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Practical Reading & Writing Skills

Course No. : 211-369102-01|Start Date : 14/04/2021

Admission Requirements

Level: elementary
(Secondary 3 education level)


CUSCS Instructor

Language Used

English and Cantonese

Total Hours

30 hour(s)




Tsim Sha Tsui Learning Centre

Start Date





19:00 - 21:30

Tuition Fee



General Short Courses

Course Enquiries

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Enrolment Enquiries

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This course includes a review of good sentence writing and paragraph writing skills. Particular attention will be paid to sentence cohesion, logical development and flow of ideas.

This course also focuses on the skills of making a distinction between facts and opinions; identifying key words and summarizing ideas. It helps participants develop effective reading skills.

After this course, participants may consider taking the course 'Writing Skills Workshop' to sharpen their writing skills.

* This is one of the modules of Certificate Programme in English (Elementary Level) and Certificate Programme in English Writing Skills for the Workplace


All applications will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis.

(a) For new applicants who would like to study this course as an individual short course:

Fill in the Enrollment Form for General Courses/Outline and Distance Learning Programmes
and send to: "Languages Programme Team, 1/F, Bank of America Tower, 12 Harcourt Road, Central, Hong Kong".

Or enroll it online

The school will notify you the progress by email.

(b) For new applicants applying for Certificate Programme in English (Elementary Level) or Certificate Programme in English Writing Skills for the Workplace ; OR

for existing students of either of the above two certificate programmes who would like to enroll in this module,

please refer to “7. Application” on the page of Certificate Programme in English (Elementary Level) or Certificate Programme in English Writing Skills for the Workplace

Progression Pathway

Level Course Code Status
Intermediate to Advanced Executive series - Writing an Effective Report in English 390255 Not Offer in March 2021
Intermediate to Advanced Practical Written Communication for Business 389104 Open for enrollment
Intermediate Business Correspondence Writing Workshop 389105 Open for enrollment
Intermediate Writing Skills Workshop 369104 Open for enrollment
Elementary Practical Reading and Writing Skills 369102 Open for enrollment