Research Students

Ms. Yuting CHEN
Mr. Jianwei HUANG
Mr. Xianzhi HU
Virtual Geographic Environments Urban mobility, Transportation GIS and mobility-oriented health GIS RS Application and Construction of RS Information Platform
Ms. Xiaolu JIANG
Ms. Yiyin LIN
Spatial and spectral fusion of satellite images Virtual Geographic Environments Multi-sensor Image Fusion
Mr. PRAMUDYA Fabian Surya
Mr. Luoma WAN
Mr. Jingkai WANG
Coastal and ocean remote sensing analysis using synthetic aperture radar Remote sensing, Mangrove, Deep Learning GIS and Urban Traffic Estimation
Mr. Hantian WU
Ms. Zherong WU
Ms. Ling XIAO
Water, air pollution, urban environment and sustainable development Deep Learning for Geo-analysis Virtual Geographic Environment
Ms. Yizhen YAN
Ms. Ting ZHANG
Mr. Zhuoyi ZHAO
RS data fusion and image processing Air Pollution, Urban planning and Human Behavior Computer Vision and Machine Learning

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