Continuing Development (CEU)

Continuing Education develops your skills, keeps you current in your field, and plays a key role in assuring the quality of your services.

A Certified Career Services Provider (CCSP) is required to obtain 30 hours of Continuing Education Units (i.e. 30 CEUs) during each 3-year period of validity for the credential. All CEUs must relate to the 12 Career Development Competencies.

CCSPs should record all their CEUs in the Continuing Education Log downloadable from the NCDA Credential Holder.

For details of the process of credential renewal, please refer to p.7 of the Continuing Education Manual. There will also be a short briefing on credential application and renewal for participants before the end of each FCD programme.

Criteria for CEUs and Credential Renewal

For criteria of CEUs and other related information, you are free to access the Continuing Education Manual via the NCDA link.

For a sample list of CEU opportunities, please access the NCDA link below:

Other sources of continuing education outside of NCDA are partially listed inside the Continuing Education Manual which is updated periodically.

The School of Continuing and Professional Studies of CUHK is recognized as one of the Continuing Education Providers by NCDA and officially listed on their Directory:

CEUs offered by CUSCS

CUSCS, one of NCDA’s Continuing Education Providers (CE Providers), offers several enhancement modules for the continuing development of CCSPs:  

  • Group Facilitation for Career Development (PCCDF Module 4; 8 hours)
  • Advanced Facilitation Skills (PCCDF Module 5; 8 hours)
  • Assessment Tools and Practices (PCCDF Module 6; 8 hours)
  • Career Development Theories (PCCDF Module 7; 8 hours)
  • Facilitating Career Development for Specific Targets (PCCDF Module 8; 8 hours)

These five modules form part of the Professional Certificate in Career Development Facilitation** (PCCDF) Programme awarded by The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK).  A QF Level 5 programme and Continuing Education Fund (CEF) reimbursable, the PCCDF Programme covers the FCD Programme and fulfills CCSP renewal requirement for Continuing Education Units (CEUs).

Credentialed CCSPs or anyone with prior training in career development facilitation can enroll in the above modules separately as general courses for CEUs or their own professional development.  Please call 2209 0269 or email for enquiries.

For more information and/or enrolment in the Professional Certificate in Career Development Facilitation (PCCDF) programme:

** This course has been included in the list of reimbursable courses under the Continuing Education Fund. This course is recognised under the Qualifications Framework (QF Level 5).
CEF Course Code: 44K127745
CEF Course Name: Professional Certificate in Career Development Facilitation








