因應最新疫情發展,香港中文大學(中大)宣布各部門/單位將視乎服務需要,由2月18日起恢復正常運作。校內餐廳亦於當天起恢復夜間堂食服務,堂食安排的防疫措施將遵循政府的相關規例。有關餐廳的開放時間及詳細安排,及校園內其他設施的開放及使用時間,請瀏覽https://www.cuhk.edu.hk/chinese/campus/accommodation.html#canteen_info 或留意相關部門的公布。
在此期間,大學醫療中心服務將正常運作。有關餐廳的開放時間及詳細安排,及校園內其他設施的開放及使用時間,請瀏覽https://www.cuhk.edu.hk/chinese/campus/accommodation.html#canteen_info 或留意相關部門的公布。
香港中文大學校長 香港中文大學常務副校長
段崇智教授謹啟 陳金樑教授謹啟 -
1. 中大校內所有餐廳所有堂食服務將於晚上6時後停止服務。有關餐廳的開放時間及詳細安排,請聯絡個別餐廳或瀏覽https://www.cuhk.edu.hk/chinese/campus/accommodation.html#canteen_info
2. 大學將暫時關閉校園內的所有體育設施。
3. 大學已經由12月2日開始實施特別上班安排。各部門/單位會檢視及維持必須及主要服務。除了提供必須及主要服務的人員外,可於辦公地點外處理工作的教職員將會輪班或者在家工作。因應疫情,部門/單位主管將盡量減少所需值班人數,亦持續檢視情況及調整有關出勤、在家工作或輪值的安排,並另行通知員工。有關安排延長實行至12月23日。
First Term Centralized Course Examinations will begin on 9 December 2020. Please pay attention to the following regarding examination arrangements.
1. Declaration of Academic Honesty
The University places very high importance on honesty in academic work, and adopts a policy of zero tolerance on academic dishonesty. Students should have made the Declaration of Academic Honesty prior to taking examinations. All students are abide by the statements in the Declaration in attending the examinations and MUST comply with the respective rules and regulations for taking online/face-to-face examinations. All acts of academic dishonesty, once established by the concerned authorities, shall be disciplined in accordance with the University’s policies and guidelines governing academic honesty (http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/policy/academichonesty/). Demerit records will be marked on student’s academic transcript and for some serious cases, the penalty includes lowering of degree honours as a result of academic dishonesty. Therefore, students MUST take academic honesty very seriously when they attend any examinations/tests/other forms of assessments.
2. Further update of the Final Examination Timetable
All students MUST check again the updated Final Examination Timetable on CUSIS, since there are further update after 16 November 2020 due to (a) late drop of courses, and (b) some more changes in the mode of examination (e.g. from face-to-face to online, or from without invigilation to self-arranged invigilation).
The Final Examination Timetable has been sent by separate e-mails to individual SEN students who need special examination arrangements as recommended by the Office of Student Affairs of the University. Students should note that there might be subsequent changes to their individual examination timetable due to change of examination mode. Students should follow the information stated in the latest e-mail sent to them to attend the final examination with special arrangements according to the date, time, and venue (applicable to face-to-face examinations).
Please note that students are NOT allowed to take the examinations if they have dropped the courses.
3. Attending Face-to-Face Examinations
Students who will attend the face-to-face examinations on campus MUST arrive at the designated examination venue (e.g. University Gymnasium) at least 20 minutes BEFORE the start time of the examination (i.e. arrive at 9:10am if the examination starts at 9:30am). The University will perform the following stringent precautionary measures in examination venues in addition to the “Guidelines for Precautionary Measures for Face-to-Face Examinations”.
- Students are required to wear surgical masks throughout the examination, and should line up with social distancing for the following measures when entering examination venues.
- Body temperature screening at the entrance of all examination venues. Anyone with body temperature constantly at or higher than 37.5C will NOT be allowed to enter the examination venue, and they will be given proper advice for follow-up action.
- All students are required to use alcohol sanitizer to clean their hands before entering the examination venue.
- After entering the examination venue, students MUST take up the assigned seat (the seat number is available in students’ individual exam timetable on CUSIS). Alcohol wipes will be provided to students to clean the desk/chair of the examination venue as deemed necessary.
- No eating or drinking is allowed inside all examination venues.
Please note that for social distancing, the seating arrangement in examination halls will follow that of the HKDSE and students are seated approximately 1.8 meters apart. For examinations to be held in classroom, a venue with double-seating capacity will be used and students will be seated at least one meter apart from each other, and some vacant seats/rows will also be arranged as far as practicable.
In order to safeguard the health and well-being of the campus community, students who are not feeling well or who have respiratory symptoms should not attend face-to-face examinations, and should seek advice from RES for application for absence from examinations. Students who are residing in Hong Kong but who do not feel comfortable to sit the face-to-face examination due to the pandemic should seek advice from the course teachers concerned directly so that other alternative arrangements can be made, including: (a) an online examination following the same format and the time of same examination session will be arranged by the course teachers, if there is an online version of the examination for students who are not residing in Hong Kong, and subject to the decision of the course teacher concerned; or (b) to be advised to apply for absence from examination and to be assessed later by make-up examination or by other forms of assessment.
4. Attending Online Examinations
Students MUST follow the instructions of the course teachers to attend the examinations at the specified time earlier than the start time on the date of the examination for attendance taking or other logistics arrangements as required, where applicable. Course teachers concerned should have arranged mock examination for students to familiarize themselves with the IT tools/platform before taking the actual online examination.
All students must read carefully the “Guidelines and Information for Students Taking Online Course Examinations” when preparing for online examinations. Students who have genuine difficulties with the required computing equipment, proper environment and stable internet connection (especially for those who are taking the examination outside Hong Kong) for taking online examinations should report to the course teacher as soon as they can. Course teachers concerned should also give clear written instructions, including but not limited to the following, to students before the online examination takes place.
- Exact time for students to logon the IT tools/platforms before the examination start time (e.g. 20 minutes before the start time of the examination).
- The method used to take attendance (e.g. students are required to show their Student ID Card or other identification document, where applicable, in front of the webcam).
- The IT tools/platforms to deliver the question paper(s) online before the examination.
- The back-up plan for students if they encounter any system failure/Internet problem (e.g. provide telephone number of the invigilator/course teacher for reporting problems).
- The IT tools/platforms that students will use to submit the answer scripts/sheets after the examination and the time allowed (e.g. 15 minutes) for submission of the answer scripts/sheet.
- The IT tools/platforms for invigilation during online examination with invigilation.
- The instructions for washroom arrangements during the examination for online examination with invigilation, e.g. to ask students to show the examination scripts via Zoom, or take a picture of the examination script and send e-mail to an account before going to washroom.
- For online examination with invigilation, students should be informed whether the examination session will be recorded.
- How to raise questions before, during and after the examination when students have problems on the question paper or experience other significant problems (e.g. use CHAT/raise hand in Zoom or use mobile to call announced mobile telephone numbers/use other means to communicate with the course teacher/invigilator).
Students who have not got such information before the examination should contact the course teachers concerned directly.
5. Other Important Information
Please refer to our e-mail communication dated 16 November 2020 for details of examination rules, special circumstances for re-scheduling of examination, and application for absence from examinations. Please also note that in general the data retention period is one year for all examination data collected/generated during online and face-to-face examinations, except when the data are required for specific purposes (e.g. investigation of disciplinary cases).
- Students are required to wear surgical masks throughout the examination, and should line up with social distancing for the following measures when entering examination venues.
若疫情持續緩和,下學期將可望進行更多校內教學活動。為審慎起見,「混合教學模式」仍需繼續,但除先前提及的課程外,亦會優先將部分初級課程 (level-1 courses) 轉為面授教學。豐富的校內學習體驗是新生適應大學生活的重要一環。若「旅遊氣泡」順利推行,部分學生交流活動或能於下學期進行,但仍尚待確定。一如以往,我們將密切留意情況,適時應對。
香港中文大學校長 香港中文大學常務副校長
段崇智教授謹啟 陳金樑教授謹啟 -
Note: The followings are suggested guidelines. Departments/course teachers concerned may adopt other precautionary measures as appropriate.
1. Precautionary measures
- Students, course teachers/invigilators concerned with one or more of the following conditions should not come back to the campus for the face-to-face examination, and they should make other appropriate arrangements.
- have travelled outside Hong Kong within 14 days before the day of examination;
- are still within the compulsory quarantine period;
- are living with family members/persons who are confirmed cases of COVID-19; or
- have chronic illness/other medical conditions.
- Students, invigilators and course teachers should monitor their own body temperature on each day before attending the examination. If their body temperature is at or higher than 37.5C or with presence of respiratory symptoms, they should seek medical advice immediately.
- Students should follow the Regulation to apply for absence from examination if their conditions do not permit them to take the examination, if applicable.
2. Before the examination
- Students, invigilators and course teachers concerned with body temperature at or higher than 37.5C or with presence of respiratory symptoms should not enter the examination venue. They should seek medical advice immediately.
- All students, course teachers/invigilators must pay attention to personal hygiene. They are required to put on surgical masks and use alcohol sanitizers to rub hands before entering the examination venue. Alcohol sanitizers should be provided at the building entrance, and surgical masks for students who are in need.
- Students should reserve ample time to enter the examination venue by batches to avoid crowd gathering at the entrances of the examination venue.
- Course teachers should arrange a suitable venue for the examination where social distancing can be enforced.
- In arrangements of seating, keep the physical distance between students at least one meter apart.
- Proper cleaning and disinfection of the examination venue MUST be done after each examination session.
- Try to maintain good indoor ventilation of the venue, e.g. open the windows, if possible.
3. During the examination
- All students, course teachers/invigilators are required to put on surgical masks during the whole examination, including oral examinations.
- No eating or drinking is allowed in the examination venue.
4. After the examination
Arrange students to leave the examination venue in batches, so as not to crowd the exits.
5. Contact Tracing
If in the unfortunate situation that a confirmed COVID-19 case is identified and who has attended the examination, the course teachers concerned should report to the University’s Committee on Health Promotion and Protection (CHPP) immediately, and contact the management unit of the venue to arrange disinfection, and provide contact list of participants of the examination to the offices concerned to facilitate efficient contact tracing.
- Students, course teachers/invigilators concerned with one or more of the following conditions should not come back to the campus for the face-to-face examination, and they should make other appropriate arrangements.
Note: The followings are suggested guidelines. Departments/course teachers concerned may adopt other precautionary measures as appropriate.
1. Precautionary measures
- Students and course teachers concerned with one or more of the following conditions should not come back to the campus for the face-to-face meetings, and they should make other appropriate arrangements.
- have travelled outside Hong Kong within 14 days before attending the class/laboratory session;
- are still within the compulsory quarantine period;
- are living with family members/persons who are confirmed cases of COVID-19; or
- have chronic illness/other medical conditions.
- Students and course teachers concerned should monitor their own body temperature on each day before attending the class/laboratory session. If their body temperature is at or higher than 37.5C or with presence of respiratory symptoms, they should seek medical advice immediately.
2. Before the class/laboratory session
- Students and course teachers concerned with body temperature at or higher than 37.5C or with presence of respiratory symptoms should not attend the class/laboratory session on the scheduled date. They should seek medical advice immediately.
- All students and course teachers must pay attention to personal hygiene. They are required to put on surgical masks and use alcohol sanitizers to rub hands before entering the venue. Alcohol sanitizers should be provided at the building entrance, and surgical masks for students who are in need.
- Students should reserve ample time to enter the venue by batches to avoid crowd gathering at the entrance of the venue.
- Course teachers should arrange a suitable venue for the class/laboratory session where social distancing can be enforced.
- There should be at least one meter apart between students in the seating arrangement. Students may also be arranged to sit in single rows with a ‘face-to-back’ setting (to face one direction), or chessboard-style seating arrangement.
- Proper physical distance for group activities should also be arranged. Avoid any close contact in classes, e.g. activities/games involving body contact. For teaching/learning activities to be conducted in groups, please always follow the Government’s announcement on the number of persons allowed for group gatherings in the arrangements. For PE and Music courses, course teachers also need to follow specific guidelines of relevant government offices in conducting the classes.
- Arrange students to take turn to use the laboratory in sessions and enforce proper social distancing.
- Proper cleaning and disinfection of the venues MUST be done every day.
- Try to maintain good indoor ventilation of the venue, e.g. open the windows, if possible.
3. During the class/laboratory session
- All students and course teachers are required to put on surgical masks all through the class/laboratory session.
- No eating or drinking is allowed inside the venue.
4. After the class/laboratory session
Arrange students to leave the venue in batches, so as not to crowd the exits.
5. Contact Tracing
If in the unfortunate situation that a confirmed COVID-19 case is identified and who has attended the class/laboratory session, the course teachers concerned should report to the University’s Committee on Health Promotion and Protection (CHPP) immediately, and contact the management unit of the venue to arrange disinfection, and provide contact list of participants of the class/laboratory session to the offices concerned to facilitate efficient contact tracing.
- Students and course teachers concerned with one or more of the following conditions should not come back to the campus for the face-to-face meetings, and they should make other appropriate arrangements.
由2020年10月起,大學將逐步實施以下措施 ﹕
香港中文大學校長 香港中文大學常務副校長
段崇智教授謹啟 陳金樑教授謹啟 -
- 請經常查閱本網頁的大學公佈:https://againstcovid19.cuhk.edu.hk/,以了解有關上課和考試安排的最新資訊。
- 9月份所有課堂均為網上授課。學系 / 授課老師須通知已註冊該科的學生有關網上授課的教學平台(例如Blackboard、Zoom、Microsoft Teams等)及相關安排。如學生在第一堂前仍未收到授課老師的有關通知,請向授課學系查詢。
- 有關10月份及以後的課堂安排,學生亦請留意大學公佈有否更新。如課堂已獲批准可以面授或混合教學模式授課,授課老師須通知已註冊學生該科的上課日期、時間(資料須與上課時間表一致)及地點。請注意列於上課時間表內的授課模式或會有更改,因此學生須經常留意大學、授課學系及授課老師公佈相關課堂的最新安排。
- 學生如有特別原因未能在其身處地點出席網上課堂,請與授課老師聯絡。授課老師如認為理由充分,但未能自行安排其他校園設施以供學生網上上課,本組可安排合適的課室讓該等學生網上上課。
- 學生如欲於科目改選期間旁聽課堂,請留意有關學系的通告,或聯絡授課老師 / 學系以得知該科的教學平台及相關資訊(如Zoom會議的Meeting ID及密碼)。如學系同意,亦可自行容許在候補名單上的學生旁聽該等課堂。
- 有關科目改選安排,詳情請參閱本組網頁,請留意以下重點。
- 除科目設有加 / 退選規定外,學生應於9月14日(星期一晚上8時30分)至9月20日(星期日晚上8時30分)利用CUSIS系統功能改選科目。學生如不打算修讀已註冊之科目,應儘快及於9月20日晚上8時30分或以前在CUSIS退選科目,以騰出學額予其他學生。除特別情況外,學系於9月21日至25日將不會處理任何退選申請。
- 如學額增加或有學生退選,候補名單中的學生會被自動編入科目名單內。學生不會接獲電郵通知,因此學生必須每天查閱於“View My Classes”之選課紀錄。
- 學生可於9月21日至25日向學系申請批准加選科目。請按學系通告之指示,將相關表格(可於註冊及考試組網頁下載)以電郵傳予學系處理。
- 學生須按全日制本科生總學則第5.0項有關課業負荷及選課之規定,於其常規修業期限內所有學期修課至少9學分及不得多於18學分,學則另有規定者除外。本組將會發送電郵予有學期課業負荷問題之學生。
如對以上各項有查詢,請電郵至本組(ugadmin@cuhk.edu.hk)或致電3943 9888。
我們於2020年6月30日向各大學成員發出的通信中提及2020-21學年的開課計劃,在擬定該計劃時,已作了準備應對新冠肺炎疫情可能會在香港再次爆發。由於當時疫情有所緩和,我們評估在保持足夠社交距離和其他衛生防護措施下,在校園進行面授課堂是可行的。然而,近日香港和世界各地的新冠肺炎確診數字持續飆升,我們必須提升緊急應變水平,並就新學年安排啟動應變計劃。 為了確保同學和員工的健康,大學將會採取以下措施:
- 所有學生迎新活動將以網上形式舉行。保持適當的社交距離、避免群體聚集,以及盡量減少使用公共交通工具,可以有助減低病毒的傳播。
- 課堂將以網上形式進行,直至疫情穩定為止。汲取了上一學年的寶貴經驗,以及大學在電子教學及網上同步學習方面持續投入資源,我們有信心網上教學能達至預期的學習成果,同時讓同學和員工避免受到病毒感染。對於有充分理據須作特別教學安排的個別課程,包括以實驗室/工作室/實習為本及部分專業的本科與研究生課程,可視乎情況作特殊考慮。大學將致力為所有同學提供豐富的學習體驗,盡力支援有特別需要的同學。大學將適時公布教學時間表及其他詳情,如有任何新安排會儘早通知大家。
- 大學強烈建議現正身處香港以外地區的學生目前不要返回校園。你們可能因而需要更改行程安排,但你們的健康和安全才是首要考慮。同學若已經起程或不能更改行程,請務必留意本港政府對入境人士實施的嚴格醫學檢測管制,入境者到埗後須進行強制檢疫。各書院和宿舍將盡快聯絡學生,以提供支援和指引。
- 本地學生宿舍將暫時停止接受申請,直至另行通知。大學建議所有學生避免出席人多聚集的場合,盡量遠離病毒的威脅。請留意各書院及宿舍的安排及公布。
香港中文大學校長 香港中文大學常務副校長
段崇智教授謹啟 陳金樑教授謹啟 -
鑒於香港新冠肺炎的確診個案數目不斷上升,香港中文大學 (中大)將採取下列措施,以保障所有學生和教職員的健康及安全﹕
(1) 課堂安排:
2019 – 2020年大學暑期課程已於本月11日完結。大學會密切留意疫情發展,如須更改新學期的課堂安排,校方將盡快作出公布。(2) 自7月14日起的工作安排:
若一旦有員工證實感染新冠肺炎或被衛生署界定為密切接觸者,大學「緊急應變小組」已準備了一系列緊急措施應對不同的情況。大學呼籲所有員工對新冠肺炎病毒提高警惕,以確保安全及健康。 有關中大應對疫情的相關資料,請瀏覽「同心抗疫」網頁。
新冠肺炎初來襲時,大學當機立斷推行網上教學和在家工作安排 ; 而現在我們準備重開校園、恢復面對面授課和活動時,則必須小心謹慎。疫情之初,大學即時成立了「緊急應變小組」,緊密召開會議,以掌握本地及海外形勢,並商討校內的控制感染措施,以及各項學術和工作安排。小組由校長領導,成員包括大學管理層人員和相關行政部門主管,在健康促進及防護委員會的輔助下,同時參考書院、學院、不同部門和校內外專家的意見,因時制宜推行各項必要的措施。
- 所有人在校園,尤其是乘坐校巴或身處室內時,必須佩戴口罩。
- 大學將於個別地點設立體溫監測點,並提供酒精搓手液,亦會設置口罩販賣機。
- 大學將定時清潔和消毒公眾場所與設施,如課室、圖書館、體育場館、升降機、校巴等。
- 為讓師生在授課和導修課時保持適當距離,大家出入課室和實驗室均有特別的新安排,座位必須相隔1.5米,各人面朝同一方向,兩人之間須留一個空置座位。
- 大學保健處的醫療團隊將會照顧患病師生,並為懷疑感染者及其緊密接觸者安排病毒測試。
大學與九所書院將盡力協助非本地生於9月7日學期開始前完成政府規定的強制家居檢疫要求 (如適用)。大學將安排非本地生最早於七月中開始分階段回校,有關安排經仔細考量,殊不容易。個別書院和宿舍將各自有特別安排,以便在維持宿堂生活、以及遵守自我隔離及強制家居檢疫之間取得平衡。請各位宿生留意所屬書院或宿舍公布的日期和入宿細則,外地來港學生,更應預先規劃行程。學生如因無法控制的情況而未能於開學時回到校園,大學將另作安排,盡量減少對同學學業和校園生活的影響。
由於必須保持社交距離,不少校內活動、聚會、課外活動等,都因而縮小規模,或須進行衛生防控措施。中大緊急應變小組轄下的專責小組早前發放的Referencing Guidelines for Social and Non-academic Events during COVID-19,可用作籌備和舉辦校園活動的指引。這份指引將按照有關公共衛生條例不時更新。校園出入管理措施將會繼續,以便管理人流並在必要時協助追踪病毒感染源頭。
香港中文大學校長 香港中文大學常務副校長
段崇智教授謹啟 陳金樑教授謹啟 -
(三)為全職中大基層員工 (「丙」類服務條例及相類服務條件受聘僱員)提供免息分期償還貸款,幫助他們渡過家庭經濟困難。
中大亦誠邀各界友好提供寶貴工作機會,詳情請與「中大支援基金」管理委員會聯絡 (電話: 3943-1931;電郵: curefund@cuhk.edu.hk)。
To All undergraduate students
From Provost, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education) and Registrar
Enquiry registrar@cuhk.edu.hkDear students,
The University has announced earlier that all Summer Session courses will be conducted online. In the light of the improving conditions in the recent development of COVID-19, and the Government’s gradual relaxation of related measures, the University has reviewed the situation and decided that some face-to-face teaching and learning activities may be allowed for courses offered in the Summer Session, subject to the two most important concerns of student and staff safety, as well as pedagogical needs being met.
The following arrangements for undergraduate courses offered in the Summer Session will be adopted:
- Online teaching and learning may be complemented with carefully planned face-to-face meetings.
- Face-to-face meetings (including lectures, tutorials and laboratory sessions) will be limited to a maximum of 50 students at any one time.
- Online instruction will be provided for students not residing in Hong Kong and students who choose not to return to campus.
- Students with chronic illness or other medical conditions are advised to stay home for the time being.
- On-campus examinations that require invigilation may be conducted face-to-face for students residing in Hong Kong at the time of examination. This is not applicable to other forms of assessment as stated in the assessment schemes of individual courses, such as term paper, projects, thesis, practicum etc.
- For those courses that will have face-to-face classes and examinations, special online arrangements will be made by individual course teachers for non-local students who are not residing in Hong Kong for the classes and at the time of the examinations. Special arrangements will also be made for students with medical or special needs.
- All classes/ learning activities/ examinations conducted face-to-face must observe safe distancing and other precautionary measures as specified by the University.
- Pass/ Fail grading option for all courses in Summer Session will be offered, except for courses specified by the Faculty/ Offering unit concerned, capped at a maximum of 3 credit units, exclusive of Physical Education courses.
- The normal procedure for Summer Session late course add/ drop will be observed.
Details of the arrangements will be announced by the Registration and Examinations Section (RES) shortly.
I would like to remind all students once again that although Term GPA is not applicable to Summer Session, if they have opted the Pass/Fail grading for any courses that they registered in the Summer Session 2019-20, the grades obtained (i.e. Pass or Fail) will not contribute to the Major GPA where applicable, and Cumulative GPA. Students are strongly advised to consult their Academic Advisors and Major Departments before making their choice, which is irrevocable.
As you are all fully engaged in your examinations, and the Second Term is coming to close, I wish you all the best in your examinations, and more importantly, stay healthy.
Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education)
Registrar -
(2020年4月23日) One-off Arrangement for Late-drop and Pass/Fail Grading Options
for Undergraduate Courses Offered in Term 2, 2019-20 (只提供英文版本) -
To Postgraduate Students who have registered courses in Term 2, 2019-20
(or Term 3 of specific taught postgraduate programmes)
From Graduation SchoolThe University has started online teaching in as early as mid-February 2020 and detailed guidelines have been formulated to enhance the smooth conduct of online teaching and assessment. Online teaching has been running smoothly at CUHK by and large. In general, the University is pleased that the online classes have been going well and the desired learning outcomes delivered as planned without compromise.
Nevertheless, the University understands the anxiety and worries of many of our students under such an unprecedented circumstance, especially those who lack a home environment that is conducive to learning. After very serious consideration, we have decided that the following arrangements be adopted on a one-off basis for postgraduate (PG) courses offered in Term 2 (or Term 3 for some specific taught postgraduate programmes) of 2019-20, except for courses of professional programmes or certain other courses as decided by the Graduate Division/Faculty/Offering Unit concerned. We believe that the arrangements will strike a good balance and address both the students’ concerns as well as our faculty’s concern for academic standards.
i. Late-drop option for all courses offered in Term 2, 2019-20, subject to the approval of the Graduate Division concerned; and
ii. Pass/Fail grading option for all courses offered in Term 2, 2019-20, except for courses of professional programmes or certain other courses as decided by the Graduate Division/Faculty/Offering Unit concerned, capped at a maximum of 6 credit units.
Please refer to the attachment for more details.
Graduate School
(一) 行人通道
- 復修後的二號橋南面保留設置行人路,行人可依舊步行通過橋面,往返校園環迴東路及位於科學園路的大學東閘入口。
(二) 行車通道
- 復修後的二號橋由以往的雙線車道收窄為單線車道,只可供單線行車,橋面亦增設車輛負重限制,負重超過24公噸的車輛不准使用二號橋。
- 二號橋及其連接路段總長度約為200公尺,路段兩端入口皆有接近直角的彎道,橋面中段亦較兩端入口為高,故駕駛者在上橋時容易因視線受阻而難以看清橋面情況,有關路段以往亦曾多次發生交通意外。
- 校方較早前曾檢視二號橋採取單線雙向行車安排的可行性,在橋的兩端設置交通燈及以不同類型的車輛作實地測試。結果發現單線雙向的行車安排,容易因有車輛不依燈號而引致相關路段交通癱瘓,甚至釀成車輛迎頭相撞的嚴重交通意外。
- 在安全為首要考慮的情況下,復修後的二號橋將以單線單程方式行車,即車輛只准由大學東閘入口經二號橋駛進校園環迴東路,以減低交通癱瘓及嚴重意外的風險。
• 李炳醫學圖書館24/7開放,無職員當值。
• 大學圖書館進學園部份地方會向中大學生及教職員開放(星期一至五,上午10時至下午5時, 星期六,上午10時至下午4時,公眾假期除外。無職員當值)。
• 由大學圖書館「閉館後出入口」進入。
• 請自帶設備使用進學園。健康預防措施:
• 所有讀者均需使用「閉館後出入口」出入圖書館,並戴上口罩。
• 座位經過特別安排,以保持社交距離。
• 禁止在圖書館內聚集。取書服務:圖書館會為中大學生及教職員提供取書服務,以支援教學與學習。詳情點擊此處。
• 除指定參考資料及已被其他讀者預約的資料外,系統均會自動續借所有借出資料至最長借閱期限。
• 港書網及館際互借資料因非中大圖書館館藏,故不能自動續借,請讀者使用自己的帳戶在網上續借。過期罰款:除指定參考資料外,所有2020年1月29日至5月31日的罰款將被豁免。
• 指定參考資料必需按到期日歸還,否則會有過期罰款。
• 沒有電子版的崇基圖書館或新亞圖書館指定參考,可以在大學圖書館指定參考借閱。
• 請將所有指定參考資料歸還到大學圖書館的還書箱。港書網及館際互借於圖書館關閉期間暫停服務,但符合資格的讀者仍可透過文獻傳遞服務提交文獻複印申請。
如有查詢,請電郵至 library@cuhk.edu.hk。
鑑於新冠肺炎疫情嚴峻,確診個案數字上升,香港中文大學(中大)採取進一步的預防措施,以保障所有成員的健康。大學決定今天 (3月30日)起加強控制校園活動的社交距離,除緊急及維持大學必要運作的活動外,校園內所有活動及任何形式的師生社交聚會,須減至最低程度,以預防感染,措施包括:
校園內的餐廳、食堂及公共空間須採取適當預防措施,包括每張桌只能容納4位顧客、顧客進入餐廳及食堂前必須量度體溫、所有身處餐廳的人士須佩戴口罩 (飲食時除外)等。各書院的公共空間、自修室及茶水間等地點亦須嚴格執行禁止4人以上聚集的措施。
This set of guidelines is solely applicable to CUHK outgoing exchange students who have enrolled courses in partner institutions during 2019-20 Term 2 but are unable to complete the courses using face-to-face mode at the partner institutions due to COVID-19 either because they have returned to (or planned to return to) Hong Kong or their home towns, or the partner institutions have suspended face-to-face classes with no alternatives for students to continue their learnings. The arrangements will enable students to continue their studies and earn credits accordingly.
- Credit Transfer: If online courses or other remote learning options are offered by the partner institutions for students to complete the courses, students should abide by the arrangement and then apply for credit transfer at CUHK as usual.
- Enroll in a CUHK Term 2 Course: If the student has already planned/communicated with the course teacher concerned the application for credit transfer for the course(s) taken at the partner institution during his/her exchange, the student can late add the relevant course at CUHK with the consent and agreement of the course teacher.
- The student can late add the course as soon as possible even though s/he has not yet returned to Hong Kong since all courses are at present conducted online. S/he can add the course by completing and returning the “Late Course Add/Drop Form” to RES, preferably on or before 9 April 2020.
- The student is allowed to late drop the course at the end of the term if s/he is unable to catch up with the progress.
- An alternative assessment scheme can be tailor-made for the student by the course teacher if deemed appropriate and as decided by the course teacher.
- Subject to the consent and agreement of the course teacher, the concerned student will be offered the option of P/F grading for the course, which will not contribute to the calculation of all forms of GPAs. The final decision on whether the option of P/F grading is available to the concerned student is rested with the respective Assessment Panel of the course and should be made known to the student prior to his/her enrollment of the course. Since the P/F grading will not be included in GPA calculation, students are advised to consider carefully when considering the option.
- Course completion with grade (using the title of the CUHK course) will be indicated in the student transcript of 2019-20 Term 2.
- Independent Study:If no relevant courses are being offered in the current term at CUHK, a student can complete his/her study with credits by pursuing an “Independent Study” course. Detailed arrangements are as follows:
- Please consult the Chair of the Department (that offers the course the student has initially planned to apply for credit transfer) to identify a teacher to design an “Independent Study” scheme for him/her to complete the rest of the course.
- The level of the course and number of credit units of the course will be decided by the teacher. The student can enroll in the course by completing the “Late Course Add/Drop Form” and return it to RES as soon as possible, preferably on or before 9 April 2020.
- The use of MOOC courses and other online materials may be used to support “Independent Study”.
- Students are allowed to late drop the “Independent Study” if they experience difficulties in completing the course.
- The course will be graded in P/F and will not be included in GPA calculation. Students who get a “P” in the course will gain the number of credit units, and the total number of credits that a student can gain from “Independent Study” courses should not be more than 9 units.
- Course completion with grade of the “Independent Study” course will be indicated in the student transcript of 2019-20 Term 2 or Summer Session, depending on the time that the course is completed by the student. In any case, Students should complete the “Independent Study” no later than 11 July 2020 (the end of the Summer Session).
- Specially Offered Courses: Most students on exchange take only a few courses at the partner institutions. Upon their return to Hong Kong or their hometowns, they may wish to take more courses. The University has made special arrangements to offer the following General Education courses for students to take. If there are more course offerings by Departments/Units, separate announcement will be made.
(i) UGEA2334 China Today;
(ii) UGEB2262 From Genes to Life;
(iii) UGEC1281 Understanding Japanese Languages and Culture; and
(iv) UGED1810 Critical Thinking
Please note that:
- These four courses will commence from the week of 6 April 2020, and the duration will be 13 weeks as usual.
- These courses will be offered online.
- Each course will be offered provided that the course enrollment number is higher than 10.
- Course completion with grade will be indicated in the student transcript of 2019-20 Summer Session.
- Students who intend to take these specially offered courses can check the timetable information on the homepage of Office of University General Education and other course details on CUSIS from this Friday (27 March 2020). Registration of these courses will be open from 10:00 a.m. on 31 March 2020 to 5:00 p.m. on 1 April 2020 on CUSIS.
- Study Plan: Students can follow the arrangements stated in Paragraphs (1), (2) or (3) to complete the courses they have enrolled in partner institutions. Students should consult and seek help from their Academic Advisors to devise a Study Plan with the best alternatives to suit their individual needs and situation. Teachers will also assist students to devise a long-term plan that covers not only the study of this term but also future ones.
- Summer Session: The University will increase its course offering during the Summer Session. Students who wish to take more than 6 units of courses in the Summer Session should submit applications to their respective Faculties for approval. Detailed information on course registration, teaching timetable and relevant application forms for Summer Session courses will be published on RES homepage on 15 April 2020. Course registration will be scheduled on CUSIS from 27-29 April 2020.
- Academic Advice: Students are strongly urged to communicate with and seek advice from their Academic Advisors or the course teachers concerned in making their decisions for the choice of courses. Please contact Ms Carol Chao (39438968) of the Registration and Examinations Section or e-mail to ugadmin@cuhk.edu.hk for any enquiries concerning course registration.
This set of guidelines is solely applicable to CUHK outgoing exchange students who have enrolled courses in partner institutions during 2019-20 Term 2 and Term 3 but are unable to complete the courses using face-to-face mode at the partner institutions due to COVID-19 either because they have returned to (or planned to return to) Hong Kong or their home towns, or the partner institutions have suspended face-to-face classes with no alternatives for students to continue their learnings. The arrangements will enable students to continue their studies and earn credits accordingly.
- Credit Transfer: If online courses or other remote learning options are offered by the partner institutions for students to complete the courses, students should abide by the arrangement and then apply for credit transfer at CUHK as usual.
- Enroll in a CUHK Term 2 and 3 Course: If the student has already planned/communicated with the course teacher concerned the application for credit transfer for the course(s) taken at the partner institution during his/her exchange, the student can late add the relevant course at CUHK with the consent and agreement of the course teacher.
- The student can late add the course as soon as possible even though s/he has not yet returned to Hong Kong since all courses are at present conducted online. S/he can add the course by submitting a written request to the Graduate Division for endorsement and the Graduate School for approval, preferably on or before 9 April 2020.
- The student is allowed to late drop the course at the end of the term if s/he is unable to catch up with the progress.
- An alternative assessment scheme can be tailor-made for the student by the course teacher if deemed appropriate and as decided by the course teacher.
- Subject to the consent and agreement of the course teacher, the concerned student will be offered the option of P/F grading for the course, which will not contribute to the calculation of all forms of GPAs. The final decision on whether the option of P/F grading is available to the concerned student is rested with the respective Assessment Panel of the course and should be made known to the student prior to his/her enrollment of the course. Since the P/F grading will not be included in GPA calculation, students are advised to consider carefully when considering the option.
- Course completion with grade (using the title of the CUHK course) will be indicated in the student transcript of 2019-20 Term 2 and Term 3.
- Independent Study: If no relevant courses are being offered in the current term at CUHK, a student can complete his/her study with credits by pursuing an “Independent Study” course, subject to the approval of the respective Graduate Division Heads and Programme Directors. Detailed arrangements are as follows:
- Please consult the Graduate Division Head or Programme Director to identify a teacher to design an “Independent Study” scheme for him/her to complete the rest of the course.
The level of the course and number of credit units of the course will be decided by the teacher. The student can enroll in the course by submitting a written request to the Graduate School via his/her Graduate Division, preferably on or before 9 April 2020.
The use of MOOC courses and other online materials may be used to support “Independent Study”.
Students are allowed to late drop the “Independent Study” if they experience difficulties in completing the course.
The course will be graded in P/F and will not be included in GPA calculation. Students who get a “P” in the course will gain the number of credit units, and the total number of credits that a student can gain from “Independent Study” courses should not be more than 9 units.
Course completion with grade of the “Independent Study” course will be indicated in the student transcript of 2019-20 Term 2, Term 3 or Summer Session, depending on the time that the course is completed by the student. In any case, Students should complete the “Independent Study” no later than the end of the Summer Session.
- Study Plan: Students can follow the arrangements stated in Paragraphs (1), (2) or (3) to complete the courses they have enrolled in partner institutions. Students should consult and seek help from their Academic Advisors or Programme Directors to devise a Study Plan with the best alternatives to suit their individual needs and situation. Programme Directors will also assist students to devise a long-term plan that covers not only the study of this term but also future ones.
- Academic Advice: Students are strongly urged to communicate with and seek advice from their Academic Advisors/Programme Directors or the course teachers concerned in making their decisions for the choice of courses.
- Please contact your Graduate Division for advice on study plan and the Graduate School Office by email (gradschool@cuhk.edu.hk) for any enquiries concerning course registration.
- (2020年3月25日) Undergraduate Admissions — Arrangements for Applicants Affected by Cancelled or Disrupted Examinations (只提供英文版本)
- (2020年3月24日) 健康促進及防護委員會之訊息:同心抗疫 : 2019冠狀病毒病
- (2020年3月24日) 常務副校長及副校長(行政)之訊息:預防感染新冠肺炎
- (2020年3月19日) 關於在線教學與評核的宣布事項 (只提供英文版本)
Given the rapid rise in the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases outside of Hong Kong, CUHK strongly recommends all students (especially those in regions with the Red Outbound Travel Alert) to return home as soon as possible under safe and feasible conditions. Your safety is our utmost concern. Students are invited to consider the following options.
Option 1: Return home (Hong Kong or your hometown)
- Take courses remotely offered by your host institution. Your host institution may have already announced or may soon announce the transition to online learning and assessment for the remainder of the term. OAL will continue to clarify with partner institutions who have not made an official announcement on online learning and assessments arrangements.
- Take CUHK courses. All exchange students should be able to receive credits this term despite the interruptions. If your host institution does not allow for remote learning, you will be able to take CUHK courses. The University will increase its course offering during the University Summer Session and offer alternatives which will be announced in due course.
- Take a mix of A & B.
We understand additional costs will be incurred with the sudden change of travel arrangements. The University will provide up to HK$10,000 on reimbursement basis to subsidize cost of airfare for each student returning home early, effective 16 March 2020.
Option 2: Stay at your host institution
If you have assessed the situation carefully and wish to stay at your host institution, you may choose to continue the term at your host institution. We will continue to stay in touch with you and your host institution to provide necessary support. So please reach out to us if you need any assistance. Our goal is to support and minimize disruptions to your learning during this challenging time.
Please indicate your option by completing the online form before 11:59pm on 19 March (HK time) and notify your host institution.
Please note all returning students must observe the Government’s compulsory quarantine requirements outline at https://www.coronavirus.gov.hk/eng/inbound-travel.html. Keep in touch and do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
– 出現發燒或急性呼吸道感染徵狀或肺炎;及
– 於病發前14天內內符合下列其中一項條件:
1. 曾到訪出現2019冠狀病毒病活躍社區傳播的地區;或
2. 曾與2019冠狀病毒病確診個案病人有密切接觸。
– 政府「2019冠狀病毒病專題網站」(www.coronavirus.gov.hk/chi/index.html)
– 衛生防護中心「出現2019冠狀病毒病的國家/地區」
– 《預防及控制疾病條例》(第599章)附表1法定須呈報傳染病 (英文版)
因應新型冠狀病毒疫情以及政府最新公布之強制檢疫措施,同學請盡量不要返回學生宿舍; 目的是減少同學聚集,降低疫情傳播的風險。
有確實需要及充分理由必要返宿的宿生,必須事先向院長/舍監提出申請。如果同學獲批准返回宿舍,書院/宿舍將按情況,作出相應的安排,包括協助於過去14天由內地返港的同學完成政府在2 月8 日起實施的強制檢疫令。
(一) 支援教師在線教學
校方亦推出「在線學習特別資助計劃」 供老師申請,鼓勵老師提出可優化在線教學模式的項目。
教師亦可以瀏覽Teaching and Learning Arrangements網頁,獲取詳細資料及相關訊息。
(二) 支援同學在線學習
為支援同學在線學習,校方已經增加設備,加強網絡流量,以確保提供在線課堂的穩定性。同學由下星期一(2月17日) 開始,須按照原本上課時間,進行在線學習。同學如果需要硬件支援, 大學資助計劃網頁已經列出相關資助項目可供申請。大學圖書館亦推出嶄新網上服務,師生可於圖書館網頁直接建議增購所需電子書籍,而尚未有電子版本的書刊,圖書館會依照版權條例提供限量章節,供在線學習使用。圖書館亦將於2月17日開始為大學師生提供取書服務,並局部開放進學園。詳情及其他支援服務請參閱圖書館遙距教與學資源網頁。
(三) 部門運作安排
(四) 校內交通服務
由 2 月 17 日起,校巴服務將以特別 H 線形式運行,並於繁忙時段加密班次至每 10 -15分鐘一班,其餘時段將維持每 20 分鐘一班,收費小巴服務則維持不變。詳情請瀏覽交通處網站。(五) 防疫資訊
(4) 常見問題
此外,校方已在大學網頁設置專頁,解答同學及同事就預防新型冠狀病毒措施的常見問題,請瀏覽 http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/chinese/whats-on/focus/antivirus-faq.html -
- 有發燒或其他相關症狀,且於過去十四天曾到中國內地之宿生,將被視為懷疑個案。 視乎症狀嚴重程度,該宿生須即時到大學保健處(辦公時間),或威爾斯親王醫院急症室(辦公時間外)求醫。舍監或助理舍監須通知大學保健處。如在晚間發現上述情況,請召喚救護車並通知保安組。
- 於大學保健處或威爾斯親王醫院急症室初步診斷後,若懷疑個案須入院作進一步檢測,須即時啟動自我隔離政策,直至有檢測結果為止(一般需要近24小時) 。懷疑個案之室友,以及同層宿生,均被視為緊密接觸者。
- 舍監或助理舍監須儘快聯絡緊密接觸者,並提醒他們須逗留於自己房間內,以免病毒進一步擴散。同時,通知在外之緊密接觸者立即回到並逗留於自己房間。
- 所有緊密接觸者須經常佩戴口罩,並儘量打開房內窗戶以加強空氣流通。有檢測結果前,書院會安排瓶裝水和簡單食物以作照顧。
- 大學保健處會通知政府及書院有關檢測結果。如證實確診,緊密接觸者須由政府安 排隔離 14 天。大學保健處會監控受影響之環境。
- 如檢測結果為陰性,已啟動之自我隔離政策即可停止。書院工友會加強保護並消毒房間及清潔公眾地方。
- 舍監及助理舍監於處理上述情況時應儘量佩戴口罩及眼罩,並保持安全距離。
(1) 校方提供在線教學
隨著新型冠狀病毒的散播情況日益嚴重,香港中文大學(中大)採取積極措施應對疫情,包括由健康促進及防護委員會建議一系列的疾病預防和監測機制;取消本學期於内地的交換生計劃及暫停短期學生交流活動; 以及延長農曆年假期並提升應變措施至「緊急」級別。
如有疑問,請致電健康促進及防護委員會資訊統籌員3943 6436 (辦公時間) 或電郵至 healtheducation.uhs@cuhk.edu.hk。
如出現發燒及急性呼吸系統疾病徵狀,應立即尋求醫療協助。如有疑問,請致電健康促進及防護委員會資訊統籌員3943 6436 (辦公時間) 或電郵至 healtheducation.uhs@cuhk.edu.hk。
- 全校人士應佩戴口罩,尤其在人多擠迫之處,例如公眾地方及校巴內。
- 校方呼籲本地宿生回家住宿。需要留於宿舍的同學,必須填寫健康申報表和14天自我醫療監察表。若出現發燒或呼吸道感染症狀,需通知舍監,以安排醫療介入及向大學健康促進及防護委員會匯報。
- 宿舍及公眾地方的清潔提升至最高級別。
- 大學保健處將設立發燒治療中心,並於1月29日起運作。
詳情請瀏覽健康促進及防護委員會網頁:http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/health_promote_protect/chinese/emergency.html -
根據國家衞生健康委員會及海外衞生部門的資料,截至2020年1月23日上午9時,全球個案總數有579宗 (中國內地:571宗,其他國家/地區:8宗) 。中國內地的571宗個案中,95宗為重症個案,17宗為死亡個案。其他國家及內地省份(包括廣東,北京,上海,浙江,台灣,泰國,日本,韓國和美國)有報告新型冠狀病毒感染個案,但現時未有證據顯示這些國家/地區可能出現新型冠狀病毒感染社區傳播。
- 校方已加強在全校清潔,校巴、洗手間、公眾地方及宿舍亦已增加每天清潔次數,前線保安、校巴司機和物業管理處職員在工作期間亦會配戴口罩。
- 外遊後返回宿舍時,學生請填寫健康申報表和14天自我醫療監察表。
- 外遊後恢復工作時,部門主管認為如有需要,可請員工填寫健康申報表和14天自我醫療監察表。
- 如果需要醫療協助,請致電健康促進及防護委員會資訊統籌員3943 6436 (辦公時間) 或發送電子郵件至healtheducation.uhs@cuhk.edu.hk。
- 經常保持雙手清潔,尤其在觸摸口、鼻或眼之前;觸摸扶手或門把等公共設施後;或當手被呼吸道分泌物污染時,如咳嗽或打噴嚏後;
- 妥善保養排水渠管和定期(約每星期一次)把約半公升的清水注入每一排水口(U型隔氣口),以確保環境衞生;
- 洗手時應以梘液和清水清潔雙手,搓手最少20秒,用水過清並用抹手紙弄乾。如沒有洗手設施,或雙手沒有明顯污垢時,使用含70%至80%的酒精搓手液潔淨雙手亦為有效方法;
- 打噴嚏或咳嗽時應用紙巾掩蓋口鼻,把用過的紙巾棄置於有蓋垃圾箱內,然後徹底清潔雙手;及
- 當出現呼吸道感染病徵,應戴上外科口罩,不應上班或上學,避免前往人多擠迫的地方,及盡早向醫生求診。
- 避免在可能出現新型冠狀病毒感染傳播的國家/地區與發燒或有呼吸道病徵的人士有密切接觸。如果不可避免與他們接觸,應戴上外科口罩,並繼續佩戴直至回港後14天;
- 避免到訪醫院。如有必要到訪醫院,應佩戴外科口罩及時刻注重個人和手部衞生;
- 避免接觸動物(包括野味)、禽鳥或其糞便;
- 避免到濕貨街市、活家禽市場或農場;
- 避免近距離接觸患者,特別是有急性呼吸道感染症狀的患者;
- 切勿進食野味及切勿光顧有提供野味的食肆;
- 注意食物安全和衞生,避免進食或飲用生或未熟透的動物產品,包括奶類、蛋類和肉類,或食用可能被動物分泌物、排泄物(例如尿液)或產品污染的食物,除非已經煮熟、洗淨或妥為去皮;
- 身處外地時,如身體不適,特別是有發燒或咳嗽,應戴上外科口罩,立即通知酒店職員或旅遊領隊,並盡快求診;及
- 從外地回港後,若出現發燒或其他病徵,應立即求診,主動告訴醫生最近曾到訪的地方及有否接觸動物;並佩戴外科口罩,以防傳染他人。
所有查詢,請致電健康促進及防護委員會資訊統籌員3943 6436(辦公時間) 或發送電子郵件至healtheducation.uhs@cuhk.edu.hk。
http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/health_promote_protect/preventive_recommendations.html有關嚴重新型傳染性病原體呼吸系統病: https://www.chp.gov.hk/tc/healthtopics/content/24/102466.html
https://www.chp.gov.hk/files/pdf/enhanced_sur_pneumonia_wuhan_chi.pdf?fbclid=IwAR0Rxx6ZV1ZAEg1vznAQUyh50FjSQCn_L4VLWv2d6TAnRTmV5e9GjGk06FQ -
- 經常保持雙手清潔,尤其在觸摸口、鼻或眼之前;觸摸扶手或門把等公共設施後;或當手被呼吸道分泌物污染時,如咳嗽或打噴嚏後。
- 洗手時應以梘液和清水清潔雙手,搓手最少20秒,用水過清並用抹手紙或乾手機弄乾。如沒有洗手設施,或雙手沒有明顯污垢時,使用含70至80%的酒精搓手液潔淨雙手亦為有效方法。
- 物品應常用稀釋的1比49家用漂白水(以1份含5.25%次氯酸鈉的漂白水加49份水)徹底清洗,再用清水洗淨。
- 打噴嚏或咳嗽時應用紙巾掩蓋口鼻,把用過的紙巾棄置於有蓋垃圾箱內,然後徹底清潔雙手。
- 當出現呼吸道感染病徵,應戴上外科口罩,不應上班或上學,避免前往人多擠迫的地方,及盡早向醫生求診。