I‧CARE U Serve

This webpage “I·CARE U Serve” serves as an online platform to provide CUHK students with information of services and activities which will expand their experiential learning experience and enhance their whole-person development.


We welcome non-profit organisations, charitable bodies or social enterprises to contact us via email at icare@cuhk.edu.hk for posting information about community services, volunteer recruitment and activities on social innovation and social entrepreneurship.



This webpage may contain links to the website of third parties. In any cases, the provider of information of the websites concerned shall be liable for the accuracy of the information therein. The I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development accepts no liability for any information provided by third parties.

Date of Publication: 15 March 2021


Organisation/ Unit: ELCHK Login Club for New Arrivals

Name of Activity: SEN Paired Reading - Volunteer Recruitment (May-June 2021)

Details: https://bit.ly/3rPxnXY

Date of Publication: 8 March 2021


Organisation/ Unit: VolTra

Name of Activity: Impact Fellowship

Details: https://form.jotform.com/210558780357462

Date of Publication: 4 February 2021


Organisation/ Unit: Hong Kong Red Cross

Name of Activity: Calling for Blood Donation - Mobile Blood Donation Service

Details: https://www5.ha.org.hk/rcbts/news/pr20210128?lang=en

Date of Publication: 11 January 2021

Organisation/ Unit: Caritas Specialised Treatment and Prevention Project Against Sexual Violence and Lingnan University

Name of Activity: (Chinese only) 「偷拍:視覺慣性與盲點」── 研究中期發佈會 暨 法改會諮詢文件回應

Details: www.facebook.com/明愛朗天計劃-1612894998968976

Date of Publication: 4 January 2021

Organisation/ Unit: Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service

Name of Activity: Tree of Life Volunteer Project - Hotline volunteer recruitment 

Details: https://bit.ly/3nawwOG

Date of Publication: 15 December 2020

Organisation/ Unit: Voltra

Name of Activity: "Glocal Leader Academy" leardeship training programme member recruitment 

Details: https://www.voltra.org/en/glocalleaderacademy-2/

Date of Publication: 18 November 2020

Organisation/ Unit: Hong Kong Red Cross

Name of Activity: Blood Donation - Fo Tan Railway House (23-27 Nov)

Details: https://www5.ha.org.hk/rcbts/location/location-4414-20201123?lang=en

Date of Publication: 14 October 2020


Organisation/ Unit: CarbonCare InnoLab

Name of Activity: Local Conference of Youth in Hong Kong

Details: https://www.ccinnolab.org/en/LCOYHK

Date of Publication: 8 October 2020


Organisation/ Unit: ELCHK Login Club for New Arrivals

Name of Activity: SEN Paired Reading - Volunteer Recruitment (Nov – Dec 2020)

Details: https://4c54cf9f-2b1a-4639-bb50-7b287cccc5fd.usrfiles.com/ugd/4c54cf_f1479bb984d044c8a75499cd1c3f2d01.pdf