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The mission of the Department of Sports Science and Physical Education is to provide excellent research and teaching in Sports Science and Physical Education in order to promote and develop the health and well being of people.

To provide an enriched environment so students will receive excellent professional and academic preparation to become effective professionals in the field of Sports Science and Physical Education.

To generate new knowledge through research on human activity leading to the improvement of human performance, health and the quality of life.


Health and Fitness Research
The objective of the research laboratory is to enhance the knowledge and practice of exercise and fitness through quality research, so as to improve the quality of human life. The research focus is centered around physical fitness (both health-related and performance-related) and physical activity investigations. We also adopt various health advancement approaches, in the form research projects and health promotion programs, as well as educational (such as fitness seminars and disseminating information via webpage development), interventional (such as providing exercise programs for the community), and observational approaches (such as cross-sectional surveys on physical fitness of Hong Kong students and general population). Measurement issues in fitness and activity (such as the examination of validity and reliability of fitness testing protocols), and statistical models in exercise science research are another main themes of research.

Physical Activity and Sports Nutrition Research
During the past number of years, our research group has focused its study on sports nutrition, with a particular emphasis on the application of the glycemic index in exercise performance. Research in children’s physical activity (PA) has also been developed as a significant research area in our laboratory. Our group has been successfully collaborating with renowned researchers from different countries in investigating the environmental correlates of physical activity and sedentary behaviors in Hong Kong schoolchildren. Such collaborations have resulted in publications of high quality referred journals and success in applications of research grants. Recently, we have expanded our research to examine both eating behaviors and physical activity in the development of childhood obesity.

Physical Education Pedagogy Research
The focus of this area is the study of teaching and learning, curriculum and design, and broader social and educational issues (i.e. generic skills in PE and inclusive PE) that pertain to Physical Education. Through examining current issues in physical education and sport pedagogy, much of the work has addressed the professionalism of Physical Education teachers and their relations to students’ learning effectiveness. In addition, with Physical Education being one of the key learning areas in recent educational reform, we have attempted to explore ways to enhance the students’ learning experiences in formal and informal school curriculum. More recently, our research area has broadened to the social and cultural sphere looking at peers’ relationships in relation to their perceptions and priorities around physical activity. Through international collaborations with prominent universities from North America, Australia and China, we have developed and "East meets West" approach in receiving and informing latest issues in physical education and sport pedagogy research.

The Sport and Society Research
  • examine the effects of physical education related continuing professional development (PE-CPD) on teachers’ physical literacy and self-efficacy and students' learning outcomes
  • explore the relationship between perceived physical literacy (PL) and physical activity (PA) levels among adolescents
  • investigate the impact of coaches’ and student-athletes’ perceived physical literacy on coaching effectiveness
  • develop a sustainable program to support student athletes in schools, thereby fostering different levels of academic and athletic development

Sports Biomechanics Research
The aim of our sports biomechanics research is "to optimize health and performance, and prevent injury by understanding human movement", and "to bridge the gap between research of neuroskeletal muscles in human movement and their application in health promotion, ergonomics, industry, and clinical practice".

The Human Movement Laboratory (Sports Biomechanics Laboratory) is a well-equipped laboratory established in 1991. It is located at the 1st floor of the Kwok Sports Building. The laboratory occupies 3,000 square feet of research and meeting space. The staff includes biomechanists, research engineers, sports medicine professionals, graduate students, administrative officers, and undergraduate sports science students. The laboratory has research, graduate training, continuing education and consulting components. Research is conducted with departments from multiple faculties: Orthopedics and Traumatology Department, Engineering Department, and Sports Science and Physical Education Department.

Sports and Exercise Psychology Research
The aim of the sports and exercise psychology research is to examine psychosocial and psychophysiological behaviour and human movement across the lifespan. Current research projects include examination of motivational style profiles and physical activity participation, assessment of motor skills proficiency and psychological health in individuals with special needs, development of experimental protocols to diagnose and improve cognitive and motor functions, and psychosocial and environmental correlates of physical activity in school environments.