Book Chapters
- Xiankai Sun and Amnon Yariv, "Surface-emitting circular Bragg lasers - a promising next-generation on-chip light source for optical communications," in Frontiers in Guided Wave Optics and Optoelectronics, Bishnu Pal (ed.), Intech, 2010. ISBN: 978-953-7619-82-4. [link to book] [link to chapter]
- Michael Shearn, Xiankai Sun, M. David Henry, Amnon Yariv, and Axel Scherer, "Advanced plasma processing: etching, deposition, and wafer bonding techniques for semiconductor applications," in Semiconductor Technologies, Jan Grym (ed.), Intech, 2010. ISBN: 978-953-307-080-3. [link to book] [link to chapter]
- Jacob Scheuer and Xiankai Sun, "Radial Bragg resonators," in Photonic Microresonator Research and Applications, Ioannis Chremmos, Otto Schwelb, and Nikolaos Uzunoglu (eds.), Springer, 2010. ISBN: 978-1-4419-1743-0. [link to book] [link to chapter]
Journal Papers
- Xiankai Sun, Ke Xu, and Hong X. Tang, "Monolithically integrated, ultrahigh-frequency cavity nano-optoelectromechanical system with on-chip germanium waveguide photodetector," Optics Letters 39 (8): 2514-2517, Apr. 2014. [link]
- Linran Fan, Xiankai Sun, Chi Xiong, Carsten Schuck, and Hong X. Tang, "Aluminum nitride piezo-acousto-photonic crystal nanocavity with high quality factors," Applied Physics Letters 102 (15): 153507, Apr. 2013. [link]
- Xiankai Sun, Xufeng Zhang, Carsten Schuck, and Hong X. Tang, "Nonlinear optical effects of ultrahigh-Q silicon photonic nanocavities immersed in superfluid helium," Scientific Reports 3: 1436, Mar. 2013. [link]
- Chi Xiong, Linran Fan, Xiankai Sun, and Hong X. Tang, "Cavity piezooptomechanics: piezoelectrically excited, optically transduced optomechanical resonators," Applied Physics Letters 102 (2): 021110, Jan. 2013. [link]
- Xiankai Sun, Xufeng Zhang, Menno Poot, Chi Xiong, and Hong X. Tang, "A superhigh-frequency optoelectromechanical system based on a slotted photonic crystal cavity," Applied Physics Letters 101 (22): 221116, Nov. 2012. [link]
- Jiangjun Zheng*, Xiankai Sun*, Ying Li, Menno Poot, Ali Dadgar, Norman Nan Shi, Wolfram H. P. Pernice, Hong X. Tang, and Chee Wei Wong, "Femtogram dispersive L3-nanobeam optomechanical cavities: design and experimental comparison," Optics Express 20 (24): 26486-26498, Nov. 2012. [featured as cover article] (* equal contribution) [link]
- Chi Xiong, Wolfram H. P. Pernice, Xiankai Sun, Carsten Schuck, King Y. Fong, and Hong X. Tang, "Aluminum nitride as a new material for chip-scale optomechanics and nonlinear optics," New Journal of Physics 14 (9): 095014, Sep. 2012. [included in Focus Issue on Optomechanics] [link]
- Xufeng Zhang, Xiankai Sun, and Hong X. Tang, "A 1.16-µm-radius disk cavity in a sunflower-type circular photonic crystal with ultrahigh quality factor," Optics Letters 37 (15): 3195-3197, Aug. 2012. [link]
- Xiankai Sun, Jiangjun Zheng, Menno Poot, Chee Wei Wong, and Hong X. Tang, "Femtogram doubly clamped nanomechanical resonators embedded in a high-Q two-dimensional photonic crystal nanocavity," Nano Letters 12 (5): 2299-2305, May 2012. [link]
- Xiankai Sun, Xufeng Zhang, and Hong X. Tang, "High-Q silicon optomechanical microdisk resonators at gigahertz frequencies," Applied Physics Letters 100 (17): 173116, Apr. 2012. [selected for Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology 25 (20), May 2012] [link]
- Chi Xiong, Xiankai Sun, King Y. Fong, and Hong X. Tang, "Integrated high frequency aluminum nitride optomechanical resonators," Applied Physics Letters 100 (17): 171111, Apr. 2012. [selected for Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology 25 (19), May 2012] [link]
- Xiankai Sun, King Y. Fong, Chi Xiong, Wolfram H. P. Pernice, and Hong X. Tang, "GHz optomechanical resonators with high mechanical Q factor in air," Optics Express 19 (22): 22316-22321, Oct. 2011. [included in Virtual Focus Issue on Collective Phenomena] [link]
- Michael Shearn, Kenneth Diest, Xiankai Sun, Avi Zadok, Harry Atwater, Amnon Yariv, and Axel Scherer, "Advanced silicon processing for active planar photonic devices," Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 27 (6): 3180-3182, Nov./Dec. 2009. [link]
- Xiankai Sun and Amnon Yariv, "Surface-emitting circular DFB, disk-, and ring- Bragg resonator lasers with chirped gratings. III: gain saturation effects and above-threshold analysis," Optics Express 17 (12): 10119-10125, Jun. 2009. [link]
- Xiankai Sun, Avi Zadok, Michael J. Shearn, Kenneth A. Diest, Alireza Ghaffari, Harry A. Atwater, Axel Scherer, and Amnon Yariv, "Electrically pumped hybrid evanescent Si/InGaAsP lasers," Optics Letters 34 (9): 1345-1347, May 2009. [link]
- Xiankai Sun, Hsi-Chun Liu, and Amnon Yariv, "Adiabaticity criterion and the shortest adiabatic mode transformer in a coupled-waveguide system," Optics Letters 34 (3): 280-282, Feb. 2009. [link]
- Xiankai Sun and Amnon Yariv, "Surface-emitting circular DFB, disk-, and ring- Bragg resonator lasers with chirped gratings. II: nonuniform pumping and far-field patterns," Optics Express 17 (1): 1-6, Jan. 2009. [link]
- Xiankai Sun and Amnon Yariv, "Surface-emitting circular DFB, disk-, and ring- Bragg resonator lasers with chirped gratings: a unified theory and comparative study," Optics Express 16 (12): 9155-9164, Jun. 2008. [selected for Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science 7 (8), Aug. 2008] [link]
- Xiankai Sun and Amnon Yariv, "Engineering supermode silicon/III-V hybrid waveguides for laser oscillation," Journal of the Optical Society of America B 25 (6): 923-926, Jun. 2008. [link]
- Lin Zhu, Xiankai Sun, Guy A. DeRose, Axel Scherer, and Amnon Yariv, "Room temperature continuous wave operation of single-mode, edge-emitting photonic crystal Bragg lasers," Optics Express 16 (2): 502-506, Jan. 2008. [link]
- Xiankai Sun and Amnon Yariv, "Modal properties and modal control in vertically emitting annular Bragg lasers," Optics Express 15 (25): 17323-17333, Dec. 2007. [included in Virtual Focus Issue on Physics and Applications of Microresonators] [link]
- Lin Zhu, Xiankai Sun, Guy A. DeRose, Axel Scherer, and Amnon Yariv, "Spatial modal control of two dimensional photonic crystal Bragg lasers," Optics Letters 32 (16): 2273-2275, Aug. 2007. [link]
- Amnon Yariv and Xiankai Sun, "Supermode Si/III-V hybrid lasers, optical amplifiers and modulators: a proposal and analysis," Optics Express 15 (15): 9147-9151, Jul. 2007. [link]
- Lin Zhu, Xiankai Sun, Guy A. DeRose, Axel Scherer, and Amnon Yariv, "Continuous-wave operation of electrically-pumped, single-mode, edge-emitting photonic crystal lasers," Applied Physics Letters 90 (26): 261116, Jun. 2007. [link]
- Xiankai Sun, Jacob Scheuer, and Amnon Yariv, "Optimal design and reduced threshold in vertically emitting circular Bragg disk resonator lasers," IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 13 (2): 359-366, Mar./Apr. 2007. [link]
- Meng Xiang-dong, Lin Bi-xia, Hong Liang, Zhu Jun-jie, Sun Xian-kai, Xu Jin, and Fu Zhu-xi, "Photoluminescence properties for ZnO films grown by two-step CVD," Chinese Journal of Luminescence 27 (5): 792-796, Oct. 2006.
- Fu Zhuxi, Sun Xiankai, Zhu Junjie, and Lin Bixia, "Effect of lattice mismatch on luminescence of ZnO/Si hetero-structure," Journal of Semiconductors 27 (2): 239-244, Feb. 2006. [link]
- Sun Xian-Kai, Lin Bi-Xia, Zhu Jun-Jie, Zhang Yang, and Fu Zhu-Xi, "Studies on the strain and its effect on defects in heteroepitaxial ZnO films prepared by LP-MOCVD method," Acta Physica Sinica 54 (6): 2899-2903, Jun. 2005. [link]
- Junjie Zhu, Bixia Lin, Xiankai Sun, Ran Yao, Chaoshu Shi, and Zhuxi Fu, "Heteroepitaxy of ZnO film on Si (111) substrate using a 3C-SiC buffer layer," Thin Solid Films 478 (1-2): 218-222, May 2005. [link]
- Yang Zhang, Bixia Lin, Xiankai Sun, and Zhuxi Fu, "Temperature-dependent photoluminescence of nanocrystalline ZnO thin films grown on Si (100) substrates by the sol-gel process," Applied Physics Letters 86 (13): 131910, Mar. 2005. [link]
- Zhu Jun-jie, Lin Bi-xia, Sun Xian-kai, Zheng Hai-wu, Yao Ran, and Fu Zhu-xi, "Studies of the heteroepitaxial SiC films on the Si substrates," Journal of Synthetic Crystals 33 (4): 545-548, Aug. 2004.
Conference Papers
- Xiankai Sun and Hong X. Tang, "High-frequency nano-optomechanics: an exploration at the boundary between photonics, mechanics, and microwaves," SPIE Optics + Photonics 2013, San Diego, CA, USA, Aug. 2013. [invited]
- Xiankai Sun, Xufeng Zhang, Carsten Schuck, and Hong X. Tang, "Nonlinear optical effects of ultrahigh-Q wavelength-sized silicon disk cavities immersed in superfluid helium," CLEO 2013, San Jose, CA, USA, Jun. 2013. [link]
- Xiankai Sun, Xufeng Zhang, Menno Poot, Chi Xiong, and Hong X. Tang, "A superhigh-frequency optoelectromechanical system based on a slotted photonic crystal cavity," CLEO 2013, San Jose, CA, USA, Jun. 2013. [link]
- Linran Fan, Xiankai Sun, Chi Xiong, Carsten Schuck, and Hong X. Tang, "Aluminum nitride piezo-optomechanical nanobeam cavity," CLEO 2013, San Jose, CA, USA, Jun. 2013. [link]
- Xiankai Sun, Xufeng Zhang, and Hong X. Tang, "Optomechanical transduction of nanocantilevers by high-Q bandedge states of a dispersion-engineered photonic crystal waveguide," Frontiers in Optics 2012, Rochester, NY, USA, Oct. 2012. [link]
- Xufeng Zhang, Xiankai Sun, and Hong X. Tang, "A 1.16-µm-radius disk cavity embedded in a sunflower-type circular photonic crystal with ultrahigh Q," Frontiers in Optics 2012, Rochester, NY, USA, Oct. 2012. [link]
- Jiangjun Zheng, Xiankai Sun, Menno Poot, Ying Li, Ali Dadgar, Hong X. Tang, and Chee Wei Wong, "Dispersive coupling and optimization of femtogram L3-nanobeam optomechanical cavities," Frontiers in Optics 2012, Rochester, NY, USA, Oct. 2012. [link]
- Chi Xiong, Xiankai Sun, King Y. Fong, and Hong X. Tang, "GHz aluminum nitride optomechanical wheel resonators," 2012 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium, Baltimore, MD, USA, May 2012. [link]
- Xiankai Sun, Xufeng Zhang, and Hong X. Tang, "Wavelength-sized optomechanical disk resonator embedded in a sunflower circular photonic crystal," CLEO 2012, San Jose, CA, USA, May 2012. [postdeadline] [link]
- Xiankai Sun, Jiangjun Zheng, Menno Poot, Chee Wei Wong, and Hong X. Tang, "Femtogram doubly-clamped nanomechanical resonator embedded in a high-Q two-dimensional photonic crystal nanocavity," CLEO 2012, San Jose, CA, USA, May 2012. [link]
- Xiankai Sun, Xufeng Zhang, King Y. Fong, Chi Xiong, Wolfram H. P. Pernice, and Hong X. Tang, "GHz optomechanical wheel and disk resonators with high mechanical Q factors in air," CLEO 2012, San Jose, CA, USA, May 2012. [link]
- Xiankai Sun, Michael J. Shearn, Avi Zadok, Marina S. Leite, Scott T. Steger, Harry A. Atwater, Axel Scherer, and Amnon Yariv, "Electrically pumped supermode Si/InGaAsP hybrid lasers," CLEO/QELS 2010, San Jose, CA, USA, May 2010. [link]
- Xiankai Sun and Amnon Yariv, "Above-threshold analysis of large-area, high-power, vertically-emitting circular Bragg lasers," Frontiers in Optics 2009, San Jose, CA, USA, Oct. 2009. [link]
- Xiankai Sun and Amnon Yariv, "A comparative study of modal properties of surface-emitting circular Bragg micro-lasers," CLEO/Pacific Rim 2009, Shanghai, China, Aug. 2009. [link]
- Xiankai Sun and Amnon Yariv, "Supermode control in integrated hybrid Si/III-V optoelectronic circuits for modal gain enhancement," CLEO/Pacific Rim 2009, Shanghai, China, Aug. 2009. [link]
- Xiankai Sun, Hsi-Chun Liu, and Amnon Yariv, "How short can an adiabatic mode transformer be in a coupled waveguide system?" CLEO/IQEC 2009, Baltimore, MD, USA, May 2009. [link]
- Michael Shearn, Kenneth Diest, Xiankai Sun, Avi Zadok, Amnon Yariv, Axel Scherer, "Advanced silicon processing for active integrated photonic devices," EIPBN 2009, Marco Island, FL, USA, May 2009.
- Xiankai Sun, Avi Zadok, Michael J. Shearn, Kenneth A. Diest, Alireza Ghaffari, Harry A. Atwater, Axel Scherer, and Amnon Yariv, "Hybrid electrically pumped evanescent Si/InGaAsP lasers," OFC/NFOEC 2009, San Diego, CA, USA, Mar. 2009. [link]
- Xiankai Sun and Amnon Yariv, "A unified theory for surface emitting chirped circular grating lasers," SPIE Photonics West 2009, San Jose, CA, USA, Jan. 2009. [link]
- Xiankai Sun and Amnon Yariv, "Engineering surface-emitting annular Bragg lasers for single-mode, high-efficiency, high-power applications," LEOS Annual Meeting 2008, Newport Beach, CA, USA, Nov. 2008. [link]
- Xiankai Sun and Amnon Yariv, "Designing large-area, high-efficiency, single-defect-mode vertically-emitting annular Bragg lasers," Frontiers in Optics 2008, Rochester, NY, USA, Oct. 2008. [link]
- Lin Zhu, Xiankai Sun, Guy DeRose, Axel Scherer, and Amnon Yariv, "Room temperature continuous wave operation of single-mode, edge-emitting photonic crystal Bragg lasers," CLEO/QELS 2008, San Jose, CA, USA, May 2008. [link]
- Xiankai Sun, Jacob Scheuer, and Amnon Yariv, "Optimal design of vertically emitting circular Bragg disk resonator lasers," SPIE Photonics West 2008, San Jose, CA, USA, Jan. 2008. [link]
- Zhuxi Fu, Junjie Zhu, Bixia Lin, Xiankai Sun, and Ran Yao, "Preparation and characterization of ZnO film on Si(111) substrate with SiC buffer layer deposited by MOCVD," Proceedings - Electrochemical Society, 4: 443-448, 2005.
- Xiankai Sun, "Supermode Si/III-V lasers and circular Bragg lasers," Ph.D. thesis, California Institute of Technology, Apr. 2010. [link]
- Xiankai Sun, "Studies on the strain and optical properties of heteroepitaxial ZnO films prepared by low-pressure MOCVD," Bachelor thesis, University of Science and Technology of China, Jun. 2004.