Subconsciousness Operation Handbook潜意识 “作业手册”
An Introduction to Handwriting and Use of Language笔迹学与语文使用习惯
隶书Calligraphy - Clerical Script
Certificate Programme for Library Assistants图书馆助理员训练证书课程
Certificate Programme in English Writing Skills for the Workplace在职英语写作技巧证书课程
Certificate Programme in Training of Rehabilitation Assistants and Trainers复康助理及训练员培训证书课程
House-Tree-Person (H-T-P) Personality Projection and Self-development「屋、树、人」性格分析与个人成长
书法的临摹与创作Imitation and Creative Calligraphy
图书馆管理 - 公共图书馆、专门图书馆与新闻媒体资料室 (网上模式)Library Management - Public Libraries, Special Libraries and the Media Reference Library (Internet Mode)
Practical Reading & Writing Skills实用写作及阅读技巧