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26 March, 2021

Professor Huang Bo receives awards in the International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva

Gold Medal:
PhotoAir: Measuring indoor and outdoor PM2.5 with a mobile phone
(link to press release)

Members: Professor Bo HUANG, Shiqi YAO, from the Department of Geography and Resource Management, Faculty of Social Science

PhotoAir, a mobile app, allows a smart phone user to take a photo to measure PM2.5 concentrations, indoor or outdoor, day or night in real time regardless of weather conditions. Grounded on physical optics and empowered by deep neural networks, the app provides unprecedented levels of accuracy and efficiency in measurements and an incomparable flexibility over traditional instruments. PhotoAir offers a super-handy tool for real-time monitoring of PM2.5 concentrations ubiquitously, thereby helping citizens avert from heavily polluted areas, reduce exposure to air pollution and make informed choices towards a healthy lifestyle.


10 March, 2021

Prof. Kwan Mei Po, Director of ISEIS was invited to the below webinar jointly organised by the Department of Geography & the Centre for Geo-computation Studies at the Hong Kong Baptist University on 11 March 2021.

Title: "Big Data and Geospatial Technologies for Healthy Cities Research"
Speaker: Prof. Mei-Po Kwan (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Date: 11 March 2021 (Thursday) (UTC+8)
Time: 14: 30 – 15:15


Zoom link: https://hkbu.zoom.us/j/95082763403


8 March, 2021

ISEIS researchers recently received three major grants from the HK Research Grants Council (RGC)

Professor Mei-Po Kwan - "Deploying Geospatial Big Data and Real-time Mobile Sensing to Assess the Health Impacts of Individual Exposure to Green/blue Spaces, Light at Night, Air Pollution, and Noise (GLAN)." (HK$5,600,000; 2020/21 Collaborative Research Fund (CRF)

Professor Mei-Po Kwan - "Evaluating Individual Exposure to Noise and Air Pollution Using GPS and Mobile Sensors." (HK$1,206,340; General Research Fund (GRF)

Professor Bo Huang - "Assessment and implementation of non-pharmaceutical interventions to avoid COVID-19 resurgences: Accounting for human mobility, contacts and behavioral change using both big and small data." (HK$3,512,631; 2020/21 One-off Collaborative Research Fund (CRF) Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) and Novel Infectious Disease (NID) Research Exercise)


8 March, 2021

MSc students Awarded Scholarship (2020-21)

Congratulation our MSc students Deng Fangxu, Zhu Shengkun and Yang Ziwei for awarded the Scholarship of MSc in Geo-survey and Public Management (2020-21) by Institute of Space and Earth Information Science, the Chinese University of Hong Kong

4 March, 2021

ISEIS Director, Professor Mei-Po Kwan receives 2021 AAG Wilbanks Prize for Transformational Research in Geography

ISEIS Director, Prof. Mei-Po Kwan has been selected to receive the 2021 American Association of Geographers (AAG) Wilbanks Prize for Transformational Research in Geography. This annual award recognizes geographers whose research has made transformational contributions to geography, geographic information science or to science and society more broadly.

The AAG Award citation is as follows:

"Mei-Po Kwan has had transformational impacts on how transportation specialists and geographic information scientists think about accessibility and activity-travel patterns analysis; how feminist geographers understand quantification and GIS; how geographers and geographic information scientists integrate quantitative and qualitative methods and insights from different theoretical traditions; and how health geographers, public health researchers, and scholars in other disciplines think about environmental exposure and the significance of the neighborhood.

Employing feminist perspectives, Dr. Kwan has dramatically altered geo-visualization, the inclusion of qualitative data through geo-narratives, and she has broadened geographic information science beyond a narrow “objective” standard to more humanistic standards that include perceptions, emotions, and behavior as core concerns. She has also advanced conceptualization of concepts like uncertainty and bias by promoting more dynamic perspectives that examine spatial contexts as rooted in everyday behaviors and experiences rather than as containers fixed in space and time.

Both the significant substance and impact of Dr. Kwan’s work have transformed the discipline of geography and geographic information science and infused the broader community of researchers and practitioners with more robust geospatial understanding, thereby making her a highly deserving recipient of the Wilbanks Prize."

The webpage with this award citation is at:



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