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Master of Education (Sports Science and Physical Education)

Applicants must have arecognized bachelor degree, normally with honours not lower than Second Class, or equivalent. Applicants should fulfill the "English Language Proficiency Requirement" as stipulated by the Graduate School. Please refer to the "Postgraduate Prospectus" or web page: http://www.gs.cuhk.edu.hk for details on this requirement. 

Full-time programme: 1 year (maximum: 3 years)
Part-time programme: 2 years (maximum: 4 years)

This programme is designed to provide specialised study in sports science and physical education. Graduates will possess an in-depth understanding of the major areas of sports science and physical education, allowing them either to specialise in and increase their knowledge of physical education practices or pursue research in this area. The programme offers eight areas of investigation: Sports and Exercise Psychology, Exercise Physiology, Sports Biomechanics, Curriculum Policy, Design and Implementation in Sports and Physical Education, Sports Pedagogy, Sports Sociology, Health and Fitness, and Measurement in Sports and Physical Education.

  • Curriculum Policy, Design & Implementation in Sports & Physical Education
  • Exercise Physiology
  • Health and Fitness
  • Measurement in Physical Education and Sports
  • Physical Education Pedagogy
  • Sports and Exercise Psychology
  • Sports Biomechanics
  • Sports Sociology

1. Course Requirement
Students are required to complete at least 30 units of courses for graduation.
(a) Applicable to students admitted in 2020-21 and thereafter.
Study Scheme Revised Course Code Units Requirement
Research Method Course SSPA6101 3
Research Project SSPE6901 0-9
Elective courses I SSPA6103, SSPA6201, SSPA6202, SSPA6205, SSPA6206, SSPA6303, SSPA6208, SSPA6304, SSPA6203, SSPA6207 6-21
Elective courses II SSPA6306, SSPA6307, SSPA6302, SSPA6301, SSPA6305, SSPA6204 3-18
Guided Studies SSPE6701 0-3
Elective courses Courses offered by other departments / programmes of the Faculty of Education
(There are pre-requisites for PEDU 6404 & 6405, please refer to Faculty Handbook – Course Descriptions for details.)
Total Units --- 30

(b) Applicable to students admitted in 2018-19 and 2019-20.
Study Scheme Original Course Code Revised Course Code Units Requirement
Research Method Course EXSC6101 SSPA6101 3
Research Project SSPE6901 SSPE6901 0-9
Elective courses (EXSC) EXSC6102, EXSC6201, EXSC6202, EXSC6203, EXSC6204, EXSC6205, EXSC6207, EXSC6208, EXSC6210, EXSC6211 SSPA6103, SSPA6201, SSPA6202, SSPA6205, SSPA6206, SSPA6303, SSPA6208, SSPA6304, SSPA6203, SSPA6207 6-21
Elective courses (SSPE/SPSY) SPSY6103, SPSY6202, SSPE6001, SSPE6002, SSPE6100, SSPE6200 SSPA6306, SSPA6307, SSPA6302, SSPA6301, SSPA6305, SSPA6204 3-18
Guided Studies SSPE6701 SSPE6701 0-3
Elective courses Courses offered by other departments / programmes of the Faculty of Education
(There are pre-requisites for PEDU 6404 & 6405, please refer to Faculty Handbook – Course Descriptions for details.)
Total Units --- --- 30

(c) Applicable to students admitted in 2017-18 and before.
Study Scheme Original Course Code Revised Course Code Units Requirement
Research Method Course EXSC6101 SSPA6101 3
Research Project SSPE6901 SSPE6901 0-9
Elective courses (EXSC) EXSC6102, EXSC6201, EXSC6202, EXSC6203, EXSC6204, EXSC6205, EXSC6207, EXSC6208, EXSC6210, EXSC6211 SSPA6103, SSPA6201, SSPA6202, SSPA6205, SSPA6206, SSPA6303, SSPA6208, SSPA6304, SSPA6203, SSPA6207 6-15
Elective courses (SSPE/SPSY) SPSY6103, SPSY6202, SSPE6001, SSPE6002, SSPE6100, SSPE6200 SSPA6306, SSPA6307, SSPA6302, SSPA6301, SSPA6305, SSPA6204 6-15
Guided Studies SSPE6701 SSPE6701 0-3
Elective courses Courses offered by other departments / programmes of the Faculty of Education
(There are pre-requisites for PEDU 6404 & 6405, please refer to Faculty Handbook – Course Descriptions for details.)
Total Units --- --- 30

2. Other Requirements
(a)  A student must achieve a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.0 in order to fulfill the graduation requirement.
(b) Students must fulfill the Term Assessment Requirement of the Graduate School. A student who obtain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) below 2.0 in the preceding term will be put on academic probation. For details, please refer to Clause 13.0 “Unsatisfactory Performance and Discontinuation of Studies” of the General Regulations Governing Postgraduate Studies which can be accessed from the Graduate School Homepage: http://www.gs.cuhk.edu.hk/.

Code Course Title Units
EXSC6101 (SSPA6101)* Research Methods in Exercise Science and Sports Studies
EXSC6102 (SSPA6103)* Statistics in Exercise Science and Sports Studies
EXSC6201 (SSPA6201) Exercise: Physiological Benefits, Limits and Adaptation 3
EXSC6202 (SSPA6202) Sports Nutrition for Health and Performance 3
EXSC6203 (SSPA6205) Structural Biomechanics of the Human Body 3
EXSC6204 (SSPA6206) Biomechanics of Sports Injury 3
EXSC6205 (SSPA6303) Current Issues in Sports & Exercise Psychology 3
EXSC6207 (SSPA6208) Exercise Prescription for General and Special Populations 3
EXSC6208 (SSPA6304) Social-Cultural Issues on Physical Activity 3
EXSC6210 (SSPA6203) Health Related Physical Activity 3
EXSC6211 (SSPA6207) Sports Injury & Rehabilitation 3
SPSY6103 (SSPA6306) Sport Development and Delivery   3 
SPSY6202 (SSPA6307) Sponsorship and Marketing of Sport Events and Performance  3
SSPE6001 (SSPA6302) Theories and Applications of Motor Learning 3
SSPE6002 (SSPA6301)  Pedagogy of Sports and Adapted Physical Activities 3
SSPE6100 (SSPA6305) Sociological Issues in Physical Education 3
SSPE6200 (SSPA6204) Advances in Physical Fitness Assessment: Theory and Practice 3
SSPE6701* Guided Studies I 3
SSPE6901* Project and Research Project: Sports Science and Physical Education 9
Elective Courses from Faculty of Education Courses offered by other departments / programmes of the Faculty of Education 3-15
* course will be offered every year

Not all elective courses will be offered every year.

TUITION FEE (2020-21)
Full-time programme: $4,700 per unit (Subject to University approval)
Part-time programme: $4,500 per unit (Subject to University approval)

February 28, 2021 (for 2021 intake)
Applications will start on 2 November 2020.

Online Application

September 2021

Tel: 3943 6096, 3943 5346
Email: hp_admission_sspe@cuhk.edu.hk