

21-26 October 2013

Room 303, Fok Ying Tung Remote Sensing Science Building,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Please click here to download the daily programme.

The training course is devoted to applications of ESA EO data and information retrieval for China seas using optical, IR, SAR and radar altimeter data. The following disciplines and subjects will be covered.


  • Current and future Chinese and ESA missions for ocean remote sensing including Explorers, Sentinels 1,2 & 3 and HJ-1-C SAR
  • Teaching of remote sensing principles in ocean colour, Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and geo-physical parameters retrieval from SAR and RAs
  • Validation of geo-physical parameters
  • Exploitation of instruments’ synergy
  • Advances in remote sensing over China seas
  • EO and other data / model assimilation & Essential Climate Variables

Practical Sessions

  • Data access and handling
  • Usage of software tools for examining data sets from the ASAR, RA, MERIS and AATSR instruments and Sentinels’ simulated data
  • Interpretation of signatures from these instruments and their transformation into geo-physical products


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