- Principal Investigator, All-Optical Manipulation of Droplet Microfluidics Enabled by Fluorinated Gold Nanoparticles (HKD 873,995), HKSAR Research Grants Council (RGC) General Research Fund (GRF), Project No: 14204820, 09/01/2020-08/31/2023
- Principal Investigator, The Development of a Droplet Trap for the in-situ Detection of Enzymatic Activity - RMG01 (HKD 100,000), HKSAR University Grants Committee (UGC) Research Matching Grant Scheme, 06/01/2020-05/31/2021
- Co-Principal Investigator, Multi-scale Spatiotemporal Single-Cell In-Situ Analysis: Mechaanism and Biomedical Applications, Ref. C5011-19G, Collaboration Research Fund, HKSAR Research Grants Council, HK$ 2,349,052, 2019-20 Exercise, 05/01/2020-04/30/2021
- Co-Investigator, EggLogics Limited, Ref. TSU20MED17, CUHK Technology Start-up Support Scheme for Universities (TSSSU), HK$ 500,000, 04/17/2020-05/01/2021.
- Principal Investigator, Membrane Deformation Mediated Enzyme Loading into Erythrocytes via Microfluidics Spheroids (HKD 695,919), HKSAR Research Grants Council (RGC) General Research Fund (GRF), 2019-2021
- Co-Investigator, Lab-in-a-Tube Ultra-centrifuge with Optofluidics for Bioanalysis Applications (HKD 673,470), HKSAR Research Grants Council (RGC) General Research Fund (GRF), 2019-2021
- Co-Investigator, Plasmonic "Biosensor-in-a-Needle" - An Intravenous Catheter Platform for in vivo Enrichment and Detection of Biomarkers and Circulating Tumor Cells in Peripheral Blood (HKD 1,397,250), Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF), Seed Project, 2018-2020
- Principal Investigator, Development of an All-in-one Microfluidics Platform for Cultivation and Characterization of Multicellular Tumor Spheroids (HKD 582,000), HKSAR Research Grants Council (RGC) General Research Fund (GRF), 2017-2020
- Principal Investigator, High Speed Imaging System (HKD 545,028), CUHK Academic Equipment Grant, 2018
- Principal Investigator, Development of an Inertial Microfluidics Based Approach for the Isolation of Mitochondria from Biological Samples (HKD 746,000), Shun Hing Institute of Advanced Engineering, 07/01/2017-06/30/2019
- Principal Investigator, Integrated System for Multicellular Spheroids Production and Characterization (HKD 2,338,696), CUHK Start-up Fund, 09/01/2016-08/15/2019
- Principal Investigator, Development of a Novel Microfluidic System for the Isolation of Subcellular Organelles (HKD 150,000), CUHK Direct Grant for Research, 12/01/2016-11/30/2018
- Collaborator, GOALI: Graphene Paper Sensor for Disease Detection (USD 349,250), CBET Program, National Science Foundation, USA, 2015-2018
- Principal Investigator, Study and Quantitative Description of Nucleic Acid Condensation in Picoliter-Incubators (DKK 1,100,000), Scientific Project, Natural Science, The Lundbeck Foundation, Denmark, 2014-2016
- Principal Investigator, Controllable Spheroids Production for Future Cancer Diagnostics (DKK 535,392), Arvid Nilssons Fond, Denmark, 2014-2015
- Principal Investigator, Real-Time Measurement of the Regulatory Factors that Modify the Activity of DNA Interacting Enzymes (DKK 250,000), Equipment Grant, Carlsberg Foundation, Denmark 2013
- Principal Investigator, Probing Cancer from Single Cell (DKK 195,000), Karen Elise Jensens Fond, Denmark, 2012-2014
- Principal Investigator, Real Time Investigation of Single Cell Enzymatic Activity (DKK 3,744,129), The Danish Council for Independent Research, Technology and Production Sciences (FTP), Sapere Aude, DFF-Ung Eliteforsker, 2012-2015