《黄遵宪(1848-1905)是中国近代旧体诗歌最重要的作家, 他的《人境庐诗草》是晚清时期最受注目的诗集。由于黄氏在近代维新事业中起过重要作用, 发挥过深远的影响,《人境庐诗草》的重要性也就不限于文学研究范畴,而成了黄学研究的重镇。 黄氏诗向称难读,因此在过去百年中出现了为数甚多的黄氏诗注释, 其中包括至今仍在黄学研究中起重要作用的钱仲联(1908- )的《人境庐诗草笺注》。 可惜这些注释在今天已难免过时,呈现了种种不足,其对读者了解黄氏诗作及黄氏功业所能起的作用也越来越有限。 本研究旨在总结过去一百年黄学研究之成果,结合资讯科技提供的种种方便, 并配合本人在过去二十余年研究、讲授黄遵宪诗、近代文学和古典诗歌之心得, 为一般读者和黄学研究者提供可靠有用的《人境庐诗草》注释,并以此为基础, 检讨与总结中国旧体诗注释的经验,尝试为旧体诗的现代注释建立新典范。
数十年来,学者为商周以迄两汉传世文献及近代出土先秦两汉文献而编纂之专用辞典逾一百种。 此类辞典经常收录相同或相近之词汇,但其性质各异,编纂方法也不尽相同。即使辞典收录相同词汇, 也未必能完整收录该词汇之所有具代表性之用例。由此可见,以书刊形式,按年代、 文献分类之辞典词汇编纂方法有未尽善处。 总结现有断代辞典之编纂经验,可知编纂断代辞典必须先了解该时代词汇之全貌。 传世文献乃研究词汇之重要文献资料,但数量不多之出土文献同为不可或缺之研究素材。唯综合研究二者之词汇, 方能准确探求词汇发展之真貌。然而,全面研究先秦两汉出土文献及传世文献之词汇乃费时费力之浩大工程, 必须借助现代科技,运用电脑建立文献资料库,统计分析有关文献所见之词语,以为研究汉语词汇, 甚或编纂汉语辞典之手法。 大规模而有系统之先秦两汉词汇研究工作,不能仗依个别学者之个人研究, 而必须依靠研究机构之长期及有力支援。香港中文大学中国文化研究所中国古籍研究中心现已建立六个中国古代传世文献及出土文献资料库, 其年代由商周以至魏晋南北朝,地域则及于楚、齐、鲁等重要文化区域。此一文献资料库可作为本计划之基础, 研究人员可规划电脑程式,寻检文库内所有词语,藉以建立先秦两汉文献完整词单。同时, 更可以此探讨部分词汇运用之独特性,深入研究此时段之词汇发展。最后,期望能进一步建立分别以年代、 地域、作者、文体、载体等为纲之上古汉语多功能网络辞典。
Mok Man Cheong(莫文畅, ?—1917) had worked as a court interpreter, a comprador and a school teacher before moving into the shipping industry and later on becoming a ‘zhili’(值理) at the Tung Wah group of hospitals in Hong Kong. His first important publication, The Tah Tse Dictionary(达辞字典), was very well received indeed and it remains in use as a reference book even up to the present day. In an effort to help his contemporaries to learn English as a second language, Cheong introduced the sound-matching approach to tackle English pronunciation in his other book, English Made Easy(唐字调音英语) and it comes as no surprise that this English-Cantonese sound-matching manual was highly praised by A.W. Brewin, the then Registrar-General of Hong Kong. According to the British Library Catalogue, English Made Easy was reprinted many times and thus its influential status back in the early part of the twentieth century can hardly be doubted. Sound- matching documentation as such is central to the studies of Chinese linguistics but unfortunately the importance of English Made Easy has for long been overlooked. Previous studies of this book were largely undertaken from the perspective of English teaching, even though English Made Easy contains a significant amount of valuable and reliable data, which prove indispensable to any attempt to understand the changes of Hong Kong Cantonese over the years. It is the first book authored by a Chinese scholar to have noted the phenomena of ‘high leveling (上高平)’ and ‘high entering (上高入)’ in Cantonese intonation and it contains the earliest documentation of ‘san-pin-fa (三拼法),’ which contrasts sharply with the more commonly used ‘shuang-pin-fa (双拼法).’ Of no less importance is Cheong’s detailed account of the cultural changes in Hong Kong. This research project will delve into the wealth of phonetic and vocabulary data contained in English Made Easy with a view to work out a comprehensive and accurate historiography of the multifarious changes that inform Hong Kong Cantonese, placed in the context of Chinese linguistics, and the myriad of socio-cultural factors that nurtured them.
本研究将突破前人关于《三国演义》单一主题、 单一意义或系统化叙述结构之成说,致力于探讨其具有的多重意义、 多种意识形态之间的对峙与对话。