Printed Electronics Research Group EE CUHK | CUHK A-Z

Printing with Low-dimensional Materials Nanoscience and Nanotechnology


* equal contribution, # correspoding author, updated publication list available on Google Scholar.


01. L. W. T. Ng, G. Hu, R. C. T. Howe, X. Zhu, Z. Yang, C. Jones and T. Hasan, Functional Inks and Printing of Graphene and Related 2D Materials: Technology, Formulation and Applications, Springer, New York, USA (2018).


01. G. Hu, R. C. T. Howe, Z. Yang, L. Ng, C. Jones, K. Stone and T. Hasan, Nanoplatelet dispersions, methods for their production and uses thereof, WO2017013263A1 (2015).


29. G. Hu*, L. Yang*, Z. Yang, Y. Wang, X. Jin, J. Dai, Q. Wu, S. Liu, X. Zhu, X. Wang, T.-C. Wu, R. C. T. Howe, T. Albrow-Owen, L. W. T. Ng, Q. Yang, L. G. Occhipinti, R. I. Woodward, E. J. R. Kelleher, Z. Sun, X. Huang, M. Zhang, C. D. Bain, T. Hasan, A general ink formulation of 2d crystals for wafer-scale inkjet printing, Science Advances 6, eaba5029 (2020).

28. T.-C. Wu, J. Dai, G. Hu, W. Yu, O. Ogbeide, A. De Luca, X. Huang, B. Su, Y. Li, F. Udrea, T. Hasan, Machine-intelligent inkjet-printed α-Fe2O3/rGO towards NO2 detection in ambient humidity, Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical, 128446 (2020).

27. X. Zhu, L. W. T. Ng, G. Hu, T.-C. Wu, D.-S. Um, N. Macadam, T. Hasan, Hexagonal boron nitride- enhanced optically transparent polymer dielectric inks for printable electronics, Advanced Functional Materials, 202002339 (2020).

26. X. Jin, M. Zhang, G. Hu, Q. Wu, Z. Zheng, T. Hasan, Broad bandwidth dual-wavelength fiber laser simultaneously delivering stretched pulse and dissipative soliton, Optical Express 28, 5 (2020).

25. X. Jin, G. Hu, M. Zhang, T. Albrow-Owen, Z. Zheng, T. Hasan, Environmentally stable black phosphorus saturable absorber for ultrafast laser, Nanophotonics, 2019-0524 (2020).

24. T.-C. Wu, A. De Luca, Q. Zhong, X. Zhu, O. Ogbeide, D.-S. Um, G. Hu, T. Albrow-Owen, F. Udrea, T. Hasan, Inkjet-printed CMOS-integrated graphene-metal oxide sensors for breath analysis, npj 2D Materials and Applications 3, 42 (2019).

23. X. Feng, Y. Li, L. Wang, S. Chen, Z. G. Yu, W. C. Tan, N. Macadam, G. Hu, L. Huang, L. Chen, X. Gong, D. Chi, T. Hasan, A. V.-Y. Thean, Y.-W. Zhang, K.-W. Ang, A Fully printed flexible MoS2 memristive artificial synapse with femtojoule switching energy, Advanced Electronic Materials, 1900740 (2019).

22. L. W. T. Ng, X. Zhu, G. Hu, N. Macadam, D. Um, T. -C. Wu, F. L. Moal, C. Jones and T. Hasan, Conformal printing of graphene for single-and multilayered devices onto arbitrarily shaped 3D surfaces, Advanced Functional Materials, 1807933 (2019).

21. R. I. Woodward, M. R. Majewski, N. Macadam, G. Hu, T. Albrow-Owen, T. Hasan and S. D. Jackson, Q-switched Dy: ZBLAN fiber lasers beyond 3 μm: Comparison of pulse generation using acousto-optic modulation and inkjet-printed black phosphorus, Optics Express, 27, 15032-15045 (2019).

20. G. Hu, J. Kang, L. W. T. Ng, X. Zhu, R. C. T. Howe, M. Hersam and T. Hasan, Functional inks and printing of two-dimensional materials, Chemical Society Reviews, 47, 3265-3300 (2018).

19. X. Jin*, G. Hu*, M. Zhang, Y. Hu, T. Albrow-Owen, R. C. T. Howe, T.-C. Wu, Q. Wu, Z. Zheng and T. Hasan, 102 fs pulse generation from a long-term stable, inkjet-printed black phosphorus-mode-locked fiber laser, Optics Express, 26, 12506-12513 (2018).

18. X. Wang, Z. Wang, J. Zhang, X. Wang, Z. Zhang, J. Wang, Z. Zhu, Z. Li, Y. Liu, X. Hu, J. Qiu, G. Hu, B. Chen, N. Wang, Q. He, J. Chen, J. Yan, W. Zhang, T. Hasan, S. Li, H. Li, H. Zhang, Q.Wang, X. Huang and W. Huang, Realization of vertical metal/semiconductor heterostructures via solution-phase epitaxy, Nature Communications, 9, 3611 (2018).

17. T. Juntunen, H. Jussila, M. Ruoho, S. Liu, G. Hu, T. Albrow-Owen, L. W. T. Ng, R. C. T. Howe, T. Hasan, Z. Sun and I. Tittonen, Inkjet printed large-area flexible graphene thermoelectrics, Advanced Functional Materials 1800480 (2018).

16. D. Li, H. Jussila, Y. Wang, G. Hu, T. Albrow-Owen, R. C. T. Howe, Z. Ren, J. Bai, T. Hasan and Z. Sun, Wavelength and pulse duration tunable ultrafast fiber laser mode-locked with carbon nanotubes, Scientific Reports 8, 2738 (2018).

15. G. Hu, T. Albrow-Owen, X. Jin, A. Ali, Y. Hu, R. C. T. Howe, K. Shehzad, Z. Yang, X. Zhu, R. I. Woodward, T-C. Wu, H. Jussila, J-B., P. Peng, P. Tan, Z. Sun, E. J. R. Kelleher, M. Zhang, Y. Xu and T. Hasan, Black phosphorus ink formulation for inkjet printing of optoelectronics and photonics, Nature Communications 8, 278 (2017).

14. J. Wang, S. Lin, X. Liang, M. Wang, P. Yan, G. Hu, T. Albrow-Owen, S. Ruan, Z. Sun and T. Hasan, High-energy and efficient Raman soliton generation tunable from 1.98 to 2.29 µm in an all-silica-fiber thulium laser system, Optics Letters 42, 3518-3521 (2017).

13. H. Jussila, T. Albrow-Owen, H. Yang, G. Hu, S. Aksimsek, N. Granqvist, H. Lipsanen, R. C. T. Howe, Z. Sun and T. Hasan, New approach for thickness determination of solution-deposited graphene thin films, ACS Omega 2, 2630 (2017).

12. M. Chernysheva, A. Bednyakova, M. Al Araimi, R. C. T. Howe, G. Hu, T. Hasan, A. Gambetta, G. Galzerano, M. Rümmeli and A. Rozhin, Double-wall carbon nanotube hybrid mode-locker in Tm-doped fibre laser: A novel mechanism for robust bound- state solitons generation, Scientific Reports 7, 44314 (2017).

11. D. Dodoo-Arhin, R. C. T. Howe, G. Hu, P. Hiralal, G. Amaratunga, A. Bello, Y. Xua and T. Hasan, Inkjet-printed graphene electrodes for dye-sensitized solar cells, Carbon 105, 33-41(2016).

10. J. Wang, X. Liang, G. Hu, Z. Zheng, S. Lin, D. Ouyang, X. Wu, P. Yan, S. Ruan, Z. Sun and T. Hasan, 152 fs nanotube-mode-locked thulium-doped all-fiber laser, Scientific Reports 6, 28885 (2016).

09. S. Xu, F. Wang, C. Zhu, Y. Meng, Y. Liu, W. Liu, J. Tang, K. Liu, G. Hu, R. C. T. Howe, T. Hasan, R. Zhang, Y. Shi, Y. Xu, Ultrafast nonlinear photoresponse of single-wall carbon nanotubes: A broadband degenerate invest igation, Nanoscale 8, 9304-9309 (2016).

08. R. C. T. Howe, R. I. Woodward, G. Hu, Z. Yang, E. J. R. Kelleher and T. Hasan, Surfactant-aided exfoliation of molybdenum disulphide for ultrafast pulse generation through edge-state saturable absorption, Physica Status Solidi (B) 5, 911–917 (2016).

07. R. C. T. Howe, G. Hu, Z. Yang, T. Hasan, Functional inks of graphene, metal dichalcogenides and black phosphorus for photonics and (opto) electronics, 95530R, SPIE Nanoscience + Engineering (2015).

06. S. Santra*, G. Hu*, R. C. T. Howe, A. D. Luca, S. Z. Ali, S. K. Ray, F. Udrea, J. W. Gardner, P. K. Guha and T. Hasan, CMOS integration of inkjet-printed graphene for humidity sensing, Scientific Reports 5, 17374 (2015).

05. M. Zhang*, G. Hu*, G. Hu, R. C. T. Howe, L. Chen, Z. Zheng and T. Hasan, Yb- and Er-doped fiber laser Q-switched with a broadband WS2 saturable absorber, Scientific Reports 5, 17482 (2015).

04. R. I. Woodward, R. C. T. Howe, G. Hu, F. Torrisi, M. Zhang, T. Hasan and E. J. R. Kelleher, Few-layer MoS2 saturable absorbers for short-pulse laser technology: Current status and future perspectives (invited paper), Photonics Research 3, A30- A42 (2015). “Editor-in-Chief Choice” Award as a highest ranked paper in 2015 of the Journal

03. R. I. Woodward, R. C. T. Howe, T. H. Runcorn, G. Hu, F. Torrisi, E. J. R. Kelleher and T. Hasan, Wideband saturable absorption in few-layer molybdenum diselenide (MoSe2) for Q-switching Yb-, Er- and Tm-doped fiber lasers, Optics Express 23, 20051-20061 (2015).

02. M. Zhang, R. C. T. Howe, R. I. Woodward, E. J. R. Kelleher, F. Torrisi, G. Hu, S. V. Popov, J. R. Taylor and T. Hasan, Solution processed MoS2-PVA composite for sub- bandgap mode-locking of a wideband tunable ultrafast er:fiber laser, Nano Research 8, 1522-1534 (2015). Best Paper Awarad in 2017 of the Journal.

01. R. I. Woodward, E. J. R. Kelleher, R. C. T. Howe, G. Hu, F. Torrisi, T. Hasan, S. V. Popov and J. R. Taylor, Tunable Q-switched fiber laser based on saturable edge-state absorption in few-layer molybdenum disulfide (MoS2), Optics Express 22, 31113-31122 (2014).