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Corporate Training

Hong Kong & Macau Clients

Since 1990, CUSCS has been providing tailor-made corporate training services to commercial corporations, charitable and nonprofit-making organisations, government departments, schools and universities in Hong Kong, the mainland China, Taiwan, Macau and Overseas. Our experienced and professional instructors, who identify the knowledge and skills required by corporate clients, design and deliver tailor-made training programmes to meet the various needs of corporate clients and enhance their competitiveness.


Clients of Corporate Training Services (Highlights) 




Contact Us


With years of corporate training experience, we design and provide tailor-made training programmes for the long-term development of our corporate clients. Please contact us for more information:

Phone: (852) 2209 0208
Facsimile: (852) 2603 6565
Download Request Form


Business & Management: Ms. Lai-yiu Yip (852) 2209 0227
Health: Ms. Angela Lee (852) 3111 7269
Information Technology: Mr. Andy Wong (852) 3943 9045
Languages & Communication: Mr. Kenta So (852) 3111 7276
Social Sciences & Education: Ms. Wendy Wu (852) 3111 7230




Types of Training Programmes


Business & Management




Information Technology

  • Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics
  • Business Software Training Workshops
  • Mobile Apps and Multimedia Production


Languages & Communication


Social Sciences & Education

  • Investigative Psychology
  • Team-building Activities
  • Workshop on Effective Coaching and Mentoring in the Workplace
  • DISC Workshop
  • Introduction to Art Therapy
  • Positive Psychology
  • Positive Discipline



Leading Change

Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to identify key milestones in the change management process and sensitize themselves critical emotions during the change management process.

Key Topics
  1. Change Management Process
  2. Preparing for change
    • Define your change management strategy (i.e. to define the approach needed to mange change given the unique situation of the project or initiative)
    • Prepare your change management team
    • Develop your sponsorship model
  3. Managing change
    • Develop change management plans
    • Take action and implement plans
  4. Reinforcing change
    • Collect and analyse feedback
    • Diagnose gaps and manage resistance
    • Celebrate and recognize success
  5. Sharings of Real Life Cases in Hong Kong
  6. Change Management Plan Formulation
Duration 7.5 hours
Enquiry Ms. Cheung Yan-yan (852) 2209 0208



Leading for Team Innovation

Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to identify characteristics of an innovative team, use simple ways to build an innovative team and enhance its effective operation and maintain the innovative sustainability.

Key Topics
  1. Pros and Cons of Team Innovation
  2. Characteristics of an Innovative Team
  3. Building an Innovative Team
    • Start by building a bigger box
    • Select the team for who they know as well as what they know
    • Pick a leader and provide him / her the autonomy he / she needs to be successful
    • Build a team that can both identify gaps in the market and markets in the gap
    • Find team members who tell great stories
  4. An Innovative Team Operates
    • Understand the difference between good and bad conflict
    • Supplement the innovation core team with an external provocateur
    • Remember to set goals and measure progress
    • Think like a startup entrepreneur
    • Ensure team members have "both feet in"
  5. How Successful Companies Sustain Innovation
    • Team-level Sustained Innovation
    • Organization-level Sustained Innovation
Duration 7.5 hours
Enquiry Ms. Cheung Yan-yan (852) 2209 0208



Occupational Safety and Health

Occupational safety and health is of paramount importance for any enterprise or organization to ensure a safe and healthy work environment, otherwise, costly risks and liabilities may result. Related workplace laws and regulations were enacted in Hong Kong decades ago. This course is to equip participants with knowledge and skills necessary for identifying general occupational safety and health hazards and potential risks in workplaces.

Key Topics

(1) Introduction of the Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance; (2) Accident Prevention and Investigation; (3) Process Control and Safety Precaution Measures; (4) Application the Safety Management System; (5) Pre-Work Risk Assessment (Checklist); (6) Hazard Identification Activity and Job related Exercise

Duration One-day programme
Enquiry Ms. Angela Lee (852) 3111 7269



English Business Writing

Training Course in Business English Writing aims to enhance participants’ English writing proficiency and their ability to spot writing errors. On completion of the course, it is hoped that students would be able to write effectively with appropriate words, structure, layout and sentence skills for different business documents. Materials used in this course would be authentic business documents, letters, leaflets and publications.

  • select appropriate writing styles for different types of business messages;
  • use appropriate stylistic and rhetoric;
  • write effectively with appropriate structure, format, tone, style and sentences in different types of business writing, such as letters, memos, complaints and e-mail;
  • reinforce the knowledge of different types of sentence structure, intonation and grammar.
Key Topics

(1) Knowledge of Business Writing; (2) Building Up a Powerful Vocabulary in Business Writing; (3) Format, Style and Layout; (4) Email & Memo; (5) Report Writing & Minutes; (6) Letter of Complaint & Handling Customers' Written Complaint; (7) Proposal; (8) Avoiding Redundancies and Overused Jargons

Duration 20 hours (10 sessions / 2 hours per session)
Enquiry Mr. Kenta So (852) 3111 7276



English Presentation Skills

English Presentation Skills, covering both theories and speech exercises, aims at equipping participants with skills in giving effective presentations or talks to their colleagues or the public. Upon completion of the course, participants should be able to identify contributing factors of effective presentations, apply skills learnt in their presentations and communicate accurately and professionally in business presentation and other oral communication contexts.

Key Topics

(1) Process of Preparing and Delivering an Effective Presentation; (2) Aims of Using AV; (3) Image and Professional Grooming in Handling Q & A; (4) Individual Exercises – Presentation

Duration 14 hours (2 days)
Enquiry Mr. Kenta So (852) 3111 7276



中文商業文書寫作 Chinese Business Writing


  • 辨認及糾正常見錯誤,寫出清楚達意、措詞得當的句子;
  • 選擇及運用恰當形式及結構,寫出格式規範、條理分明的商業文書;
  • 選擇及運用恰當語體風格,使行文莊重得體、符合機構形象。

(1) 事務書信; (2) 酬酢書信; (3) 電郵、便箋; (4) 公告、佈告、通告、啟事、聲明; (5) 會議記錄; (6) 計劃書、建議書; (7) 規章; (8) 覆投訴信; (9) 宣傳單張、公司網頁、產品介紹; (10) 內地公文與文化

課程時數 24小時 (12節)
查詢 蘇青偉先生 (852) 3111 7276



職務普通話 Job-related Putonghua


  • 使用漢語拼音作為拼讀普通話的工具;
  • 以發音比較標準的普通話表達與工作相關的用語;
  • 以比較規範的詞彙及語言形式,在工作場合用普通話與人溝通。

(1) 介紹自己、機構、職位、工作範圍; (2) 應酬聊天、與工作相關時事討論; (3) 會議發言與討論; (4) 推介產品與服務; (5) 回覆查詢及投訴; (6) 接待內地客人; (7) 商務活動及商貿談判、語言表達禁忌; (8) 宴會、祝酒、演講

課程時數 24小時 (12節)
查詢 蘇青偉先生 (852) 3111 7276



粵語正音工作坊 Cantonese Pronounciation Workshop


  • 對粵音知識有一基本的了解,能使用(網上)字典作為自學的工具;
  • 掌握糾正懶音的方法,能以練習逐步改善發音的準確度及清晰度;
  • 辨認及糾正常見錯讀字,能使用比較標準的粵語與人溝通。

(1) 語音符號; (2) 粵音九聲; (3) 調聲法; (4) 粵語標音; (5) 日常錯讀字; (6) 文讀與白讀


課程時數 4小時 (半天)
查詢 蘇青偉先生 (852) 3111 7276



廣東話入門課程 Introduction to Cantonese


  • 基本掌握香港廣州話語音系統基礎知識,能使用字典作為自學工具;
  • 使用香港廣州話在日常生活中與人交際溝通,對本地生活及文化有較多認識;
  • 使用香港廣州話在工作場合與人溝通,提高工作效益。

(1)「漢語拼音方案」及「廣州話拼音方案」; (2) 聲母、韻母、聲調; (3) 香港廣州話詞彙及俗語; (4) 香港廣州話語法及句式; (5) 日常生活交際用語; (6) 商務活動交際用語; (7) 相關機構常用語

課程時數 24小時 (12節)
查詢 蘇青偉先生 (852) 3111 7276



Investigative Psychology

Nowadays, people face a number of social problems at the workplace, e.g. sexual harassment, lying, theft, or gambling addiction. They will become pressures to one's family life and therefore ways to prevent and treatment of them are significant.


This training workshop aims to help participants understand the causes and identify ways to prevent the cases of sexual harassment, lying, theft, gambling addiction and suicide from a psychological approach. They will also be assisted to analyze the causes of family crises; and develop the skills for family crisis management.

Key Topics

(1) Definition of and ways to prevent and handle sexual harassment; (2) Lying & theft: Factors and Lie-detecting; (3) Gambling Addiction: Types, causes, prevention and treatment; (4) Conflict & Peacemaking in Family & Understanding Suicide

Duration 12 hours
Enquiry Ms. Wendy Wu (852) 3111 7230



Clients of Corporate Training Services (Highlights)


Hong Kong

  • Immigration Department
  • General Grades Office, Civil Service Bureau
  • Official Languages Division, Civil Service Bureau
  • Civil Service Training and Development Institute
  • The Hong Kong Judiciary
  • Hong Kong Housing Society
  • Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong
  • Customs and Excise Department
  • Hong Kong Fire Services Department
  • Hong Kong Police Force
  • The Treasury
  • Education Bureau
  • Planning Department
  • Labour Department
  • Department of Health
  • Environmental Protection Department
  • Correctional Services Department
  • Urban Renewal Authority
  • Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority
  • Hong Kong Trade Development Council
  • Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic & Vocational Qualifications
  • Occupational Safety and Health Council
  • Hospital Authority
  • Hong Kong Arts Development Council
  • Schaeffler Hong Kong Co. Limited
  • Fujitec (HK) Co. Ltd.
  • Po Leung Kuk
  • Kwong Wah Hospital
  • Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital
  • Qualifications Framework Secretariat
  • Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority
  • Tung Wah Group of Hospitals
  • MTR Corporation
  • Taifook Securities Group Limited
  • CITIC Ka Wah Bank
  • Bank of China (Hong Kong)
  • Bank of China International Holdings Limited
  • The Sumitomo Trust Finance (HK) Ltd
  • China Merchants Securities (HK) Co. Limited
  • Hang Seng Bank Limited
  • HSBC Private Bank (Suisse) SA
  • Mitsubishi Elevator Hong Kong Co. Ltd
  • Hong Kong CSL Limited
  • Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation
  • Royal Medic
  • Solomon SysTech Limited
  • Chiang Industrial Charity Foundation (HK) Limited
  • SEB Asia Limited
  • NTT Com Asia Limited
  • VSL-Intrafor Hong Kong
  • Kowloon True Light School
  • Hospitality Industry Training & Development Centre and Chinese Cuisine Training Institute (HITDC & CCTI)
  • Po Leung Kuk Ngan Po Ling College
  • Personnel Office, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • MBA Programmes, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • School of Accountancy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Vocational Training Council
  • Government Logistics Department
  • The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
  • Hong Kong Pei Hua Education Foundation Limited
  • True Light Girls' College
  • Po On Commercial Association Wan Ho Kam Primary School
  • Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service



  • University of Macau
  • Macau Association for Continuing Education