Prosodic Grammar

〈漢語韻律語法現象輯要〉 (Download here)
Zhuang Huibin, Zhao Pusong “An Overview of Studies on Chinese Disyllabification” (Download here)
After a review of the previous studies, the present study points out that the foot shift account can explain the disyllabification of Chinese.
Laura J. Downing “The Prosodic Hierarchy in Chichewa: How many Levels?” (Download here)
This paper tests the validity of the three-level hypothesis by investigating the phonology of Chichewa, a Bantu language spoken in Malawi. Two challenges to the hypothesis emerge from this investigation. First, three levels of prosodic constituency is too parsimonious, as Chichewa, like many languages, provides evidence for another level, the Prosodic Stem (immediately dominated by Prosodic Word). The analysis also questions the universal validity of the three levels, as there is no strong evidence, at the phrasal level, for a Phonological Phrase domain distinct from Intonation Phrase. This paper argues for a middle path between extreme parsimony in the number of prosodic constituents admitted to the Prosodic Hierarchy and an empirically adequate theory which allows for more domains, when evidence for them can be provided.