.
- Z. X. Wang, C. L. Lin, C. K. Chan, "Demonstration of a single-fiber self-healing CWDM metro access ring network with uni-directional OADM," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 163-165, Jan. 2006.
- C. M. Lee, X. F. Sun, C. K. Chan, L. K. Chen, "A single-fiber bi-directional self-healing WDM mesh network with all-optical cyclic deflection routing for link restoration," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 17, no. 11, pp. 2463 -2465, Nov. 2005.
- Z. X. Wang, X. F. Sun, C.L. Lin, C. K. Chan, L. K. Chen, "A novel centrally controlled protection scheme for traffic restoration in WDM passive optical networks," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 717-719, Mar. 2005.
- L. K. Chen, H. K. Tsang, C. K. Chan, C. T. Shu, "Novel devices for wavelength routing and optical access networks," HKIE Transactions, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 21-33, June 2004.
- N. Deng, C. K. Chan, L. K. Chen, F. Tong, "Data re-modulation on downstream OFSK signal for upstream transmission in WDM a passive optical network," IEE Electronics Letters, vol. 39, no. 24, pp. 1741-1742, Nov. 2003.
- T. J. Chan, C. K. Chan, L. K. Chen, and F. Tong, "A self-protected architecture for wavelength division multiplexed passive optical networks," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 15, no. 11, pp. 1660-1662, Nov. 2003.
- W. Hung, C. K. Chan, L. K. Chen, and F. Tong, "An optical network unit for WDM access networks with downstream DPSK and upstream re-modulated OOK data using injection-locked FP laser," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 15, no. 10, pp.1476-1478, Oct. 2003.
- L. Y. Chan, C. K. Chan, D. T. K. Tong, F. Tong, and L. K. Chen, "Upstream traffic transmitter using injection-locked Fabry-Perot laser diode as modulator for WDM access networks", IEE Electronics Letters, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 43-45, Jan. 2002.
- C. K. Chan, F. Tong, L. K. Chen, K. W. Cheung, and E. Kong, "Node architecture and protocol of a packet-switched dense WDMA metropolitan area network," IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 17, no. 11, pp. 2208-2218, Nov. 1999.
- C. K. Chan, L. K. Chen, F. Tong, and K. W. Cheung, "Realization of a time-slot access WDMA photonic dual bus/ring packet network node using centralized light sources," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 9, no. 12, pp. 1661-1663, Dec. 1997. Reprint in OSA Trends in Optics and Photonics Series (TOPS) volume on Optical Networks and Their Applications, Optical Society of America, Aug. 1998.
- C. K. Chan, L. K. Chen, and K. W. Cheung, "A fast channel-tunable optical transmitter for ultrahigh-speed all-optical time-division multi-access networks," IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications, vol. SAC-14, no. 5, pp. 1052-1056, Jun. 1996.
High-Speed Optical Signal Processing
- Y. Qiu, and C. K. Chan, "Characterization of an optical frequency-shift-keying transmitter based on carrier-suppressed phase modulation," Optical Fiber Technology, vol. 19, pp. 227-230, 2013.
- W. Jia, Y. Matsui, D. Mahgerefteh, I. Lyubomirsky, C. K. Chan, "Generation and transmission of 10-Gbaud optical ¾-RZ-DQPSK signals using a chirp managed DBR laser," IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 30, no. 21, pp. 3299-3305, 2012.
- Z. X. Liu, M. Li, L. Lu, C. K. Chan, S. C. Liew, and L. K. Chen, "Optical physical-layer network coding," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 24, no. 16, pp. 1424-1427, Aug. 2012.
- W. Jia, and C. K. Chan, "Generation of return-to-zero optical pulses using directly modulated chirp managed laser," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 24, no. 14, pp. 1227-1229, Jul. 2012.
- K. H. Tse and C. K. Chan, "A novel fiber-based variable all-optical packet buffer based on self phase modulation induced spectral broadening," IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 654-661, Mar./Apr. 2012.
- Z. X. Liu, and C. K. Chan, "Generation of dispersion tolerant Manchester-duobinary signal using directly-modulated chirp managed laser," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 23, no. 15, pp. 1043-1045, Aug. 2011.
- W. Jia, J. Xu, Z. X. Liu, K. H. Tse, and C. K. Chan, "Generation and transmission of 10-Gb/s RZ-DPSK signals using a directly modulated chirp managed laser," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 173-175, Feb. 2011.
- N. Deng, C. K. Chan, L. K. Chen, "A hybrid OTDM scheme with enhanced demultiplexing performance," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 19, no. 19, pp. 1454-1456, Oct. 2007.
- J. Zhao, L. K. Chen, C. K. Chan, "Joint maximum likelihood sequence estimation for chromatic dispersion compensation in ASK-DPSK modulation format," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 73-75, Jan. 2007.
- N. Deng, K. Chan, C. K. Chan, L.K. Chen, "An all-optical XOR logic gate for high-speed RZ-DPSK signals by FWM in semiconductor optical amplifier," IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 702-707, Jul./Aug. 2006.
- S. S. Pun, C.K. Chan, L. K. Chen, "Demonstration of a novel optical transmitter for high-speed differential-phase-shift-keying/inverse-return-to-zero (DPSK/Inv-RZ) orthogonally modulated signals," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 17, no. 12, pp. 2763-2765, Dec. 2005.
- G. W. Lu, L. K. Chen, C. K. Chan, "A simple AMI-RZ transmitter based on single-arm intensity modulator and optical delay interferometer," Optics Communications, vol. 255/1-3, pp. 35-40, 2005. S. S. Pun, C. K. Chan, L. K. Chen, "A novel optical frequency shift keying transmitter based on polarization modulation," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 17, no. 7, pp.1528-1530, Jul. 2005.
- J. Zhao, L. K. Chen, C. K. Chan, C.L. Lin, "Performance sensitivity to system parameters in multi-wavelength super-continuum sources," IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 41, no. 5, pp. 709-716, May 2005.
- J. Zhao, L. K. Chen, C. K. Chan, "Mitigation of timing misalignment induced distortion using electronic equalizer in RZ/CSRZ systems," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 17, no. 5, pp. 1106-1108, May 2005.
- N. Deng, C .K. Chan, L. K. Chen, "Characterization of the performance of optical amplitude-shift keying / differential phase-shift keying orthogonally modulated signals," OSA Optics Letters, vol. 30, no. 8, pp. 818-820, Apr. 2005.
- G. W. Lu, L. K. Chen, C. K. Chan, C. L. Lin, "All-optical tunable wavelength conversion based on cross-polarization modulation in nonlinear photonics crystal fiber," IEE Electronics Letters, vol. 41, no. 4, pp. 55-56, Feb. 2005.
- W. Hung, N. Deng, C. K. Chan, L. K. Chen, "A novel wavelength shift keying transmitter based on optical phase modulation," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 16, no. 7, pp. 1739-1741, Jul. 2004.
- N. Deng, Y. Yang, C. K. Chan, W. Hung, L. K. Chen, "Intensity-modulated labeling and all-optical label swapping on angle-modulated optical packets," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 16, no. 4, , pp. 1218-1220, Apr. 2004.
- G. W. Lu, K. Chan, L. K. Chen, C. K. Chan , "Robustness of DPSK-WDM systems against nonlinear polarization fluctuation," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 927-929, Mar. 2004.
- J. Zhao, L. K. Chen, C. K. Chan, C. L. Lin, "Analysis of performance optimization in super-continuum sources," OSA Optics Letters, vol. 29, no. 5, pp. 489-491, Mar. 2004.
- K. Chan, C. K. Chan, L. K. Chen, F. Tong, "Demonstration of 20-Gbit/s all-optical XOR gate by four-wave mixing in semiconductor optical amplifier with RZ-DPSK modulated inputs," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 897-899, Mar. 2004.
- W. Hung, C. K. Chan, L. K. Chen, F. Tong, "A novel optical packet labeling scheme using interleaved low-speed DPSK labels," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 698-700, Feb. 2004.
- K. Chan, C. K. Chan, L. K. Chen, and F. Tong, "Polarization insensitive waveform restoration and channel crosstalk reduction in semiconductor optical amplifier gates using polarimetric filtering," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 15, no. 11, pp. 1606-1608, Nov. 2003.
- W. Hung, C. K. Chan, L. K. Chen and F. Tong, "A bit-serial optical packet label swapping scheme using DPSK encoded labels," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 15, no. 11, pp. 1630-1632, Nov. 2003.
- K. Chan, C. K. Chan, L. K. Chen, and F. Tong, "Mitigation of pattern-induced degradation in SOA-based all-optical OTDM demultiplexers by using RZ-DPSK modulation format," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 15, no. 9, pp. 1264-1266, Sep. 2003.
- W. Hung, M. H. Cheung, S. T. Ho, L. K. Chen, and C. K. Chan, "Optical sampled subcarrier multiplexing scheme for nonlinear distortion reduction in lightwave CATV networks," IEE Electronics Letters, vol. 38, no. 25, pp. 1702-1704, Dec. 2002.
- K. Chan, C. K. Chan, W. Hung, F. Tong, and L. K. Chen, "Waveform restoration in semiconductor optical amplifier using fiber loop mirror," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 14, no. 7, pp. 995-997, Jul. 2002.
- K. S. Chiang, K. P. Lor, and C. K. Chan, "Polarimetric four-wave mixing in a single mode fiber", IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 13, no. 8, pp. 803-805, Aug. 2001.
- C. K. Chan, K. L. Sherman, and M. Zirngibl, "A fast 100-channel wavelength-tunable transmitter for optical packet switching," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 13, no. 7, pp. 729-731, Jul. 2001.
- K. L. Deng, D. T. K. Tong, C. K. Chan, K.F. Dreyer, and J.E. Johnson, "A rapidly re-configurable optical channel selector using a RF digital phase shifter for ultra-fast OTDM networks," IEE Electronics Letters, vol. 36, no. 20, pp.1724-1725, 2000.
- C. K. Chan, L. K. Chen, and K. W. Cheung, "Switching contrast and extinction ratio degradation due to asymmetric directional gain/loss and pulse pedestal in optical switching using nonlinear optical loop mirrors,"Journal of Optical Communications, vol. 19, pp. 67-71, Apr. 1998.
- K. P. Ho, C. K. Chan, F. Tong, and L. K. Chen, "Exact analysis of homodyne crosstalk induced penalty in WDM networks," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 457-458, Mar. 1998.
- W. S. Chan, F. Tong, L. K. Chen, C. K. Chan and D. Lam, "Variable bit-rate limiter for on-off-keying optical links", IEE Electronics Letters, vol. 34, no. 1, pp.108-110, 1998.
- J. Song, C. K. Chan, F. K. Tong, and L. K. Chen, "Extinction ratio induced crosstalk system penalty in WDM networks," IEE Electronics Letters, vol. 32, no. 23, pp. 2112-2113, 1996.
- C. K. Chan and L. K. Chen, "A correction scheme for measurement accuracy improvement in multichannel CATV systems," IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 122-129, Jun. 1996.
- C. K. Chan and L. K. Chen, "Theoretical analysis of high repetition rate optical pulse multiplication using fiber coupler loop configuration," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 7, no. 10, pp. 1145-1147, Oct. 1995.
- C. K. Chan and L. K. Chen, "Efficient frequency assignment scheme for intermodulation distortion reduction in fiber-optic microcellular systems," IEE Electronics Letters, vol. 30, no. 22, pp. 1831-1832, 1994.
Optical Performance Monitoring
- K. H. Tse, and C. K. Chan, "A path tracing scheme for all-optical packet-switched networks," IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 30, no. 11, pp. 1625-1631, Jun. 2012.
- Y. C. Ku, C. K. Chan, L. K. Chen, "A robust OSNR monitoring scheme using phase modulator embedded fiber loop mirror," OSA Optics Letters, vol. 32, no. 12, pp. 1752-1754, Jun. 2007.
- G. W. Lu, M. H. Cheung, L. K. Chen, C. K. Chan, "Simple PMD-insensitive OSNR monitoring scheme assisted by transmitter-side polarization scrambling," OSA Optics Express, vol. 14, pp. 58-62, Feb. 2006.
- G. W. Lu, M. H. Cheung, L. K. Chen, C. K. Chan, "Simultaneous PMD and OSNR monitoring by enhanced RF spectral dip analysis assisted with a local large-DGD element," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 17, no. 12, pp. 2790-2792, Dec. 2005.
- G. W. Lu, Y. C. Ku, L. K. Chen, C. K. Chan, "A novel technique for pulse-carver and data alignment monitoring in RZ-DPSK systems using off-center optical filtering," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 711-713, Mar. 2005.
- M. H. Cheung, L. K. Chen, C. K. Chan, "PMD-insensitive OSNR monitoring based on polarization-nulling with off-center narrowband filtering," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 16, no. 11, pp. 2562-2564, Nov. 2004.
- G. W. Lu, C. Xie, Y. C. Ku, L. K. Chen, C. K. Chan, "Enhanced PMD monitoring with frequency-resolved SOP rotation by self-phase modulation," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 16, no. 9, pp. 2180-2182, Sep. 2004.
- K. Chan, C. K. Chan, F. Tong, and L. K. Chen, "Performance supervision for multiple optical amplifiers in WDM transmission system using spectral analysis," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 705-707, May 2002.
- E. Kong, F. Tong, K. P. Ho, L. K. Chen and C. K. Chan, "Pilot-tone based optical-path supervisory scheme for optical cross-connects," IEE Electronics Letters, vol. 35, no. 17, pp. 1481-1482, Aug. 1999.
- C. K. Chan, F. Tong, L. K. Chen, and D. Lam, "Demonstration of a fault tolerant WDM add-drop/branching unit for long-haul optical transmission systems," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 11, no. 8, pp. 1069-1071, Aug. 1999.
- C. K. Chan, F. Tong, L. K. Chen, K. P. Ho and D. Lam, "Fiber-fault identification for branched access networks using a wavelength-sweeping monitoring source," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 614-616, May 1999.
- F. Tong, C. K. Chan, L. K. Chen and D. Lam, "Fault surveillance schemes for optical components and systems using fiber Bragg gratings and optical amplifiers as monitoring sources," OSA Trends in Optics and Photonics Series (TOPS) volume on Optical Networks and Their Applications, (Invited paper) Optical Society of America, vol. 20, pp. 84-90, Aug. 1998.
- C. K. Chan, E. Kong, F. Tong and L. K. Chen, "A novel optical-path supervisory scheme for optical cross-connects in all-optical transport networks," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 899-901, Jun. 1998.
- C. K. Chan, F. Tong and L. K. Chen, "Wavelength matching scheme for wavelength grating routers in all-optical transport networks," IEE Electronics Letters, vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 490-491, 1998.
- C. K. Chan, L. K. Chen, F. Tong, and D. Lam, "A novel in-service surveillance scheme for optically-amplified transmission systems," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 9, no. 11, pp. 1520-1522, Nov. 1997.
- C. K. Chan, F. Tong, L. K. Chen, and D. Lam, "An in-service passive surveillance system for optically-amplified branched optical networks," IEE Electronics Letters, vol. 33, no. 9, pp. 795-797, Apr. 1997.
- C. K. Chan, F. Tong, L. K. Chen, J. Song, and D. Lam, "A practical passive surveillance scheme for optically-amplified passive branched optical networks," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 526-528, Apr. 1997.
Professional Activities
- Senior Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)
- Senior Member, Optical Society of America (OSA)
- Guest Editor, OSA Journal of Optical Networking, Special Issue on Optical Ethernet II , Optical Society of America, 2006.
- Associate Editor, OSA Journal of Optical Networking, Optical Society of America (2007-2009)
- Associate Editor, IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, IEEE & Optical Society of America (2009-2010 )
- Associate Editor, ISRN Communications, Hindawi Publishing Group (2010-)
- Editorial Board Member, Frontiers in Optoelectronics, Springer (2013-2016)
- Member of Executive Committee, IEEE Photonics (formerly Lasers & Electro-Optics) Society (Hong Kong Chapter). (2002-2007).
- Chairman (2012-2013), Vice Chairman (2010-2011), Treasurer (2008-2009), IEEE Photonics Society (Hong Kong Chapter).
- Member of Technical Program Committee of the following international conferences:
- Served as TPC Co-Chair
- International Symposium on Next Generation Lightwave Communications
- 2007:Hong Kong (Jun. 11-13, 2007).
- International Conference on Communications and Mobile Computing (CMC)
- 2011: Qingdao, PRC (Apr. 18-20, 2011), symposium on "Optical Communications and Networks"
- IEEE International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT)
- 2011: Jinan, PRC (Sep. 25-28, 2011), symposium on "Optical Communications and Networks"
- International Symposium on Next Generation Lightwave Communications
- Served as Organizing Committee Member
- Opto-Electronics and Communication Conference (OECC)
- 2009: Hong Kong (Jul. 13-17, 2009)
- Opto-Electronics and Communication Conference (OECC)
- Served as International Advisory Committee Member
- International Postgraduate Student Conference (PGSC)
- 2010: Singapore (Dec. 15-17, 2010)
- International Postgraduate Student Conference (PGSC)
- Served as TPC Member
- IEEE/OSA Optical Fiber Communication Conference and National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference (OFC/NFOEC)
- 2005: Anaheim, California, USA (Mar. 6-11, 2005), subcommittee on "Networks"
- 2006: Anaheim, California, USA (Mar. 5-10, 2006), subcommittee on "Networks"
- 2007: Anaheim, California, USA (Mar. 25-29, 2007), subcommittee on "Networks"
- 2011: Los Angeles, California, USA (Mar. 6-10, 2011), subcommittee on "Transmission Subsystems and Network Elements"
- 2012: Los Angeles, California, USA (Mar. 4-8, 2012), subcommittee on "Transmission Subsystems and Network Elements"
- 2013: Anaheim, California, USA (Mar.17-21 , 2013), subcommittee on "Transmission Subsystems and Network Elements"
- International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems (ICCCAS), subcommittee on "Optical and Broadband Communications"
- 2004: Chengdu, PRC (June 27-29, 2004)
- 2005: Chengdu, PRC. 2005, (June 27-29, 2005)
- 2006: Guilin, PRC. (June 25-28, 2006)
- 2009: San Jose, CA, USA (July 23-25, 2009)
- Asia-Pacific Optical Communication Conference (APOC), subcommittee on "Optical Transmission, Switching, and Subsystems"
- 2004: Beijing, PRC (Nov 7-11, 2004)
- 2005: Shanghai, PRC (Nov. 6-10, 2005)
- 2006: Gwangju, Korea (Sept. 3-7, 2006)
- 2007: Wuhan, PRC (Nov. 1-5, 2007)
- 2008: Hangzhou, PRC (Oct. 26-30, 2008)
- International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN)
- 2004: Hong Kong (Nov. 30-Dec. 1, 2004)
- 2005: Bangkok, Thailand (Dec. 14-16, 2005)
- 2006: Chengdu, PRC (Sept. 18-22, 2006)
- 2008: Singapore (Dec. 8-11 2008)
- 2009: Beijing, PRC (Sept. 15-17, 2009)
- 2010: Nanjing, PRC (Oct. 24-16, 2010)
- Opto-Electronics and Communication Conference (OECC),
- 2008: Sydney, Australia (Jul. 8-10, 2008), subcommittee on "Transmission Systems and Switching Technologies"
- 2010: Sapporo, Japan (July 5-10, 2010), subcommittee on " Core/Access Networks and Switching Subsystems"
- IEEE International Conference on Photonics in Switching (PS)
- 2007: San Francisco, California, USA (Aug. 19-22, 2007)
- 2008: Sapporo, Japan (Aug. 4-7, 2008)
- 2009: Pisa, Italy (Sept. 16-19, 2009)
- 2010: Monterey, California, USA (Jul. 25-28, 2010)
- 2012: Ajaccio in Corsica (France) (Sep. 11-14, 2012)
- Symposium on Technology Fusion of Optoelectronics and Communications (STFOC)
- 2005: Taipei, Taiwan (May 17-22, 2005)
- International Conference on Polymer Optical Fiber (POF)
- 2005: Hong Kong (Sept 19-21, 2005)
- IEEE International Conference in Communications and Networking (ChinaCom)
- 2007: Shanghai, PRC (Aug. 22-24, 2007)
- 2008: Hangzhou, PRC (Aug. 25-27, 2008)
- 2009: Xi’an, PRC. (Aug. 26-28, 2009)
- International Conference on the Optical Internet (COIN)
- 2008: Tokyo, Japan. (Oct. 12-14, 2008)
- International Conference on Advanced Infocomm Technology (ICAIT)
- 2009: Xi’an, PRC. (Jul. 7-9, 2009)
- 2010: Hainan, PRC (Jul. 20-23, 2010)
- 2011: Wuhan, PRC (Jul. 11-14, 2011)
- 2012: Paris, France (Jul. 25-27, 2012)
- IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems (ICCS)
- 2010: Singapore (Nov. 17-20, 2010)
- 2012: Singapore (Nov. 21-23, 2012)
- Asia Pacific Conference on Communication (APCC)
- 2013: Bali Island, Indonesia (Aug. 29-31, 2013)
- Photonics Global Conference (PGC)
- 2010: Singapore (Dec. 14-16, 2010)
- 2012: Singapore (Dec. 13-16, 2012)
- IEEE International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT)
- 2012: Chengdu, PRC (Nov. 9-11, 2012)
- International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology (PHOTOPTICS)
- 2013: Barcelona, Spain (Feb. 20-21, 2013)
- 2014: Lisbon, Portugal (Jan. 7-9, 2014)
- IEEE/OSA Optical Fiber Communication Conference and National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference (OFC/NFOEC)
- International Conference on Information Photonics and Optical Communications (IPOC)
- 2011: Singapore (Oct. 21-23, 2011)
- Served as TPC Co-Chair
- Consultant, Photonics Group, Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI), Hong Kong (1/2002 – 12/2002, 1/2004-6/2004).
- Technical Reviewer of the following international journals:
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, OSA Journal of Optical Networking, IEEE Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, OSA Optics Express, OSA Optics Letters, IEEE Journal of Selected Areas on Communications, IEEE Communication Letters, Optics Communication, Optical Fiber Technology, IET Electronics Letters, Chinese Optics Letters, Journal of Optics
Graduate Studies
Current Students
- BO, Taiwai
- Research areas: optical OFDM systems
- FAN, Zheyu
- Research areas: optical network planning
- GAO, Shuang
- Research areas: optical OFDM systems
- GUAN, Xun
- Research areas: optical signal processing
- YANG, Qianmei
- Research areas: optical access networks
Graduated Students
- CHAN, Kit
- Ph.D. 2004, Thesis: All-Optical Signal Processing and Signal Conditioning in High-Speed Optical Systems Using Semiconductor Optical Amplifier
- DENG, Ning
- M.Phil. 2004, Thesis: Applications of Optical Frequency Shift Keying Modulation Format in Optical Networks
- Ph.D. 2007, Thesis: Optical Signal Processing Techniques and Applications of Optical Phase Modulation in High-Speed Communication Systems
- M.Phil. 2004, Thesis: Applications of Optical Frequency Shift Keying Modulation Format in Optical Networks
- JIA, Wei
- Ph.D. 2013, Thesis: Novel Applications of Chirp Managed Laser in Optical Fiber Communication Systems
- KU, Yuen-Ching
- M.Phil. 2004, Thesis: All-Optical Signal Processing Techniques to Alleviate Homodyne Crosstalk in Optical Networks
- Ph.D. 2007, Thesis: Novel Techniques for Optical Performance Monitoring in Optical Systems
- M.Phil. 2004, Thesis: All-Optical Signal Processing Techniques to Alleviate Homodyne Crosstalk in Optical Networks
- LEE, Chi-Man
- M.Phil. 2004, Thesis: Protection Architectures for Multi-wavelength Optical Network
- LIU, Zhixin
- Ph.D. 2012, Thesis: Design and Applications of Advanced Optical Modulation Formats for Optical Metro/Access Transmission Systems
- PUN, Siu-Sun
- M.Phil. 2005, Thesis: Novel High-Speed Optical Transmitters for Optical Frequency Shift Keying and Inverse-Return-to-Zero Signals
- M.Phil. 2005, Thesis: Novel High-Speed Optical Transmitters for Optical Frequency Shift Keying and Inverse-Return-to-Zero Signals
- QIU, Yang
- Ph.D. 2011, Thesis: Optical Multicast Overlay and Survivable Architectures in High-Speed Multi-Wavelength Optical Access Networks
- Ph.D. 2011, Thesis: Optical Multicast Overlay and Survivable Architectures in High-Speed Multi-Wavelength Optical Access Networks
- SHEN, Dong
- M.Phil. 2011, Thesis: Regenerator Placement and Fault Management in Multi-wavelength Optical Networks
- SUN, Xiaofeng
- M.Phil. 2006, Thesis: Self-healing Network Architectures for Multiwavelength Optical Metro/Access Networks
- TAM, Kin-Lun Scott
- M.Phil. 2005, Thesis: Schemes for Building an Efficient All-Optical Virtual Private Network
- TSE, Kam-Hon
- Ph.D. 2012, Thesis: Novel Optical Techniques to Enable Network Management in All-Optical Networks
- WANG, Zhaoxin
- Ph.D. 2006, Thesis: Novel Optical Access Network Architectures and Transmission System Technologies for Optical Fiber Communications
- XIANG, Chao
- M.Phil. 2014, Thesis: Design of Coupling Techniques in Silicon Planar Lightwave Circuits
- YANG, Yi
- M.Phil. 2004, Thesis: Applications of Optical Orthogonal Modulation Schemes in Optical Networks
- ZHAO, Qiguang
- M.Phil. 2007, Thesis: Internetworking Architectures for Optical Network Units in a Wavelength Division Multiplexed Passive Optical Network
- ZHANG, Shuqiang
- M.Phil. 2010, Thesis: Multicast Protection and Energy Efficient Traffic Grooming in Optical Wavelength Routing Networks
- ZHANG, Yin
- M.Phil. 2008, Thesis: A Multicast Overlay Scheme for Wavelength Division Multiplexed Passive Optical Networks