Teaching and Learning Events

TALENTS (Teaching And Learning ENrichmenT Sharing) Lunch Seminar Series
  • Sharing Session by Prof. YEH Ping-Cheng Benson, Director of MOOC Programme, National Taiwan University (15 May 2015)
  • Tools in Producing Micro Modules" by Dr. WONG Tsz Yeung, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, CUHK (7 August 2015) 
  • "Teaching ELITE Stream Courses: Information and Sharing Session" by Prof. SO Man Cho Anthony, Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, CUHK (4 September 2015)
  • "Flipping a class: First-hand experiences of a first-year flipper" by Prof. Sidharth JAGGI, Department of Information Engineering, and Prof. Paul LAM, Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research, CUHK (6 November 2015)
  • "Sharing of 3-minute Teaching Tips" by Faculty Members (4 December 2015)
  • "Development of Education Apps" by Mr. Raymond YUEN and Mr. William LEUNG, KEEP (29 January 2016)
  • "Doing Pedagogical Research in Classroom" by Prof. SO Man Cho Anthony, Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, CUHK (29 April 2016)
  • "How Can Academic Staff Help Students - Mental Health First Aid" by Dr. Ada YUEN, Student Counsellor (Head of Section), Student Counselling and Development Service, Office of Student Affairs, CUHK (6 May 2016)
  • "Teaching ESTR Courses: Information and Sharing Session" by Prof. SO Man Cho Anthony, Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, CUHK (29 August 2016)
  • "Get Started for New Academic Year" by Prof. KING Kuo Chin Irwin, Associate Dean (Education), Faculty of Engineering, CUHK (2 September 2016)
  • "Sharing of 3-minute Teaching Tips" by Faculty Members (28 October 2016)
  • "Learner-Centred Teaching and Learning Activities" by Prof. LU Yi Chun, Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, CUHK (9 December 2016)
  • "Faculty-Based eLearning Sharing Session" by Prof. Cecilia CHUN, Director of CLEAR, Prof. Alan CHEUNG, Associate Dean (Undergraduate Studies), Faculty of Education, Prof. Wilfred LAU and Dr. CHAN To, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Prof. Helen MENG, Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, and Prof. Sidharth JAGGI, Department of Information Engineering, CUHK (10 February 2017)
  • “CUHK + UniMelb = Fable-based Learning + A Tale of Two Cities” by Prof. Jimmy LEE, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, CUHK (17 March 2017)
  • “Direct Evidence of Engineering Students' Generic Skills Learning” by Prof. CHAN Yuen Yan Rosanna, Department of Information Engineering, CUHK (8 December 2017)
  • “TDLEG Micro-Modules Production & Management Sharing Session” by Mr. Rudi CHOW, Faculty Media Studio, Faculty of Engineering, CUHK (19 January 2018)
  • “Impact of Information Technology on Business Operations: Challenges and Opportunities” by Prof. CHENG Chun Hung, Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, CUHK (23 February 2018)
  • "Sharing of Teaching Experience" by Faculty members (11 May 2018)
  • “Assessment Literacy for All” by Cecilia CHUN, Director, Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research, CUHK (26 October 2018)
  • “Project Development and Training for Biomedical Engineering Interns” by Ir. Prof. Albert KF Poon, Hospital Engineering Consultant, Adventist Hospital; Professor of Practice (Biomedical Engineering), HKPU (30 November 2018)
  •  “MOOC? And How to MOOC?” by Prof. CHAN Mansun, Chair Professor, Dept. of Electronic and Computer Engineering, HKUST (14 December 2018)
  • “A comprehensive flipped classroom/eLearning environment for teaching Engineering Mathematics: A case study” by Prof. Sidharth JAGGI, Department of Information Engineering, CUHK (25 January 2019)
  • “Sharing of Teaching Experience - New SEEM Members' Perspectives” by Prof. Dohyun AHN and Prof. Hoi-To WAI, Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, CUHK (1 March 2019)
  • “Teaching Robotics Interactively through Hands-On Lectures and Application-Based Project” by Prof. Darwin LAU, Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, CUHK (29 March 2019)
  • “CSE Teacher Sharing” by Mr. Michael P.F. FUNG, Dr. Siu Hang OR, Dr. Yat Chiu LAW and Dr. Chuck Jee CHAU, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, CUHK (26 April 2019)


Past Events 
  • First Brainstorming Session (FCC and FTLC members) (18 October 2013)
  • Second Brainstorming Session (FCC and FTLC members) (20 December 2013)
  • Briefing Session on Outcome-Based Accreditation by HKIE (28 April 2014)
  • "How to flip the classroom well" by Prof. YEH Ping-Cheng Benson, a joint workshop co-organized by the Faculty of Engineering and the Center for Learning Enhancement and Research, CUHK (24 October 2014)
  • Class Visits of all Faculty foundation courses (19 January 2015 - 2 March 2015)